Chapter 12

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"Can you see him?" Asked Chiaki.

"No, he is not here." I sighed. "Maybe he got to a café or something to take his lunch."

"Maybe, but what if… he got suspicious and decided to leave?" Replied Chiaki worried.

"It is a possibility, but we should still look for him, if he really left.. it's gonna be impossible for us to catch him again," I said convinced.
"That is true" answered Chiaki, frowning.

We walked a little further when we hit a coffe shop, where we decided to enter.

I pushed the door and entered with Chiaki, The place was full of clients, we stood at the door looking around for any familiar face.
"I don't see him anywhere," I said.

"Maybe we should ask someone?" Suggested Chiaki.

I glanced at her and I got to a servant and demanded. "Hmm, excuse me, Have you seen someone enter here… he is a skinny white-haired man with a pale face and is wearing a dark green zipper coat?"

As I spoke softly, she had come closer to hear me better.
She then stopped to think about it and looked around for someone in the room who could match my description.

She then pointed a man at the real end of the room seating at a table alone and she said "Is him you talkin' about?" She asked while chewing a gum.
I turned to look where she was pointing at. The man was indeed white-haired.

"I think so…, thank you!" I thanked her as I tried to find my way in the crowd of people.

I finally hit his table at stared at his back.

"Hey, you!" I yelled before I realized. The man I had in front of me was a white-haired man… but he was NOT Nagito Komaeda.
"What's up?" Responded the man irritated..

I pouted and got back to Chiaki after I had apologized to the man who was sitting here.

"What's wrong?" Asked Chiaki curiously.

"It's not him," I said in disappointment as I headed to get out of this hell full of people.
I pushed the door and I got out with Chiaki still by my side.

"So, that means he really left." Sighed Chiaki as we walked together.

"He is going to kill his last victim, and we won't be able to stop him… I failed." I said staring at the ground…

"Don't say that." She continued "maybe we still have a chance to catch him." Said Chiaki trying to cheer me up.

'To catch him' so whe definitely thinks him…
I mean.. at this point, there isnt really other options I can think of too.

"And how so?" I questionned groaning.

"As you said it, he will kill his last victim, it may be that, our last chance to catch him." She said.

"Huh… sure, but it is still my fault if we missed him this time." I sighed.

"Don't blame yourself, it was not 'your fault' ." She said with a cheering smile.

We were still walking, we passed next to a public bench in a green area, when I heard someone calling me.

"Hey, Hinata-Kun! Funny that we meet again."

'I remember that voice.'

I turned already knowing who I will be facing.

"Komaeda?!" I cried.

'I was looking for you for the last 15 fucking minutes where the hell were you?!?' Is what I would have said if we were actually friends.

"How are you doing Hinata? Hm.. You can come if you want!" He said as he pushed himself to the side to let me sit. "Oh! and Chiaki too obviously."

"You can call me Nanami." Coldly Answered Chiaki.

"As you wish Nanami." He said correcting himself.
While I stood there, speechless, we were definetly not prepared to meet him in such a random place, as we had thought he had run away.

"I am sorry I had to leave before I could serve you.." He apologized in too much of a sad voice.

"So, I decided I'd buy you two something to eat." He said as he handed us two bags.

Both Chiaki and I took our respective bag and we opened it looking at each other with a puzzled expression.

Mine had a crustless sandwich with a small bottle of orange Juice.

While in Chiaki's bag were also a Bagel and a soda.

"I'm sorry Nanami I didn't know what you would like to eat so I bought you a Bagel."

"Why?" I cried.

"Well.. It's almost 1 pm and you still didn't eat anything by my fault."

"How did you know we will be here to buy us this food." Asked Chaiki suspiciously.

'I can tell she is definitely not eating any of this food… ' I assumed.

"I didn't." He replied a completely serious face. "I simply guessed you guys would come."

"You.. guessed?" Yelped Chiaki puzzled.

"Yeah, it is the only thing I am good for anyway.." he said sighing.

"Okay, now just stop this!" Shouted Chiaki.

"What do you mean?" He asked politely.

"You knew we were here and that's why you left." She affirmed.

"No, no, I assure you, it is not because of you that I have left! I dont want you to think it was the case.. " He said waving his arms to indicate a no.

"Weren't you supposed to be at the café anyway?" Asked Chaiki impatiently.

"I don't understand what you are saying Nanami. But if you mean that café next to the restaurant, I don't like going here, there are way too many people, I prefer to stay by myself." He explained.

'I think Chiaki is losing it. I will be taking the lead.' I thought.

"Komaeda.." he turned to face me with a too innocent questioning look.

"What Chiaki is trying to say is that we have some questions to ask you." I finally said.
Chiaki simply nodded and he answered.

"Well sure, if it's only that." He smiled.

"Okay, well," I started.

To be honest, I was kinda intimidating, there were chances that the man who was now in from of me, is the same man I have been overworking myself for weeks to find, that same man who was so far from me yet so close to me during all that time.

I felt the same way I had felt when I had to lead my very first interrogation.

"Komaeda, tell me, did you know about a Mikan Tsumiki?" I asked as I tried to call his name to sound more confident.

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