Chapter 12

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I led in bed. My limbs spasming and jolting in pain as a burning sensation targeted my forearm. I pulled up my sleeve, looked at it and pulled it back down, concealing the secret just as my door swung open.

" You fucking thought you could get away with becoming an unregistered!"  he yelled, storming up to my bedside. He leant over me his face hovering inches away from mine. He breath still smelt of fresh mint toothpaste, it felt cold on my cheeks, like his stare in my eyes. The intensity of him alone made my breath shudder. When i didn't answer his hand reached for me throat, squeezing it tightly, leaving me gasping.

" I-"

His face came closer. I could feel the the bed lower as he sat at my side. His other hand reached over me so i was trapped beneath his, no way to escape. The intensity of his glare grew  the longer the silence loomed. My eyes narrowed and i brought them to meet his, running out of places to look. I searched deep into them, noticing a subtle hint of mischief which i longed to find out more about, but before i could, our distance closed. His lips caressed my with a harsh intention, and i allowed him. He leant closer down until he was the one lead in my bed, somehow leaving me on top. Sitting in his stomach, i continued to kiss him. My hands ventured down his chest and his explored my figure. It felt like our first time. I had forgotten how well our parts fit together.
But abruptly it stopped. His eyes narrowed and buried themselves into my conscious. A sharp pain pe treated through my mind and i grasped the side of my head in terror. It felt as if someone had taken a hammer to my skull. He pushed me of him and pinned me flat on my back. His hands trapped mine above my head.

" You just crave attention don't you Blair," he snarled, a sinister smirk slipping onto his lips as the pain in my head became harsher.

It was as if part of my mind gave way.

Bastard had broken into my mind.

i let out a stifled cry of pain as i realised and sundew not the pain got more unbearable. Claws dug through my memories, exploring each individual one after Harry had died. Tears had started to burn up in my eyes as the memory of my brother's body arose. He focused in on the memory as if it was hiding a deeper meaning. Harry's body being lifted into the air, limp and lifeless, by the man he had been in battle with for years. The shriek of joy that accompanied his movements as he hung his body from the entrance of the great hall. The cries of pain as Ginny, George and Ron appeared beside me and their eyes met the hanging corpse. The fact i made no noise, i just watched in a dazed shock.

He dug deeper into my memories, the pain growing with each strip. The moment i found out Fred had died. The moment Ginny was shackled. The moment Bellatrix killed Molly. I felt as though i was reliving every horrific memory that had ever implanted in my mind. The he stopped. He with drew himself from my mind, something had startled him.  I led completely still, recovering from the impact. My skull feeling as if it had been bashed into tiny chunks. I blinked back hot tears as i stared up to the ceiling. Slowly, his grip loosened and he got off me, running his hands down his suit.

" I'll have a house elf send you up some dinner," he said dully.

Footsteps paved across my floor, then i heard a door click. I let out a shaky breath, unplugging the tears i had succeeded to keep in until now. I didn't let out any audible cries, however my body was trembling furiously as tears burnt through the makeup on my cheeks. I was frozen. Violation felt impossible to escape more so then the tower i was once chained in. Suddenly, the thought of the tower brought back the longing to return there. This feeling had be absent for months, with the joy of Scorpius cancelling out every other mind numbing, painful factor. But even that wasn't enough this time.

I wanted out.

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I had managed to sit up. A hot white plate was sat on my lap. There was a pile of hot food in the middle, delicately arrange by Lorie, yet none of it seemed appetising. Between my head pounding and the feeling of loss eating away at my stomach, my appetite had gone. I pushed the peas around my plate with the sliver fork then impaled a single pea on the end of it. I pulled it off with my teeth and swallowed, but even a single pea made my stomach churn.

Later, Lorie appeared in my door, hanging off the handle. He scuttled in, collecting my full plate and his ears twitched downward. "Cup of tea Miss Blair Potter?" I nodded and he scuttled away.

However it wasn't Lorie who returned. Scorpius crept in, holding a cup filled to the top with tea. He walked slowly, keeping the cup as balanced as he could. He placed it on my bedside, drops off tea spilling over the edge. He clambered up onto the bed and sat himself on my knee. He smiled weakly, then pulled a crumpled tissue from his pocket. He dabbed it on each eye, then his tiny hands pressed to my cheeks. He leant forward and gently kissed my forehead then sat back with a sorry smile. "Lorie said you weren't feeling well.."

The corner of my lip twitched up as i brushed strands of his messy blonde hair behind his ear. "No Scorp, i'm ok.." i croaked, my voice raspy from silent tears.

"i'll be back.."
He returned about ten minutes later, in his pyjamas with a teddy clamped tightly to his chest. Without a word he climbed back into bed next to me, and cuddled himself into my side. " We'll keep your company.." he mumbled into the fluff of the teddy's head.

" Thank you," i whispered, wrapping my arm around him. The pain in my head easing, becoming more of a suffering migraine then a hammer to the skull.

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