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After a little while, I finally found who I had been looking for.

"Mayu Suzumoto!" I called over to the girl sitting in the corner of the room with two other girls. While I made my way over, the trio looked up at me. One of them smiled, while the other two exchanged confused looks.


As Mayu greeted me, the two with her looked even more confused. Thinking about it, I'd seen these two around here a lot, though I'd never known their names. "Um, you know her?"

"Sayuri has always been a close friend to me and Shi-" Before Mayu had a chance to finish, one of the girls jumped in.

"You mean that guy you've got a thing for?" the first girl asked. She looked me over, and I couldn't help but feel that it wasn't meant to be just a friendly look.

The other girl, having picked up on something that Mayu and I seemed to have missed, then stood up and made a circle around me."You know, if she was so close with him, that makes her competition."

This conversation had just taken a weird turn. As much as I liked him, I never considered him as anything more than a good friend. His heart belonged to Mayu and I wanted him to be with her more than anything.

"That reminds me," I said, hoping to change the subject before these two gave Mayu any weird ideas. She came up with weird enough things on her own anyway. "I talked to him earlier."

"You did?"

"He was annoyed that I hadn't been answering my phone and then he asked me to look out for you."

From there I went on to explain everything he'd told me. After that, we told each other what had happened since returning from Heavenly Host. However, I felt it best to leave out anything relating to Sachiko that Mayu didn't already know. No point in giving her any reason to worry, right?

"Has anyone been giving you any trouble?" I asked. Sakutaro wasn't the only one who had been worried about her. Even if I'd had too much on my mind to think much about my friends, somewhere in the back of my mind, I worried for them.

Mayu hesitated and looked away before answering me. "Not really..." She wasn't the type to lie, but I couldn't help but feel like there was something she wasn't saying. I quickly glanced over at her two friends.

The more talkative one seemed to pick up on my unasked question. "Shimada's been hitting on her a lot," she said, sounding almost disgusted by it.

Shimada? Oh right, Kai. Hearing that he was hitting on her really didn't surprise me. From what I'd heard in my time here, Kai seemed to be a bit of a player. Assuming that all the rumors I'd heard were true anyway... "Does that bother you?"

"A little..." Mayu admitted.

"I'll do something about that for you," I told her, making a mental note to have a little talk with him later on.

"Hey there, Suzumoto." Speak of the devil...

The four of us turned to the source of the voice. Mayu looked uncomfortable

"Hey Kai!"

"What are you doing here, Bunny?"


"I was just having a little talk with Mayu about her boyfriend back home." Sakutaro may not actually be her boyfriend, but he was certainly close enough. Besides, saying that she had a boyfriend might make him back off. Turning to Mayu and her friends, I then answered their question. "Bunny is the name he's called me since we were kids."

"Sounds like you two are pretty close," said the first girl, whose name I learned was Nina. The other girl, Kanna, quickly picked up on what her friend was really meaning.

"Like boyfriend-girlfriend close." And yet another weird turn in the conversation.

"No way in hell." The way I said it sounded like I merely just politely saying no thank you to something offered to me. "Kai's a great guy and all, but I'm not interested in him like that."

"Sayuri's never interested in anyone," Mayu corrected me. Things were started to look like they were going to take another weird turn. Can't let that happen...

Better change the subject before things get said that I'd rather not have the whole world knowing. "Anyway, I was going to look for you." Again, Kai was surprised.


I just smiled at him. "I was gonna see if you were up for a bit of fun."


Mayu's sentence was interrupted by her friend Nina. "I think his idea of 'fun' is a lot different than yours," she said. My guess was that she was trying to making it look like she was looking out for me. But I was already well aware of how Kai was.

"I highly doubt that."

Kai raised an eyebrow. "Didn't think you were that kinda girl, Bunny."

Before I was able to say anything, Mayu started to speak. "Sayuri's al-" She was quickly cut off by my hand covering her mouth. The people here already had a bad enough impression of me; the last thing I needed was for it to be even worse.

"Mayu, if you're about to say what I think you're going to, don't." My voice was calm, and maybe a little bit threatening, When she nodded, I slowly moved my hand away. "Anyway, what do you say, Kai?"

Once he'd accepted my offer, the two of us left Mayu and her somewhat annoying friends. To be honest, I'd rather be back in Heavenly Host than deal with those two again.

"Oh yeah," I said, suddenly remembering what I was thinking of before I'd spoken to Sakutaro. My theory on the flashbacks... Turning to my friend, I asked him for his assistance. If necessary, I was sure I could bribe him into helping. "Care to help me with a little experiment as well?"

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