Chapter 9

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" Mummy.. promise me you won't ever join Dad.. i feel like your the only good part i have left..."
Scorpius' eyes flooded with tears as he dropped his head, evidently ashamed of the statement he made.

I knelt in front of him and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. " I promise Scorp... i wouldn't do anything." Every word i spoke i had vowed since a young age would be the truth. Death eaters had helped kill my brother, tracked down my parents and murdered all my friends. I couldn't bring myself to even say the word aloud.

He sniffed and wiped his nose on the back of his hand then gave me a week nod. He nestled into my shoulder, his hot tears dampening my skin. Every time he broke down, my heart shattered. I leant my head on his and held him tightly. I ran my hand through his hair as his sobs slowed and were replaced by shaky breaths. He peered up at me, his eyes red raw. He opened his mouth to talk just as a loud bang echoed through the house. Both our heads snapped toward the door, all emotions forgotten.
Instead, it was like we both knew what was coming. He hid himself behind me as i got to my feet and fixed my eyes on the door handle waiting for a sign of movement. But nothing, except another loud crash. Then the sound of glass shattering on the floor.

He tugged on my dress. I could feel his ice cold hand through the fabric. "H-he's angry again...isn't he," he stuttered, gripping tightly onto my forearm as i took a step forward.

" I'll be back, i just have to clean up the mess..." i whispered, prising his fingers off of me. He took a step back and cowered behind a bed post as i opened the door.

There were splinters of glass directly outside. I glanced around the edge of the door frame and there was a trail of it, leading down the hall, then the stairs. I sucked in a deep breath, then steps over the few outside the door. The corridor seemed, gloomy and cold, like the life had been sucked from it. I crept down, following the trail of glass. It lead into the study, where Draco was stood, surrounded by splinters of broken glass and wood. I cleared my throat but it was drowned out by a painful cry. I gulped thickly before entering, hopping over all the sharp shards. His face was buried deep
into his pale, trembling hands. He didn't know i was there, i could tell from the uncontrollable, loud sobs he was letting out so freely. I caught a piece of paper, scrupled up in between his fingers and went to reach for it. But as if he had an off switch, his cries stopped and his eyes narrowed at my hand hovering in mid air.

" What. Are you doing?"

I looked between him and the paper in his hand and immediately swiped it from between his fingers as quickly as i could. To my surprise, he stood frozen to the spot as i unfolded the paper. My heart sunk to my stomach as i lead eyes on the tear stained picture. In that moment it became evident everything he had told me was a lie. I screwed the photo up in my hand, his expression crumpling with it, and threw it by his feet.

" You fucking lying Bastard!" Before i realised, i had swung my hand across his face and and pushed him hard, so he was sent stumbling into the wall behind him. Repeatedly, i hit my fists into his chest as my vision became blinded with tears of betrayal. He wasn't flinching. " YOU FUCKING PROMISED!"

" BLAIR!" He snapped, grabbing my wrists before my hands had a chance to smack into his chest again. " I FUCKING LOVE HER. AND YOU FUCKING KNOW IT."


"Your naïve that's why. You just walked straight into my trap. You weren't ever for me Blair."

I shook my head. I knew the truth all along but i didn't want to admit it. A dark feeling overwhelmed my body and ate every inch of happiness i still had left. I ripped my hands from his grip and felt my expression fall cold and emotionless.

" Your an awful father.. he's six years old Draco and he sits crying every time there's a noise. You call me
naïve but your the one who has terrified their on child to the extent of near insanity.."

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

He left the house. He didn't come back for a week. But for a single week, i saw Scorpius smile. For a week he lived like a child, but i didn't so much as crack a smile at his giggles or grins.

I was sat on the arm chair by the fireplace, a cigarette balanced between two fingers, the first i had touched in 12 years. I stared expressionlessly out the window and his laughter echoed through my head. I tapped the ash off the end, into a glass tray and let out a sigh as i sunk my head into the cushion of the chair. I brought the cigarette to my lips and sucked in, the burning sensation slowly
trickling down my throat and poisoning my lungs. Scorpius ran in and appeared in front of me with Lorie at his side, both of them with massive smiles. They exchanged a weird sort of glance before Scorpius nudged the elf with his elbow.

" Lorie was wondering, if Miss Blair Potter would join a game of hide and seek."

" I'm busy Lorie. Now run along."

The shared another glance, this time less smiley, then shuffled out the door. I heard muffled 'tag' followed by a giggle and they were off again, running around the house. I looked around the room, every part of furniture, photo, ornament, even the chair i was sat in, screamed Astoria. I buried the end of my cigarette into the arm of the chair, burying a small hole, the flicked the butt toward a glass pot a couple feet away. There was a small ting as it hit the pot and it wobble, but unfortunately, didn't fall over and smash. I sat, fighting the urge to destroy the entire room, when i had a different thought.

Her memory lived on because she did as well.

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