Chapter 5

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My hands were tied behind my back, my ankles tied to the chair legs.  The material muffled my cries for help as I frantically kicked and screamed. I could sense his presence behind me, just looking over me, using me as bait. He leant down beside my ear, his lips brushing my lobe. " Stay there princess."
Footsteps echoed the halls, gradually getting quieter. I shook my head aggressively, trying to drop the blind fold,  but it just felt like it tightened. I struggled, wriggling my ankles and legs, screaming out lifer and louder for someone to let me go, but no one was here. The hall appeared to be empty.

My blindfold started to become wet with salty tears, my ankles were rubbed raw, my wrists didn't feel connected to me anymore. I tried to cry out through my sniffling, but i just felt too weak to struggle anymore. Slowly, my senses begun to drop out one by one, like they were giving up along with the rest of me.

" Hey, Blair, it's ok.." a dainty voice whispered softly, as the blindfold was pulled off the top of my head.
In front of me, was Hermione, clutching Hermione wand tightly in one hand. Her hair was the same soft brown, however it was scraped back into a neat bun with not a single fly away. Her eyes were no longer warm and welcoming but cold and lifeless. She was in a pair of black jeans and knitted red jumper that had the letter 'R' on it, which made my heart sink to the pit of my stomach.

She fell to her knees and started to fiddled with the ropes around my ankles just as footsteps started to grow closer again. Her head snapped up to me with a sheer look of confusion before her eyes darted behind me and her hands moved quicker around the ropes. I tried warning her, but the clothe in my mouth prevented even a word from slipping out and she was too focused on the ropes at my ankles to notice my muffled cries. The footsteps got progressively closer and fear took over every emotion. Hermione had only managed one rope and had just started in the other as Draco appeared behind her with a triumphant smirk.

" Well well, if it isn't my favourite mudblood."

I held my breath and Hermione froze at my feet as Draco paced toward us both. He reached for the blade from the leather strap and knelt on one knee behind Hermione. His hand buried itself into her hair and yanked her backwards so the middle of her back curved over his knees and her head was by his shoulder. He traced the edge of the blade across her throat leaving a faint red scratch. I started at him with teary, pleading  eyes, with no other way to beg him to stop.  I could see Hermione's eyes filling with fearful tear and he pressed the blade to the middle of her neck and pulled her hair more so i skin was taught. 

" Oh goody. I think it's time i get rid of you once and for all?"

She tried shaking her head, but it only promoted him to press the blade deeper into her skin. Droplets of blood started to spill out and i fought against the ties trying to get to her whilst Draco chuckled at us both.

" Poor Darling Blair can't help you, so i can just..."

Before he finished his sentence, he dragged the blade across her neck and blood begun to uncontrollably pour from the gaping wound. Hermione shrieked in pain and I battled against the restraints with every last bit of energy i had left as tears streamed from my eyes. Colour drained from her face and Draco stepped back letting her body collapse on the floor by my feet. My noiseless cries were covered by his heartless laughter as he gave her a sharp kick in the ribs, then summoned a pair of house elves to drag her away. I watched with blurred vision and each elf grabbed an arm and sluggishly hauled her along the floor, leaving a smeared trail of fresh blood.

His hands caressed my face as he took the clothe from my mouth and slipped a hand under my chin, forcing my head back to look up at him. "Your so lovely when your sad," he taunted, stroking his thumb across my bottom as tears rolled down my aching cheeks. "Your going to be a good girl from now on. Your going to do as i say and listen to me."
I couldn't leave Scorpius, so I unwillingly nodded, knowing i had no other choice. "Good girl." He forced a gentle kiss on my lips before snaking his hands across my thighs and up waist just to untie my hands.

I stared down at his hands roaming their way across my lower body, unfortunately sending butterflies to my stomach. A voice in my head was screaming down to the rest of me, warning the butterflies that they had to disperse before i accepted the intoxicating feeling. My eyes slowly traced back up
his body and i chewed on the inside of my cheek. He was already staring at me as I met his eyes. Without warning his hands gripped my waist and pulled me from the chair, forcing our lips together. He carelessly kicked the chair to the side and he walked the pair of us back into the wall.  It was all happening so quickly i didn't have control. I willingly let his tongue explore my mouth as his hands slid around my back drawing me closer. He begun to press his lips to my neck, leaving a trail of pale red spots that gradually got darker. I pulled away, brining the contact to an abrupt end. He tried to pull me back in but i dodged his grip and walked feet away from him. I ran my fingers across my head muttering curse words under my breath.

" Blair?" There was a twinge of disappointment in his face that was quickly overwhelmed with his hardening stare.

" No. You just killed my best friend in front of me- We can't- it's not right. I shouldn't. We can't."

" Your too scared to relive the past aren't you."

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I was woken the following day by my door flying open and slamming against the wall. Draco stood looming in my doorway his blade twirling around his fingers. He invited himself in and kicked the door shut behind him before throwing the knife at the wall behind my head, I ducked just in time as it skimmed the top of my head. I sat up sharply and pulled the covers up to my chest, shaking from both cold and sudden fear.

" We marry. Give Scorpius a family. I promised him a real mother. Or i give you in and they kill you," he said abruptly, leaving no room for negotiation. He lurked around me for a moment before reaching above my head and yanking the blade form the wall.

" Draco. You cannot be serious?" I croaked, every part of me wanted to say no , apart from my heart that was reminding me of Scorpius. I had spent five years, begging that one day Scorpius would know, and i was being given the opportunity on a plate but with a consequence i wasn't sure i was ready to commit for.

" Blair you gave an answer 5 years ago. In a split second," he protested, as he continued to prow around me like a piece of meat.

I gritted my teeth and flung my legs out my bed, going to my wardrobe to assure my back was too him as i spoke, i didn't want him to see the pain and regret in my eyes. " Five ago Draco I had our son. Five years ago, you handed me in for Astoria so you could keep your title. You ruined this. Not me." My hand gripped a dress tightly, pulling threads from the lace trim with the other. Each word i spoke became more aggressive until they turned sharp and quick, like a knife slicing through the air.

I felt his hand wrap around the back of my neck and turn me around, slamming my back against the wardrobe.  " Blair Potter. If Astoria wasn't carrying a blood curse i would of continued to live a lie. But your filthy half blood ways were better then my son burying what he thought was his mother," he sneered, his hand creeping down to the blade in his leg strap.

I gulped thickly noticing his hand tighten around the handle, but looked back to him without a second thought. I was bound to die however i went about this. " My ways weren't so filthy when i first agreed to marry you."

" Death or Marriage Blair.. You have seconds left to decide."

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