Family Day

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🔮Sophia's P.O.V🔮

We were in the boys dorm going over the plan to steal the wand. "Okay, we all know what this looks like. So it'll be up on the dais under the beast's spell jar, and we'll be coming in from here. I will be in the very front. You all will be up in the balcony. Okay. Carlos?" Mal says pointing at a layout of the cathedral.

"Okay, so I'll find our limo, so we can break the barrier, and, uh, get back on the island with the wand" "Perfect. Evie?" Mal questions. "Yeah?" Evie asks. "You will use this to take out the driver. Two sprays and he'll be out like a light" Mal explains. "Okay" Evie says. I look and notice Mal's page in the spell book. "M? You want to break Ben's love spell?" I ask her in shock. 

"Yeah. You know, for after. I don't... I've just been thinking, you know, when the villains finally do invade Auradon, and begin to loot and kick everyone out of their castles and imprison their leaders and destroy all that is good and beautiful, Ben still being in love with me just seems a little extra... cruel" She explained to us. "M?" Evie asks as she gets up and walks out. 

The next say it was family day and us VK's met up on the balcony above the yard where the event is being held. Then we hear Ben start off the AK's performance "Ma cherie Mademoiselle, It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight and now, we invite you to relax, Let us pull up a chair As the dining room proudly presents - Your dinner!"

The other AK's join in and they start singing.
♫ Be... our... guest! ♫
♫ Be our guest! ♫ ♫ Put our service to the test ♫ ♫ Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie ♫ ♫ And we'll provide the rest ♫

♫ Soup du jour ♫ ♫ Hot hors d'oeuvres ♫ ♫ Why, we only live to serve ♫ ♫ Try the grey stuff ♫ ♫ It's delicious! ♫ ♫ Don't believe me? ♫ ♫ Ask the dishes ♫

♫ They can sing! ♫ ♫ They can dance! ♫ ♫ After all, Miss, this is France! ♫ ♫ And the dinner here is never second best! ♫

♫ Go on, unfold your menu ♫ ♫ Take a glance and then you'll ♫ ♫ Be our guest ♫ ♫ Oui, our guest ♫ ♫ Be our guest! ♫

♫ We tell jokes, ♫ ♫ I do tricks! ♫ ♫ With my fellow candlesticks ♫

♫ And it's all in perfect taste ♫ ♫ That you can bet ♫

♫ Come on and lift your glass ♫ ♫ You've won your own free pass ♫ ♫ To be our guest ♫

♫ If you're stressed ♫ ♫ It's fine dining we suggest! ♫

♫ Be our guest! ♫ ♫ Be our guest! ♫ ♫ Be our guest! ♫

As they finished singing we walked down and the boys started messing with the chocolate fountain and Ben headed over to his parents who then called Mal over to talk to them.

A little while later Jay and Carlos were playing with Dude, Evie was talking to Belle, and I was standing next to Mal as we waited for her next turn.

"Hello there" Queen Leah approaches us. "Hi" Mal says back. "Now, have we met?" She asks Mal. "No, I don't think so. I'm new. I'm sort of like a... Transfer student" Mal informs Queen Leah.

"Oh, yes" she's says in understanding. Then Audrey comes up to greet her grandmother. "Grammy" Audrey says "Oh, Audrey! Give Grammy a kiss, dear"

"Grammy"? Mal questions. "Sleeping Beauty's mother. Grammy, I don't think you want to be talking to this girl. Unless you feel like taking another hundred-year nap" Audrey says.

"What? You!" Queen Leah screams out which gets everyone's attention. "Oh no" I say realizing who the woman thinks Mal is. "How are you here? And how have you stayed so young?" Queen Leah questions. "Queen Leah, It's okay. Maleficent is still on the island" Ben tells her.

"This is her daughter, Mal. Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" Ben continues for me. "A chance to what, Ben? Destroy us? Come on. You remember, don't you? The poison apples. And the spells. Spells. My daughter... Was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. So her first words, her first steps, I missed it all! You mustn't trust her"

Mal tries to apologize for her mother's actions "I'm so so..." "Go away! Stay away from her!" Chad cuts Mal off stepping in front of her. "Back off now" I warn him.

"What? They were raised by their parents, Ben, What do you think villains teach their kids? Huh? Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay? Uh-uh. You stole another girl's boyfriend" Chad says to Mal.

"Hey, hey!" Ben tries to diffuse Chad. "Oh. You enjoy hurting people" Chad points to Jay. He turns to me and says "You have been using gateway magic right alongside Mal". He then turns to Evie "And you, you're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater"

"Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?" Evie says to her mirror and in its reflection is of Chad's face. "What? Come on!" Chad says slapping Evie's arm to the side.

"Back off, Chad. All right? Back off!" Jay says to Chad while grabbing the top of Chad's shirt. Then Evie sprays something in Chad's face that knocks him out.

"Chad! Chad? Chad! Evie did something to Chad!" Audrey starts worrying then Lonnie says "Wake up. Check if he's okay" "Come on, Mal" Evie tells Mal and we start walking away.

"Guys!" Ben tries to make them stay "Jay!" Mal calls him. "Chad, wake up!" "Come on, Chad" Lonnie and Doug keep trying. "I feared something like this would happen" Adam says "This isn't their fault!" Ben calls out to him. "No, son. It's yours" Adam says walking away. "Mom?" Ben asks but his mom turns away.

We are all at picnic table sitting around silently when Ben comes over. "Hey, guys. How is everyone? Yeah? Hey, listen. Forget about it. All right? It was nothing. Forget about it. Let it go" Ben says to us. Then whispers to Mal "Tomorrow, after the coronation, I promise everything will be okay. I have to go"

Then Ben turns back to all of us and says "I'll see you guys later" and walks off.

Mal, Carlos, Jay, Evie, and I were sitting at the picnic table after Ben left when Doug comes over and tries to talk to Evie. "Listen, Evie, I wanna talk about earlier today. I just..." Then Chad interrupts him "Doug!"

"It's my fault, Doug. I'm sorry" Evie apologies to him. "No, It's mine" Doug corrects her "Doug!" Chad calls again "What?" Doug asks starting to get angry.

"Doug..." Evie pleads. "Sorry, I can't" Doug tells Evie and walks off to Chad's table. Then Audrey and Jane pass us. "How long does she think that's gonna last? Mal is just the bad girl infatuation" Audrey smirks. "Yeah. I mean, he's never gonna make a villain a queen" Jane joins in speaking into my ear.

"Beware, forswear, undo Jane's hair" Mal says while moving her finger around. Jane's hair goes back to normal and all of the AK's make noises of disgust and laugh at her.

She gets up and turn to them "There's a lot more where that came from" "Excuse me, who do you think you are?" Audrey asks me. "Do I look we're kidding?" I say and start flipping through my spell book and all the AK's turn and run.

Mal turns to us and says "I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Let's grab that wand and blow this Popsicle stand" and we all walk off to the dorms to prepare for tomorrow.

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