Trouble brews

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1 month later
"Okay Would you like to know yourself or do you want to have it as a surprise?" The doctor asked, "Ummm" I looked at Crocodile "let's know now" he said "now it is" I chuckled "okay let's find out" the lady said "it's a Girl!" She smiled "YES!" I cheered "Wow" Crocodile said "I guessed right!" He chuckled "We're having a little girl!" I cheered.

"My princess" he kissed my stomach "Ahh I'm so exited" I couldn't stop grinning "let's go shopping girl clothes! And we have to pick out a name and everything! And I have to tell Law omg" I said as I pulled out my phone "Let's go then" he said.

"This would be so cute" I said looking at the cute pajamas "I guess" he said "and this" I held up a bow "Eeeeeeee" I ran over grabbing some bottles.

Crocodile's POV
I'm happy that we're having a little girl, seeing Y/n'a face lit up like that made me really happy. I'm not the best at shopping but seeing her run around is adorable, she's a great parent already even if she isn't born yet. Y/n is a real badass and a straight forward person that's what makes her so great. *ring* "what is it?" I frowned as I answered the phone even though it was Daz "Boss he's here and he's looking for you" Daz said "shit" I looked over at Y/n who was off afar in her own world.

"Where are you?" Daz said after I stayed quite "Shopping with Y/n we're having a girl" I said "Congratulations Boss and I bet she's grabbing a shit ton of stuff isn't she?" Daz chuckled "she sure as hell is" I sweat dropped "I'll drop her off then I'll meet you at the casino" I said "On it, I'll start assigning guards Boss" he said "good" I sighed "I'll meet you there soon" I said as I hung up. "Dammit" I clenched my fist "the shittiest timing. Why now? I don't want to do this to Y/n..." I started to walk slowly towards her planning on what to say

This'll hurt me more Y/n I'm sorry "Y/n" I said "Look at this" she held up some toys "Yes but listen" I said and she stopped giving me her full attention "BlackBeard is here and he's waiting for me" I said as I seen her face drop "he's here?" She said "Yes" my face softened "Oh... what bad timing" she said "Listen Y/n I-" she stopped me "Do what you have to do okay? I know you don't want me dealing with this and I understand as much as I hate it. But, it's no use putting myself in more danger than I have to" she sighed. Hearing her say that made me so warm and fuzzy it's weird and I don't like it.

"Y/n" I said as I kissed her "Now take me home" she said "Okay" I chuckled as I grabbed her hand "But beat his ass for me and send a few words of welcome for me" she said with a sadistic smirk "s-sure" I said as we left the store.

At the Casino
"Boss" Daz opened the door for me and I was greeted with BlackBeard and a few of his men "Crocodile!" He roared "so damn loud" I muttered "BlackBeard" I said as I sat across from him "Huh alone?" He looked "I'm not alone Daz is here" I frowned "I don't mean him" he smirked "My Queen isn't with me, she doesn't need to" I growled "Oh too bad! I would've loved to see the woman who shocked the world right alongside you" he laughed "too bad" I scoffed

"Why do you want to speak to me?" I frowned as I lit my cigar "To work with you of course, we could be partners in this dirty world" he smirked as he chugged his drink "I don't trust anyone" I glared "Oh but you trust Y/n. A woman who was feared and also looked down by most." BlackBeard said "What does she have to do with anything? You asked for me not her" I growled "I'm just saying, you partnered with the woman who was raised by Joker the king for the underground's and who had his own kingdom. She is number 3 in the most influential and dangerous women in the world almost replacing Boa Hancock in just a short time period."

"You who were once at each other's throats fighting and killing for power now in love? She's an assassin who's good at toying with people. Hell she could be playing you right now" he laughed "BlackBeard have you ever been cussed out by a woman? Or glared at? Or had a gun pointed at your head? Or stepped on?" I asked "No I have not" he calmed down "So you've never been attacked by a woman correct?" I said "Of course I haven't!" He smirked "How unfortunate, see Y/n has done all of those besides stepping on me. That woman almost killed me, she's saved me from myself in a way I've never imagined. She's been abused and almost killed yet look at her standing tall and taking no one's bullshit"

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