Back To The Isle Pt. 1

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🔮Sophia's P.O.V🔮

Mal comes into the room crying and immediately starts grabbing her things. "Mal what happened?" I ask her while pulling her in for a hug. "I can't do this everyone wants to me to act in a certain way and to pretend to be I'm someone I'm not. I'm going back to the Isle. I don't belong here" She explains. "I'm coming with you then" I tell her going to grab my stuff and change. "What Soph no-" She tries to protest but I cut her off saying "No I'm coming I want to see a few people anyway"

Once we are both ready to go we get on Mal's bike, that Ben apparently gave her as a gift, and head to the cliff that looks out onto the Isle. "Okay. Okay. Okay. Let's blow this popsicle stand. Yeah?" Mal says mostly to herself but I nod along. "Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere. Okay. Whew. Please work" She says and starts driving over the water to the Isle. We pass through the barrier and feel a wave of magic hit us and both exclaim "Oh!"

She rides the bike down an alleyway while people yell at us but we just ignore them. "Whoa, what?" "Hey!" "Hey, hey, hey!" "Watch it!"

Then she parks the bike under the stairwell to the old hideout Evie, Jay, Carlos, Mal, and I had to get away from our parents. I grab a rock and throw it at the flying rocks sign and the stairs open up and we take a look around and climb up the stairs.

🔮3rd Person P.O.V🔮

Ben was in his office working on some papers when he hits the intercom button. "Deborah?" "Yes, Your Majesty?" She responds. "Can you ask Lumiere to call me regarding Cotillion?" he asks her. "Yes, sir" She says. "Thank you" Ben says and then Evie knocks on the door getting his attention. "Ben?" "Evie! Come on in" Ben tells the blue haired girl. "Mal's gone back to the Isle and Sophia went with her" Evie spits out and then notices the distant look on the young king's face. "Ben..." she tries to console him but Ben interrupts her.

"This is my fault. This is my fault. I-I blew it. She'd been under so much pressure lately, and instead of being understanding, I just went all Beast on her" he rants. then has a look of realization and says "I have to go there and apologize. I have to go there and--and beg her to come back" 

"Ben, you'll never find her" Evie tells him. Ben starts to speak but Evie interrupts "I--" "You need to know how the Isle and how it works have to take me with you" "Yes!" Ben exclaims excitedly but then asks "Uh are you sure?" "Yeah. They are my best friends and we'll bring the boys too, because there's safety in numbers, and none of us is really too popular over there right now" she explains. "Thank you!" Ben says gratefully. "But let's get two things straight. You have to promise me that I won't get stuck there again" "I promise" He responds immediately. "And there's no way you're going looking like that" she says which makes him look at his clothes in confusion.

🔮Sophia's P.O.V🔮

Mal and I decided to go get our hair done and walk into Lady Tremaine's Curl Up and Dye to see Dizzy, daughter of Drizella, dancing around with headphones on. Dizzy turns around and sees both of us "Mal! Sophia!" She exclaims running over to hug me. "Is Evie back too?" She asks. "Nope but you got half of your older sisters back" I say squeezing her harder. "I, um, forgot that you guys don't open till midnight" Mal starts awkwardly and then continues. "Place looks good. So what is your deal? Has your grandmother given you any customers yet?" 

"Ah, just a witch here and there. Mostly, it's a lot of scrubbing and scouring and sweeping. Lots and lots of sweeping" Dizzy informs us. "Sounds like the old Cinderella treatment, eh?" Mal questions. "Yeah, she's gone from Wicked Stepmother to Wicked Grandmother" Dizzy explains. 

"That's not really much of a switch" Mal says then says "Hey, Dizzy, you used to do Evie and do Sophie, right?" "Yeah. I thought of the little braids for Evie" She says proudly. "You have any ideas for me?" Mal asks Dizzy. Dizzy hums for a second "Mm" then says to Mal "The washed-out blonde with purple tips? The best of no worlds. You can't see where your face ends and your hair begins!" then notices Mal's nails and says "Oh, what is this, Bored to Death Pink? Hmm. How far can I go?" Dizzy then asks her. "The works? I mean, whatever makes me feel like me, but, you know... way worse" Mal tells her which makes her exclaim "Yay!" while holding up a pair of scissors.

