I'm sorry

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Crocodile's POV
"Is this how you do it?" I frowned as she sat on the counter while I attempted to fix her bottle "And you don't have any ready" I groaned as I looked in the refrigerator and freezer "Dammit" I sighed as I tried to follow the instructions

"No no no no" she reached for a fork "No" I took it from her and she started crying "You'll get your bottle in a minute" I said and she cried while also staring at me "don't get mad at me a fork at your age is dangerous" I said "stop crying" I said as I wiped off her cheeks and she sat there staring at me "stop it you look just like your mother while doing that glaring at me" I frowned as I still struggled with her bottle "if only she wasn't mad at me Princess she would be doing this, but then again the doctor did say to breastfeed you more" I sighed

"Okay perfect" I grinned as I made a bottle while also looking at the mess "I'll get that tomorrow" I laughed as I picked her up "let's get you fed then back to bed" I held her in my arm while feeding her feeling as she clenched onto my shirt as I walked back to her room.

I sat down in the rocking chair holding her as she drank from her bottle "What to do sweetheart I scared your mama" I sighed as I positioned her better "she's not happy with me at all...my biggest fear is losing either one of you" I stared into her eyes

"How should I apologize? I know with my words but what else? I know that vacation she wants and maybe some new glasses" I smiled "Damn that was quick" I chuckled as I took her bottle "alright" I stood up grabbing a book and a towel knowing she spit up soon.

"OH MAN YOU GOT IT EVERYWHERE!" I whispered yelled seeing her smile "it's not funny princess" I frowned as I picked out some new clothes and a diaper for her.

Once I was done cleaning her up I sat back down reading the book to her, "you like that" I grinned seeing her she was reaching for the parts that stood out "Let's continue" I smiled. Once I was finished she had fallen asleep so I carefully laid her back down trying not to wake her.

"Y/n?" I went to open the door but it was locked "come on open the door" I said "dammit" I groaned as I stared at the door knob, "I have no where to sleep" I fussed *sighs* I went to a spare bedroom looking at how lonely and cold it seemed

"Crap" I said as I realized that I had all my clothes in our room "Tsk" I called for a maid to see if she could find any spare clothes for tonight and tomorrow knowing that I won't be able to get my things. I laid down after taking my shower staring up at the ceiling thinking about her just as I did when I realized that I started to feel more for this woman and how I wished that she was at my side.

It's terribly hard for me to sleep without her, she has to be near me in some type of way or I have to have her hand in mines or feeling her arms around me. I need her I live just for her and my daughter I can't do anything without them.

Next day
I woke up feeling myself barely energized getting off at the most 3 hours of sleep. I got up to shower and change getting myself ready for the day. "Sir" Jess said "shouldn't you be with Y/n" I said "Yes but..." she looked down "what is it?" I frowned "she uh... won't come out" she said "Tsk" I put my coat on "Okay call in for me tell everyone that neither of us will be coming in no questions asked Walter and Daz will take over for the day" I said and she nodded her head as she left.

"Baby girl" I came into her room seeing her still sleeping because she did stay up late. "Princess" I picked her up kissing her forehead and cheeks she tiredly opened her beautiful eyes staring up at me "I'm sorry but we've got places to go" I said as I picked out an outfit for her "JESS CAN YOU PREPARE SOME BOTTLES I CANT DO THAT SHIT' I yelled "yes sir" she said

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