Chapter 1

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Red. It's a funny colour, several meanings, several places all completely opposing one another. Even the word is weird. Why red? R. E.D. What makes those letters special enough to describe the colour of an elegant poppy, long soft hair, or even blood. The warm liquid that runs around our body to keep us alive or can kill us all off. You'd think our body would come with a back up generator, for the time you're running out of blood and have no where else to turn to get some. One of the many fatal flaws of humanity.

But the flaws of humanity are a benefit for some. They lead him to victory.

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The enchantment on the shackles was particularly strong today. No room to wriggle my wrists so i could create a new blister or bring my hands in front of me so i could pick at my nails. Dean had just marked yet another line on the stone behind his bed and Susan was tapping her bare toes on the stone almost in time with the beating sound coming from the other side of the door. Micheal had been shuffling around for the past ten minutes, shaking his lower body repeatedly. The clattering of wood came from his direction then the clunking of the heavy metal chains. The door flew open, and two silver masked men strode in and one dug his heel in to Micheal's hand whilst the other snapped the wand and tossed it into the hole in the middle of the room. The taller one shot a spell at the chains making them shatter, the other chucked Micheal over one shoulder. They marched out, their heeled shoes leaving an echo, and slammed the door shut behind them, replacing the jinx that had been destroyed. We all sat silent, traumatised by the force of the steal, but why were we to be surprised again.

Shrieks of pain and vicious thuds came from outside until it all fell silent, and a body was flopped through the small hole in the top of the wall. Yet another cracked skeleton to add to the decomposing pile. I brought my knees to my chest and let out a stifled sob. I wanted to go. Dean fought his way to his feet and started shouting, charging as far to the door as the shackles would allow him.

" LET US FUCKING GO!" He cried, his voice full of anger yet desperation and plea. " Let us go..."

Two knocks made the door shudder and a voice boomed, "you know the deal."


The door aggressively swung open once more and the same two masked men stormed in and snatched up Dean. I watched them both as they did the deed with such pride and pleasure. Just before they walked back out, the one that had broken the chains stopped and turned slowly until he met my water-filled eyes. I stared back, trying to meet the same intensity but instead tears trickled down my cheeks and he disappeared through the door.

This time there was no cries of pain or vigorous beatings, just a small noise that made my heart sink to my stomach . Dean had done what he vowed to me never to do. I wiped the teardrops on my shoulder and remained in the corner, knees to my chest, shaking from the cold, my only way to be free was to rebel. Hannah hissed at me, gesturing with her eyes towards the door then nodding over to the empty places in the tower. I hadn't noticed the  decreasing number of people and the rapidly growing number of bodies in the corner. They were wiping us out a lot quicker then when they first started. We're the making room for more people?

Just as i pondered with the thought, the locked on the door clicked and the green illumination around the edge disappeared. Two different death eaters had a hold of a girl, clutching her under arms tightly. They had her facing the door, dragging her across the floor so her bare skin scraped away. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and her skin was as pale as a lifeless body. They yanked her to the wall where Dean had been and attached her, hexing the chains seemingly a lot stronger then ours.

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