Chapter 09

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"We will probably meet again, and I will ask him to give me another number, I am sorry for the time wasted," I said, hoping she still believes me.

"There's no problem." She said calmly.
I then ended the call and glanced at Chiaki.

"Well, now we know where to find our suspect," I said as I tried not to show too much enthusiasm.

"At Bagel Restaurant." She said joyfully as the inspector got back in the room.

"You already ended the call?" He asked regretting that he missed it.

"Yes, did you find what was that sound?" I asked.
"It was a cup who has fallen from the table." He said.

"How is that?" I inquired confused.
"I do not know, no one was present." He replidd
"No one?" Asked Chiaki puzzled
"Isn't there supposed to be people working here at night too?" I asked.

We were not exactly the night, but almost, it was late in the afternoon and the sky was already dark.

"I was surprised too. There were only the general, and he said that everyone was somehow out, taking a break, or whatever other things." He said.

"That is really unlikely," I murmured.
"Yes, well we shouldn't be focusing on that for now." He said.

"And what about the suspect?" Continued Chiaki.

"It is already late, and Bagel restaurant will close in a little more than an hour, there is no point in going there now," I said.

"And how do you know that?" He asked suspiciously.
"Well..uh...I used to go there sometime, so I know when they are open and when they are not." I said embarrassed.

The inspector didn't make any comment, he simply continued.
"So you're going there tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yes, hopefully they wont know we are coming, the phone girl said that she wouldn't tell him we called," I said.

"And what if she does?"

"Well, assuming he is indeed the murderer... I presented myself as one of his friends, but he will likely get suspicious if he never gave this phone number to any of his friends. I will then get something to defend myself, and if he tries to run away...I suppose I will arrest him." I said confidently.

"Arrest him?" He inquired "You are not a police officer."

"Yes, but he doesn't have to know about that." Answered the gamer next to me.

We left and I accompanied Chiaki to her place as it was now deep dark outside.

She also almost fell asleep several times as we were walking, so I decided to carry her on my back, where she actually fell asleep.
I started thinking about whether it was a good idea to let her help me with this case, I don't want to put her in danger.

Arrived at her apartment I realized that I didn't have the keys, so I woke her up and I left to go back home.
I opened the door and got in, I turned the light on as I slowly closed the door behind me.
I could feel a light breeze coming from the kitchen.
I winced and got to see why was that.
I entered the kitchen and turned the lights on.
But nothing...
The breeze had stopped as I got in.
I think I had expected the french window to be open again?
I laughed at myself and at how silly it sounded...
But I still verified that nothing changed place and that nothing had been stolen.
I then got to bed, and let myself fall into a deep sleep.

Tomorrow morning.
I woke up, The alarm was ringing...
I stopped it and took my phone to look at the time.
10 am.. 4 notifications.
I sat on my bed and looked at them.

2 texts from an unknown number.
I opened them, it was saying.
[Send at 8 am.]
-"Heyy! Its Mahiru! Hope you didn't forget that we had a date for today..."

'Is it really a date?'

-"There is the place... [insert an address of a restaurant.]"

Wow, That's a pretty chic restaurant!

I don't think I ever ate there..the food is way too expensive anyway, And it's only full of richs.
Nothing like the casual and friendly atmosphère of Bagel restaurant.

I will probably be broke right after, but I don't really think I have that much of a choice...

-"No I didn't forget. Dont worry. see you there!"
I replied.

I opened the two other Texts...It's from Chiaki this time...
[Send at 9 am.]
-"Hey Hajime! Are you up?"
-"don't forget we have to go to Bagel restaurant today, text me back when you can."

I immediately replied.

-"Of course I remember! How was I supposed to forget?"

Does she think I'm dumb.

-"I dunno... Just be ready."

-"I'm coming. Meet you there at 11 am."

-"Weren't you the one saying that I was taking this case too much at heart?"

Chiaki is typing......

-"Yes, but it was only because I saw you were getting nowhere, I didn't want you to go crazy or to sacrifice your sleep because of this."

-" says the one who sacrifices her sleep for her video games..."

Chiaki is typing...

-"It's not the same."

I ended the conversation as I threw my phone on the bed and got up.

Okay... so I now have two dates to get ready for.
I looked at the time...

"I still have time before I will have to join Chiaki.." I thought out loud.

I got to my closet and searched for something to wear for the date with Mahiru.

"I don't think I even have something made for this kind of events.."
I said to myself as I continued searching.
I then found an old black suit, the one I was wearing when I was still in... High school, wow that was a long time ago.
It was the time where I met Chiaki and Kazuichi who both became my best friends until now.
I also had met Mahiru and a bunch of other people.
High School...the time where I was still searching for who I truly was.
I wanted to find my own talent.

Chiaki had always loved video games, she would say that she wants to create her own one day.
Kazuichi was passionated about mechanics.
While Mahiru has always been passionated by photography.

It felt like everyone in the school had something that made them special.

But for me, I was not really interested in anything... I was just...Average.

But likely for me, after High School, I finally round the perfect job for me, something that really interested me.. Solving mysteries.
And that's why I became a Detective.
I took the suit from the closet and stared at it.

"It's not like I had anything else to wear anyway, I just have to make sure it still fits me." I thought out loud.

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