Please Let Me Find Him!

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Please let me get there in time! I thought over and over as I ran.

I had no clue where I was going, but it didn't matter. All I knew was that I had to find him. Before, I'd followed where Sachiko guided me. Now I was following where my heart was telling me. I couldn't give up! If I couldn't return with him, I wouldn't return at all.

I'd gone through countless hallways and down several staircases. Why couldn't I have found him first? That would have saved so much trouble. But maybe the other 'Sachiko' had been hiding him from the beginning. She could have so easily pulled this trap on me at any time, but why now? Was she trying to force me to the breaking point? Or did she simply enjoy the level of torture this was was for me?

Please let me find him! I silently begged.

Suddenly I found myself in a small room. On the floor near the center was a pentagram drawn on the floor. About five feet from the wall near the edge of the gigantic drawing was Sakutaro's body.

I rushed forward and pulled him to me. What I should have done was revive him then and there, but I was so happy to finally find him, I'd forgotten all about everything. Hugging him once more, despite the fact he was still dead, made me feel so content and safe.

A loud rumbling from the floor brought my attention back to reality. This wasn't over. The floor fell open like an enormous trapdoor. I was right at the edge, with his body hanging over a dark pit.

At the bottom of the pit were hundreds of long spikes, standing ready to impale anyone who should fall. Sakutaro would be fine if he fell since he was already dead, but I would be a goner for sure.

Almost as if she were reading my thoughts, flames sprung up around the spikes. Yeah, neither of us stood a chance if we fell.

I had a hold of him, but there was no way I could hold his weight long. My arms were wrapped around his chest just under his arms as tight as I could hold, but I still felt him slipping.

"No... No. No. No!" I couldn't hold him much longer. "No! I promised." Tears were starting to form in my eyes. Then I had it! If I could just revive him, Sachiko could send him back out of here. He'd be out of the other 'Sachiko's' reach. But with him facing me, my hand couldn't reach his heart, the one place it had to be.

Reaching my arm far enough around to grab the other, I managed to reach my other hand to the front of him. He was slipping even more. I had to hurry.

Once again, she knew what I'd been thinking. The floor beneath me started creaking and collapsing. Suddenly, the boards beneath me gave out, hurling both of us into the pit.

But she had been too late. I was alone when I reached the bottom.

However, when I hit the ground, there was no fire, no spikes, nothing. It was just cold hard ground. Nothing felt broken, but I definitely hurt.

"I... I kept my promise... Mayu..." That was all I said before everything around me disappeared into nothingness.

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