2. Secret Base

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Katsuki's POV

Me and Izu have been hanging out a lot more since we found out we were quirkless. It has been a week since the day we got kicked out of our friend group. Sine then our lives became a living hell. We get bullied by our old friends and our parents won't even cook us food. For christ sake we're only 4. Why do or parents think that we can fend for ourselves. Even though me and Izu get treated like living garbage. We still try to make the most of our time and try to live the best we can. I'm glad I have him by my side, because living this life without him would've made it a thousand times harder. 

Today I am on way to the forest by our playground. Me and Izu decided that we should meet there everyday because no one will ever find us there. Well its not like anyone would miss us if we disappeared. Today me and Izu are going to figure out a training plan so we can get our bodies stronger. We also agreed that we should walk to the library to find workbooks so we can learn stuff that is above our grade level. The best part about the library is that it's free. We can free work material and we can use the computers to watch hero's fight and we can study their moves. I finally reached our meet up spot in the forest, but i started to hear footsteps behind me.

"Hey Kat" said Izuku

"Hey Izu. Why did you sneak up on me like that?"  I replied

"Um I don't know." 

"Well don't scare me like that again."

"Alright Kat"

"Um Izu?"

"Yes Kat"

"Well since this our meet up spot. Why don't we turn it into our own secret base like we're hero's" I suggested

"WOW KAT THATS AN AMAZING IDEA!" Izuku said happily

"Well what should we do to it?" I asked

"Ummm why don't we carve out a heart into a tree and put our initial's on it?" Izuku suggested

"Hmmmm I think thats a great idea. Once we get older we can upgrade the base like building a tree house or making a small fort." I replied

"Alright then lets carve our initials on that tree over there." 

"Okay Izu lets go."

                                                                             5 minutes later

"Hey Kat lets start coming up with our training plan" Izuku suggested

"Alright" I replied

"First we should decide what order we are going to do things" Izuku said

"I think we should meet up here after school and jog to the dirty beach so we can move trash and debris to help our muscles get stronger. Cleaning up the beach is free weight training and we're are pretty much being hero's for keeping the beach clean!" I said

"Wow Kat thats a really good idea" Izuku said happily

"Thanks. I also think that after that we can go to the library to watch hero fights on the computers and study them. If we learn how hero's fight we can train our close combat and be able to figure out our opponents moves." Katsuki said with a small blush on his face

"Thats smart. After that, why don't we start studying school workbooks so we can get ahead in our studies. If we get ahead, that means we don't have to spend time studying and we can learn more stuff and be more dependent if we are ahead in knowledge." Izuku suggested

"Alright so I guess we have our schedule. Oh and Izu I have another idea." I said

"What is it Kat?"

"Well since we are doing a bunch of training and we also want to help people. D-Do you think we can become m-minor vigilantes when middle school starts." I asked nervously

"Huh?" Izu said with a confused look on his face

"Well I was thinking that stopping minor crimes like rape, murder, or small kidnappings around the city will help us get stronger. I know it might be a little dangerous, but we would only be going after things we can handle."

"I'm not saying its a bad idea, but I think we should wait to talk about until the time comes" Izuku said

"Shouldn't we start talking about it now so we can come up with outfits and stuff?" I asked\

"I think we should wait to see how our training comes along because if we aren't good at hacking, then we wouldn't be able to find out what bad people to after. Even if we do get good enough to hack into the police department files, we would need to be god enough to cover our tracks. Covering our tracks takes a lot of skill and years of training. Also if we are slow in our training then we won't stand a chance against criminals. And lastly we will probably need to train in some sort of weapon unless we get a taser to use against the bad guys." Izuku explained

"Wow I didn't really think of all that" I said sadly

"I just don't want us to get in trouble, but I really like your idea. If our training goes well then we can have a serious conversation about becoming vigilantes." Izuku said happily

"Izu before we go home can I ask you something" I asked

"Yea whats up?"

"Well I just wanted to know if your doing okay at home" 

"U-Um why are you asking?"

"Well home has been kind of sucky for me and I kind of just wanted to talk to eachother about it. I also thought that since my family started to hit me that means your proabably does it to." I said

"Well my home life is bad, but it could be worse. My parents ignore like I'm not even there, so I have to feed myself. My sister is starting to hit me and insult me more, but thats pretty much it." Izuku said with a sad experession

"Well I just wanted to let you know that my mom is always yelling at me. My dad ignores me, but when he does look at me, he always sends a glare my way when we have eye contact. Katsumi is the worse though. She made me her slave. I have to do her chores, she hits me, and insults me." I said with tears in my eyes

"Kat. It's going to be alright. If we can handle living while having a sucky family. That means we are strong willed and have a strong heart. Also being ignored has its perks." Izuku said

"What kind of perks does getting abused and neglected by your family have?!" I said harshly

"Well lets see... OH! Well since we have to fend for ourselves now, we're going to need to know how to cook. We are also going to have to learn how to earn money, because we have no cloths a food supplies. These are some useful skills that we most likely wouldn't have bothered learning if we weren't neglected by our family." Izuku said

"Well I guess you're right. Oh and you know that my parents are fashion designers right?" I asked


"Well they probably have some old sewing machines lying around. We can learn how to use them so we can make our own cloths!" 

"Great think Kat. See, this life might not be as bad as we thought" Izuku said with a smile

"Yea i guess you're right. Cya Izu" I said happily

"Bye Kat"

I forgot to say this in the important info and the quirk information. Katsuki and Izuku's quirk can't be erased or stolen and it has no drawbacks. I also think it's important to know that both of them have an IQ that is slightly above Nezu's.

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