Chapter 13

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I stood in the door, the room illuminated by the flickering orange candle she'd forgot to blow out. Jealousy coursed through my veins as i watched him cuddle further into her,  lying his head on her stomach and discarding his teddy to wrap his other arm around her. My fingers gripped the side of the doorway, my nails scraping down the wood leaving carvings in the door frame.

I turned in my heels and stormed down the hall, slamming my fist into my bedroom door. It flew open and hit the wall behind, a small crack joining all the others up the side of the door. I tore off my coat and threw it down on the bed then started on my shirt buttons. I battled with each one of them, each proving difficulty to undo. Eventually i gave up and just ripped it open. I threw myself against the wall, my fists breaking through the wall.

Her memories from early swirled my brain. She still thought about it. She still fucking thought about it. The only reason i broke her out was for Scorpius. I didn't want to relive the memories. I assumed she would of blocked them, or bottled them, but they were just there. It made me sick to my stomach to think i had ever truly felt that way for someone so small and pathetic. Why she was an unregistered remained incredibly unclear. I tried to know, i wanted to know, but i couldn't push past the vile memory. Kissing her earlier brought a sickening feeling to my stomach. I felt as though i had betrayed Astoria, betrayed my master. And where did it get me? No where.

I slammed my fists into the wall again in an attempt to rack my brains for a way to work around it. My skills were good, but not good enough to barricade years of memories, when they resurfaced so easily. I bit down in the inside of my cheek until blood begun to seep onto my tongue, whilst i thought through every mistake and possibility.

- Letting slip about Astoria's blood curse.

- Kissing Blair

- i could oblivate her, but it would wipe what i was looking for as well.

- i could lock her in the room until she told me. But Scorpius would ask question. or let her out.

The stupidity of my own self ate furiously away at me. I was powerful, the minister of magic, Voldemort's right hand man, a pureblood Death eater. Everything about me and my life passed her by miles, yet her silly little memory of us stumped me so much that blood leaked from my knuckles.

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As i was walking the hall the following day, that's when i noticed the two cracks, that someone had attempted to cover up, peaking out from behind a framed picture of the night sky. I slid the photo aside and a huge crack was stemming from the top corner of the frame. I traced my finger along it and dust crumble in-front of my feet. It was a deep crack, coming from the other side of the wall. Draco's room. I let the photo slide back in place and shook my head, carrying on down the hall.

I joined the others in the dining room. Scorpius was stuffing his mouth with pancakes that had been drenched in syrup, a party hat wonkily placed on his head. I narrowed my eyes out of confusion and peered over a Draco, he to was wearing a party hat with a sinister smirk. I drew out my chair, a pointy pink sparkly hat sat in the middle. I placed it on the table as i took my seat.

" What's this for?"

" Well, I thought we'd celebrate you becoming an unregistered.." he grinned, holding up a glass and raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head and bit the inside of my cheek. He was doing it out of spite. Scorpius looked up from his plate of pancakes, syrup smudged all over his cheeks. Draco pulled a black, silk handkerchief from his blazer pocket and stood up. He wandered behind Scorpius and leant over him, wiping the syrup off his cheeks and keeping direct eye contact with me. I grabbed a glass, and a house elf appeared at my side holding a jug. The glass filled and i emptied it immediately, then slammed it back on the table.

" I think we're done here," I said through gritted teeth before I excused myself. I grabbed my jacket from the hook and walked straight out the front door.

The world was iced. There was a blanket of snow over each surface. I stepped off the porch onto the first stone step that was coated with a white fluffy layer and let my foot sink in. The shock of cold sent a shiver down my spine and brought a smile to my face. I ran down the steps, the first glimmer of joy in a while coursing through my veins. I shot down the path,  toward the iron gates at the end of the manor, snow kissed hedges looming over the top of me. I threw myself at the gates, took hold of the railings and shook. Snow came tumbling down but they did not open. I was so caught up in myself i had forgotten the gates were hexed.

Blood curdling pain spiralled up my arm and down to my stomach. It felt as if someone had taken a hammer to my stomach. I doubled over, clenching it in horror of my own stupidity. Deterioration hex. My legs turned to jelly and my knees buckled beneath me as a pain over took them too. I buried my head into my hands and bit down on my palms to stifle my scream of pain. Blood seeped onto my tongue so i  clenched my hands into a fist and dug them into the snow, letting the cold steal away the burn.

I was seized by the shoulders and pulled to my feet.
" IN NOW." His mouth was tucked right beside my ear so his voice rung through my head, increasing  the pounding in my brain. I unclenched my froze hands and warm blood trickled down my fingers.  I dropped my eyes down to the floor and watched as the blood dropped from my fingertips and spread through the snow. His hand fell to my lower back as he pushed me back up the path and toward the door. I was leaving a trail behind me.

I always left a trail behind me.

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