"You can do my hair also Dizzy I was thinking it's time to dye it" I say to her. "Finally" she screams happily and I chuckle at her excitement. Dizzy then gets to work on both me and Mal's hair. She makes Mal's hair a brighter almost pinkish purple and mine like a lavender purple. Once we are allowed to look Dizzy spins our chairs to face a mirror. "Hey! There I am" Mal says and I say "Dizzy you never fail to impress"

"Voila!" Dizzy says and we both say "Voila" while handing the girl money. "For me?" she asks in shock. "Yeah. You earned it" Mal says handing it to her as I hand mine to her as well. She then skips over to the register when a familiar accented voice saying "Fork it over, you runt. Now the rest of it. Hmm. Thank you. Mm-hmm" Mal steps out from where we are and says "Still running errands for Uma, or do you actually get to keep what you steal?" "Well, well, well. What a nice surprise" the voice taunts. 

"Hi, Harry" I say as I step around the corner. He pauses for moment then says "Hey Soph" and then turns to Mal taunting "Just wait until Uma hears you're back. She's never gonna give you back your old territory" "Oh, well, that's okay. Because I will be taking it" Harry then steps closer to her and moves her hair with his hook saying "I could hurt you" 

"Not without her permission and with Sophia being here, I bet" Mal says sticking her gum on the end of his hook. He then puts the gum into his mouth and swipes everything off of the counter dramatically before leaving. I look to Mal who nods and I run out after him as Dizzy says "Great. More sweeping"

I make it out into the alleyway and see Harry halfway down the alley. "Harry" I call out to get his attention and run over to him slamming myself into him and giving him a hug. He freezes for a moment and then hugs me back. "I missed you guys" I mumble into his shoulder. "We missed ye too Soph" He says back. We pull apart from our hug and he says to me "I can't believe yer back" Then he asks me "Do ye wanna see the rest of the crew?" "Of course" I say and we start heading to Ursula's Fish and Chips.

We get to the restaurant and Harry says to me "Wait out here for a second. I want to surprise the crew" "Okay" I say excited to see them. Harry goes inside and I hear him say "Uma I got a surprise for ye" "What is it Harry" I hear her say annoyedly. I then take that as my cue to enter and stand in the doorway saying "Hey guys" Gil comes over to me and immediately gives me a hug then I turn to the teal haired pirate. "Hey Uma" She looks over to me in shock and I head towards her and give her a hug. "Sophie. I can't believe your back" she says smiling then slaps me on the arm and says "Why the hell are you back we told you not to worry about us and enjoy Auradon" 

"I'm not the only one back Uma. Mal is back too. Things in Auradon started getting stressful so Mal decided to come back and I wasn't going to let her come back alone" I explain while rubbing my arm a little. "So it's her fault you back here in this garbage wreck... gives me another reason to hate her" Uma says to which I roll my eyes. "Let's not start this please" I ask Uma. "Fine" Uma relents. "How are things over there?" Uma then asks me. 

"It's nice but I just don't feel like I fit in" I start then continue "It's like everyone there expects us to become the perfect Auradonian citizens and that's just not us we will always be the five from the Isle" "Well your back now" Uma says.

Harry then comes over and says "We should probably get ye back it's late and none of ye are popular around the Isle right now" "Yeah that's probably a good idea I'll see you guys soon" I say hugging each one and Harry starts walking with me back to the hideout. 

Once we make it back Harry says "This is your stop" I smile at him and say "I guess so" then continue "I really missed you Harry" "I miss ye too Soph. I better see ye around sometime now that you're back" "Definitely" I agree. Harry turns and starts to walk away and I call out "Harry wait!!!" I walk up to him and bring his face down to mine kissing him. He pauses for a moment in shock but then returns the kiss wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer. 

We break apart after a few moments and Harry says "I've been waiting te do that but I expected myself to instigate it" I chuckle and say "I couldn't help it I had to. I've liked you for a long time now Harry" "I like ye too Soph" he says and pulls me in for another kiss then says "Better get up there before Mal thinks we killed ye" I laugh and say "Okay I'll see you soon" "Bye Soph" "Bye Harry" I say and head up to the hideout with a large grin on my face.

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