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It's not easy being a woman. There are so many things that women have to deal with. Being looked down upon, cursed at, abused. I am a successful business woman, a mother and a wife. I don't have an easy life and I never will. I'm constantly being put down by people who despise me because I'm living the dream that they wished they had.

"Y/n you filthy b*tch! I bet you seduced all types of men to get up to this point!" The angry man yelled while I sat reading over some files "Really?" I said "There's no other way you don't deserve any of this!" He slammed his fist on the table "I don't? Shut the f*ck up, I bet you're the reason why your so called wife sleeps with other men because you are so jealous of others that you start to obsess" I glared through my glasses "Disrespect me again and I'll personally remove you" I growled

"I can say whatever the hell I want about you! A selfish woman like you owning so much you don't deserve it! You did nothing to get this far" he yelled "I didn't do nothing?" I snickered "Oh that's funny!" I laughed seeing his confused face "Bastards!" I yelled as I stood up angrily "You know nothing about me" I snarled as I pulled my gun out "Wait wait please I have a family!" He cried "Oh? So now that your life is on the line you want to cry whining about your family?" I scoffed as I took aim "I'm sorry please!!" He got on his hands and knees

"Your sorry?" I scoffed "You should've been saying that when you said that I didn't deserve this wonderful business of mines" I clicked my gun back "Please I have a daughter!" He cried "Oh I do too, precious little angle" I chuckled "Y-Yeah" he trembled *bang* "AHHHHHHHHH" he screamed and cried *gasp* everyone in the room jumped up, the man screamed and cried "IM SORRY IM SORRY!" He yelled

"Good now leave, oh and apologize to your wife too and your daughter" I glared "Okay okay I will!" He stood up running out the room "who's next?" I hissed and no one said a word "good Walter I'm sorry for the disturbance carry on please" I sat back down putting my gun away

I came home not seeing anyone so I went upstairs to change and take a shower from a hard days work, once I was done I figured that they were in his office so I checked there next.

"Mommy!" Our princess said as she was playing on the floor in his office "Hey sweetheart" she stumbled over to me reaching up for me, she was laughing and giggling as I kissed all over her face something she loved "were you being good?" I asked "yesh" she smiled "good" I chuckled as I put her down "Hey" I said as I went behind his desk "how was it today?" He wrapped his arm around me "okay was ready to kill a few people though" I huffed "I heard" he chuckled "sit" he said and I went over and sat in his lap

"How's it like working with Blackbeard" I chuckled hearing him grunt "Terrible pain in the ass as always" he scoffed "that bastard is sneaky and planning accordingly" he held me tightly "He must've been the one that stole my money" I growled "he probably was or had someone else do it" he said "Tomorrow I am free and I will use it to gladly relax" I kissed his cheek "I only have papers to sign which can wait" he said and I gasped "You waiting to sigh papers that could easily be done if you'd just do it!" I gasped

"Stop it" he frowned "I'm teasing you" I laughed, "Hmph" he went back to working and I started to doze off tired from today.

"Mommy! Mommy!" I woke up hearing our baby girl "Yes?" I groggily said "Mmmm" she whined as she held up her finger "What's wrong?" I said as she held it up still "Your hurt your finger" I sat up taking her hand "Oh" I seen that it was red "do like this and stop crying" I said as I shook my hand and she did the same "all better?" I said and she nodded her head "good" I kissed her finger and she reached up for me "Okay" I groaned as I picked her up

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