Did I Mention?

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🔮3rd person P.O.V🔮
At the tourney game

At the game everyone in the stands shout "Ohayohay!" The announcer says "This is a nail-biter, folks. There's 47 seconds left on the clock. We're all tied up. The Sherwood falcons, two. The fighting knights, two. What a game between Auradon's fiercest rivals"

"Get 'em, Chad" Jay cheers on. "Thanks, Jay" Chad responds. The announcers says "The teams get into their huddles and take up positions along the kill zone. Akiho! The dragoneers have been laying down a withering hail of fire"

"You're up" Coach says to Jay. The announcer says "And now a substitution..." "Coach, how about my buddy here?" Jay offers while pulling Carlos to a standing position.

"Oh, no. Not so sure about that" Coach says warily "Coach, he's been practicing" Jay tries again. "Jay..." Coach tries but Jay interrupts "And you said yourself a team is made up of a bunch of parts"

"Jay, I'm not that good" Carlos states after trying to sit down and getting pulled back up again. "Well, he's kind of like my brain" Jay finishes.

"Come here!" Coach calls out to one of the guys on the team then turns to Carlos "You heard him. Get out there!"

"Don't worry, bro. I got your back" Jay reassures. "How about my front?" Carlos asks. Jay just laughs it off and says to Carlos "Get out there"

🔮 Sophia's P.O.V.🔮

"He's bringing that hothead Jay in from the Isle of the Lost and that little guy Carlos can barely hold a shield" the announcer says and I think to myself "Rude"

"Break!" The whole team calls out breaking the huddle "When they break from their huddles, this is gonna be a big moment here. And the tipoff is ready. Here we go. Long pass goes to Jay. Jay dishes off to Prince Ben. Nice little block by Carlos. He does a little dancing jig in his opponent's face. And now Jay gets the ball back. Here comes Jay! Jay, hurdling maneuver at mid-field"

"I'm open!" Ben yells to Jay. "Jay makes a nice pass to Prince Ben through the kill zone" the announcer yells "Jay" Ben yells and passes back.

"Big block by Chad! He's in the clear! Shot! Oh, what a save by Philip the Falcons' goalkeeper!" "Come on! All right, all right, let's do it!" Cheers the team and then the Coach calls out to them on the field "Come on, guys! Come on, hustle, hustle!"

"23 seconds left. You could cut the tension with a sword. The long ball is played into Jay. Jay, great jump, great leap. And a great move by Jay. Big block from Chad. Jay dishes off to Prince Ben. And then Carlos with a big block, goes down. Jay through the kill zone, picks up Carlos. Oh, he's being hammered by dragon fire. Still, going on. Jay, hurdling maneuver at mid-field. He's in the clear. The ball goes back to Jay"

"Hey, Jay!" Carlos calls to Jay "Carlos?" Jay calls back and then Carlos says "Go up!" And Jay runs up his shield and then gets Ben's attention "Ben!"

"He passes to prince Ben. He scores! Prince Ben has won it! What an unselfish play by Jay! What a team! Incredible! And it's the new guys, Jay and Carlos, who set up the prince for the win here. What a victory! An absolutely wonderful end to one of the best games ever. Here they come, folks. The winners of the first tourn..."

Then Ben grabs the mic and interrupts the announcer "Excuse me. Excuse me. Can I have your attention, please? There's something I'd like to say" he pauses for a second looking around.

"Give me an "M"!" He shouts

"M"!" We all shout back making an M

"Give me an "a"!" He shouts again

"A"!" We repeat

"Give me an "L"!" He says

"L"!" We repeat

"What does that spell?" He asks everyone. "Mal!" We all scream as Evie and I look at her from either side. "Come on, I can't hear you!" "Mal!" We all shout louder. "I love you, Mal! Did I mention that?"

Ben turns to the band and calls out "Give me a beat! Whoo!" "Uno, dos, tres, quatro!" Doug starts off the band. "Oh my god!" I say and the Evie exclaims "Cookie!" and Mal asks in shock "What was in that cookie?""

Ben then starts singing and we all start singing along with him.

