Back To The Isle Pt. 2

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🔮3rd Person P.O.V🔮

They were all outside getting ready to go to the Isle and Ben calls out "Jay, keys. Remote" and tosses Jay the keys and remote for the barrier. "Wait! Something's wrong" Evie says. Then she goes over to Ben and fixes his beanie "Oh" Ben says shocked "There" Evie says.

Then they hear a voice call out "Shotgun!" And turn and see Dude speaking and they are all shocked except for Carlos "No, Dude. Stay. The Isle is way too dangerous" He tells the dog to which Dude groans in response.

"Did he just..." Jay starts to ask in shock still. "Talk? Yeah. I know. Tell you later" Carlos says and heads into the limousine. "Let's go" He tells them which snaps them out of our shock and Evie says "Yeah" and she and Ben get in the back with Carlos.

"Okay, once we cross the bridge, park under the pier in the old garage. Got it?" Evie asks Jay. "Got it" Jay says back and starts to drive.


They make it onto the Isle and all get out of the limo and Jay calls out "Ben, help me with the tarp" Ben heads over and grabs part of the tarp and throws it over and they start to cover the limo and Jay looks around the Isle for a second until Carlos calls out "Jay?" To bring his attention back to covering the limo.

"Yeah? I got it" Jay tells Carlos snapping out of his daze. "It's really weird being back here" Evie says so Jay turns towards her and says "We'll get in and get out" they look at each other for a second and Carlos comes over with another tarp "Jay!" He calls out and we finish covering the limo.

"Hey, what's in here?" Ben calls out and they turn to him seeing him at a giant pipe-like opening. The VK's speed walk over and Carlos grabs his arm and says "Ben!" And Jay says "You don't want to know" Then they turn and Carlos gets their attention and says "Hey, guys. Keep it chill, all right? The last thing we need is our parents figuring out we're here"

The group walks around a corner and a group of kids grabs Evie's arms "Hey! Hey! Stop" She yells but then gets a good look at them. Evie hands her wallet to them and says "Just take it. Go on" and they run away laughing.

Then she turns around to see that Ben has wandered ahead of the group and says "Ugh. Ben" Ben goes to shake someone's hand and the man growls at him and Evie pulls him back saying "Ben, stop. Just stop" while Carlos goes face to face with the man and says "Hey, man!" To diffuse him and Jay pulls him back to the group. Then Ben asks "Why?" and Evie tells him "This isn't a parade in Auradon. This is the Isle" "Keep your hands in your pockets unless you're stealing" Jay tells him.

"You either slouch or strut" Carlos tells him and Evie says "And never, ever smile" "Okay, thanks" Ben starts to tell them and Evie yells "No!" Then her voice gets softer and says "No "thank you's," and drop the "please," too. Just... chill"

♪ Let me tell you something you can trust ♪

♪ Everybody's got a wicked side ♪

♪ I know you think that you could never be like us ♪

♪ Watch and learn so you can get it right ♪

♪ You need to drag your feet ♪

♪ You need to nod your head ♪

♪ You need to lean back ♪

♪ Slip through the cracks ♪

♪ You need to not care ♪

"Uh, you need to not stare"

♪ You need a whole lotta help ♪

"You need to not be yourself"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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