Chapter 06 -At the Hospital-

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"Okay, that is good to know. Can you tell me about the other employees here, most Precisely the ones who knew mikan personally?" I said while taking notes of every important detail I could hear from her.

"Well yes, first there is Maria, she is new in the establishment, she is really friendly and nice even tho she can be quite intrusive sometimes."

"Go on.."
"Then there is Olivia and Anna, Olivia is the oldest here, she is a really strong woman, while Anna is more of the shy type."

"You seem to know them quite well." Asked Chiaki in a questioning tone.

"Oh not so much, but you know it happens that we meet at the break time, and you know how are girls..., they like to talk a lot about their lives, so we happened to get to know each other pretty well." She said in a joking tone.

"Well, we would like to interrogate these girls, with who would you think we should start?" I asked.

"Well, you can start with Olivia since she is the oldest, I guess she would know more about Mikan, then you can interrogate Anna and Maria."

"That's sounds good." Said Chiaki, standing next to me.
"I'm calling her for you to come." She said joyfully.

We both nodded in unison, walking away while she was calling the girl to come.

We discussed for a moment before we saw someone coming toward us.

"Yes? I believe I have been demanded." It was a tall lady with grey hair and a white nurse uniform.

We finished talking with Miss Olivia and with Miss Anna, Even tho we didn't learn many things about the case from them.
None of them knew about mikan's family, Nor who could have wanted to kill her, at least that what they said.
None of them were at the Hospital when the murder occurred and they both have allibies.
Only Anna didnt seemed to be sad about her death.

Now, here I think Miss Maria is the last one we will have to interrogate.

'I'm not losing hope, I know we will learn something important out of this.' Is what I thought when we saw her coming.

"Yes, Yes, I'm here." We heard a young girl's voice saying, she had a big smile taking all over her face, and she seemed more interested in what was going on in her head than in the real life."

"There maria, are the Detective and his friend I told you about, they want to ask you some questions about mikan." Explained the secretary.

"I'm maria Smith, here to answer your questions, sir!" She said joyfully.
", you must know that your friend and colleague Mikan Tsumiki had been killed?"

"Yes, I've recently been informed of her unfortunate.. she was so nice and kind. How could this happen.." she said changing her warm smile to a sadder expression.

"she was killed yesterday night."
"Mikan..killed..." she murmured to herself.

"Yes, her body had been found by her friend Mahiru Koizumi, they were supposed to meet with a 'bunch of friends', but she never showed up," I said re-reading my notes.
"And so..!? Did you find who is the horrible character who did this to the precious mikan??" She shouted.

"N-No... that is why we came here in the first place," I said.
"Oh, Yes obviously." She corrected herself.
"We wished you could tell us where were you the night of the crime." Asked Chiaki.
"Oh! You want my alibi?!" She said excited, she must not be used to that kind of things.

She looked at Chiaki then at me before she spoke "Well, actually I stayed late this night, I have been working the whole day. You know I really love being here, and being able to help all these people it is such an amazing job I have."

"I see, so you were with her the whole day?" I inquired.

"Yes, I mean we were both taking care of different patients in different places, but we were both working together in away." She said thoughtfully.

"Have you seen anything unusual about her?"
"Hmm.. I don't think so, I'm sorry." She said looking at the ground.

"Then maybe a weird-looking patient or something.." continued Chiaki, trying to make her remember something.

"Well, now that you say it.. there was indeed something." She said.. thinking.

"Really, And what was it?" I asked.

"There was that guy, he came twice, and twice asked to be healed by Mikan herself."

"Did she seemed to know him?"

"Yes, when he came for the first time mikan seemed to know him, so she accepted to take care of him first."

"What did he had?" Asked Chiaki curiously.

"I think he had a broken leg if I recall.., his left leg was injured." She finally said.

"And... what did he looked like?" I inquired.

"He was tall and handsome, probably older than myself, he was..pale-skinned and..white-haired...male" she said thoughtfully then she added "oh! And he was wearing a green jacket."

"Thank you," I said writing it all down in my notebook.

"Anything else? Did you see him leave the place with her that night?" I proposed.

"No, if I remember well, he came in the morning and left in the afternoon, Mikan had left the Hospital alone that night...even tho I told her not to do so... I asked her if she wanted me to come with her... but she refused." She said almost in tears.

"It's okay, It's not your fault, it is the murder's fault," I reassured her by patting her shoulder.

"Do you remember the name of the man who came here yesterday?" I then asked...

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