♫ Did I mention ♫♫ That I'm in love with you? ♫ ♫ Did I mention ♫ ♫ There's nothing I can do ♫ ♫ And did I happen to say ♫ ♫ I dream of you everyday ♫ ♫ But let me shout it out loud ♫ ♫ If that's okay-ay-ay (Hey!) ♫ ♫ If that's okay (Hey!) ♫

♫ I met this girl that rocked my world ♫ Like it's never been rocked ♫ ♫ And now I'm living just for her ♫ ♫ And I won't ever stop ♫ ♫ I never thought it can happen to a guy like me ♫ ♫ But now look at what you've done ♫ ♫ You got down on my knees ♫

♫ Because my love for you is ridiculous ♫

♫ Because my love for you is ridiculous ♫ ♫ I never knew (Who knew?) ♫ ♫ That it can be like this ♫ ♫ My love for you is ridiculous ♫ ♫ My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! (R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!) ♫ ♫ It's (RIDICULOUS!) ♫ ♫ Just (RIDICULOUS!) ♫ ♫ And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss ♫

♫ Well, did I mention... ♫ ♫ That I'm in love with you ♫ ♫ And did I mention ♫ ♫ There's nothing I can do ♫ And did I happen to say? ♫ ♫ I dream of you everyday ♫ ♫ ♫ But let me shout it out ♫ ♫ If that's okay-ay-ay (Yeah!) ♫ ♫ If that's okay ♫

♫ I gotta know which way to go ♫ ♫ C'mon gimme a sign ♫ You gotta show me that ♫ ♫ You're only ever gonna be mine ♫ ♫ Don't want to go another minute ♫ ♫ Even without you ♫ ♫ That's if your heart just isn't in it ♫ ♫ I don't know what I'd do. ♫

♫ Because my love for you is ridiculous ♫ ♫ I never knew (Who knew?) ♫ ♫ That it can be like this ♫ ♫ My love for you is ridiculous ♫ ♫ My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! (R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!) ♫ ♫ It's (RIDICULOUS!) ♫ ♫ Just (RIDICULOUS!) ♫ ♫ And I would give my kingdom ♫ ♫ For just one kiss ♫ ♫ C'mon now! ♫

♫ Because my love for you is ridiculous ♫ ♫ I never knew (Who knew?) ♫ ♫ That it can be like this ♫ ♫ My love for you is ridiculous ♫ ♫ My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! (R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!) ♫ ♫ It's (RIDICULOUS!) ♫ ♫ Just (RIDICULOUS!) ♫ ♫ And I would give my kingdom ♫ ♫ For just one kiss ♫ ♫ C'mon now! ♫

"I love you, Mal! Did I mention that?" Ben asks after the song is over. Audrey takes the microphone and says "Chad's my boyfriend now! And I'm going to the coronation with him. So I don't need your pity date" then turns and kisses Chad earning gasps of the crowd and some whistles.

"Mal! Will you go to the coronation with me?" Ben asks after taking the mic back "Yes!" Mal shout enthusiastically "She said yes!" Ben shouts in joy then Jay comes up to him and says to him "Let's go, Ben. The whole team's waiting for you"

"Yeah" he agrees "Bye" Mal says to him and then she turns to Evie and I we all look at each other in shock. "What a victory. What a day for the Auradon knights, finally winning back the trophy after so many years" The announcers says while we watch them head back down to the field. Mal and I notice the sad look on Evie's face and Mal says "We feel really sorry for Audrey" "You guys do?" Evie asks and I respond "Yeah. I feel like if she were talented like you, and she knew how to sew and knew beauty tips, that she wouldn't need a prince to make her feel better about herself" 

"I am kind of talented" Evie smiles and Mal says "You are definitely gifted" "Thanks M, S" Evie says to us and we hug her. "Yeah, yeah!" Jay cheers while the team lifts him up in the air. We laugh as the announcer says "And there he is. Jay, the most valuable player. How do you like that?"


Wow two chapters in one day! Sorry for the wait I lost interest in Descendants for a while but I'm back now. Updates will still be slow sadly as I am moving into college this Sunday coming up so I will try to update when I can. Thanks for reading!! Love you all!!! 💗💗

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