Chapter 15

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Scorpius sat, with his legs crossed, at the end of my bed, watching with fascination as I drew shapes into the air with my new wand. He reached up a finger and touched the scratchy flower before it dispersed into little flakes and disappeared in mid air. He giggled and continued popping the shapes like bubbles.

" Can i try?" He reached forward his hand open to take the wand. Reluctantly, i handed it over. He took it with a bright grin. "How do i use it?"

I thought back to the first spell i ever learnt. Swish and Flick. I grabbed the pillow from behind my back and the pen from my drawer. I stabbed the pen through the pillow and tore it open. Feathers fluttered everywhere over the room. I grabbed one from the bed and set it down in front of him, then drew myself straight and cleared my throat. "Swish and flick.." I spoke aloud, showing the hand action as i spoke. "Wingardium Leviosa."

He too cleared his throat pointed the tip of the wand to the feather and copied me exactly. Slowly, the feather rose up into the air. He guided it with his wand until i hovered above us both. I clapped frantically as he brought it back down between us, a wide smile spreading across his face.

" So he isn't as dull as his mother then," a voice sniggered from the doorway. We both turned to see Draco, leant against the frame, biting his bottom lip undoubtedly stifling a laugh of pride.

" Dad did you see! did you see! i made a feather move!" Scorpius repeated excitedly, not picking up on his father's tone of mockery. 

" I did. Now run along while i talk to her." His eyebrow raised and a sinister smirk swept across his face.  Scorpius ran past him, brushing his suit and leaving a crease. He tugged at the hem off his jacket to pull it straight again then stepped inside, kicking the door shut behind him.

He approached slowly, carefully, like he was going to be tentative, kind and caring.  His eyes ran up my body and back down again like for the first time he was looking at me as if in love. As if Astoria didn't exist. He was undressing me with his eyes and i craved it in a way i shouldn't.

" You have to understand Blair. Astoria and I-"

" Get out." Two words and the only ones he deserved. 

" It's my house."

" I don't want her fucking name said in my room."

" I own you. "

" OUT!"

He walked backward slowly, as i held my wand up, threatening him with spells i wouldn't attempt in my dizziest day dreams. But it worked. I slammed the  door and locked it with my wand. I stared at the 'engagement' ring in my beside, the same one i hadn't put on for weeks. I pointed my wand at that too. "Confringo." A spark shot from the end of my wand and the ring flew into the air, twisting then landing in the same place, in complete pristine condition. I tried repeatedly, different spells,   different angles but nothing seemed to break it.

There was a sharp bang on my door, making it shudder. " BLAIR!" His  voice broke through the wood and rung through my ears. " I know what your fucking doing!"  I sat silent, staring at the ring, he had done something to it. " Open the fucking door Blair." He fists shook my door again and so i slipped the wand under my pillow, preparing for his entrance.





" BLAIR! Let's just talk this out."

" Blair please..."

I heard his body collapse to the floor by the door, his head leant against it and his fingers tapped slowly. Guilt started to eat me from the inside, i felt as i i was causing him masses of pain and i couldn't help but rise to my feet and unlock the door. He was sat the other side, his eye swelling with pain yet his mouth curled into a smirk. I got to my knees, reaching a shakey hand forward toward his cheek.

" I'm so-"

" I love Astoria."

I bit the inside of my cheek and dropped my hand. I balled my hands into fists and dug my nails deeps into my skin trying not to let my anger show elsewhere.

" I know," i mumbled, trying to sound calm and collected despite my teeth gritting.

" You have to understand."

" Stop trying to reason with me and accept the fact your entire life is packed of lies."

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We were silent at the dining table that night. Draco was carrying the expression as if someone had ripped his minster of magic title away. Scorpius clearly sense the tension between us both and chose not to twist it anymore by asking.

I pushed the food around my plate with a fork, the metal was scraping across the porcelain and filling the silence in the worst way. Draco swirled the whiskey in his glass around, staring between my plate and me, the ice cubes in his glass clinking the side.

" We have a guests for dinner," draco said suddenly. "Lorie the door please."

The door to the dining  hall opened and our eyes locked immediately. Dread filled the pit of my stomach and i shrunk down into my chair. They were identical, they always had been. And her husband, hadn't change a bit. Draco rose from his seat and shook Blaise's hand and then graced Daphne with a bow and offered a seat for them both.

" Oh this is fucking brilliant," i muttered under my breath, before aggressively stabbing the carrot on my plate and glaring across to Draco.

A sly smirk had grown on his face. He raised his eyebrows and took a sip of his drink before summoning Lorie to serve our 'pleasant' guests. The elf filled each glass half way with whisky and put the same plate of food we had, infront of each of them. We finished our meals in silence, however our eyes were speaking loud enough. It was clear Daphne didn't trust me, and I, certainly didn't trust her. Blaise and Draco kept their eyes down, mainly focusing on their whisky until the bottom of the glass was clear.

" So Miss Potter so nice to make your acquaintance again," Daphne sneered, a sinister expression twitching across her face as she twirled the knife around her fingers. "An upgrade from my sister Draco."

" Daph, she's still you sister, blood curse or not. Saying that, i don't want to reproduce a filthy blood curse."

" But you breed with a halfblood?" Blaise asked as he downed the remainder of whisky, raising and eyebrow and staring at me despite the fact he was talking as if i was not there. I wanted the floor to swallow me up

" All part of my plan."

A/N- IM SO SO SO SORRY GUYS <3 i keep dropping out of my promises for updates but this time, MAYBE, i will remember to update . xoxox

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