[Chapter 1]

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^^^evie (@ eviibii) on Twitter

Okay before we start I'm letting you know now this story will have lots of blood, death, injuries, liquor, and lots of other fucked up shit.

Today's chapter warnings are uh not that bad so yeah

I'll be working on this story and stranger cause I'm too impatient to wait to finish stranger.

So hi if ur from stranger

Tw: talking to casually about killing someone, implications of some violent stuff, honestly these people are just fucked up and it's the first chapter-

*Wilburs POV*

I've always been lucky. I'll admit it...

I mean when your the son of two billionaires you'r kinda set for success the moment you take your first breath.

I've always had it my way...my life has just been...perfect. even after the apocalypse. if not perfect then better.

"Hey Wilbur! you gonna watch the game's today?" my friend Niki said with her pink and blonde strands of hair flowing as she ran over.

"Nah...It's lame..I much rather play around in the arcade. wanna join?" I ask her smiling as I tilt my head making the dyed white streak in my hair cover my eye just a bit.

"I'd love to! maybe we can try beating Techno's high score!" she giggled as we walked.

"Have you heard the news? they're considering looking for more scientist. apparently its to 'find more ways to contain the death walkers' honestly I think Charlie and his crew are good enough..."

"I suppose...but that would mean we would have to look at some of the poors wouldn't we?"

"thats what I said" I open the door for her as I see the pink haired devil himself. "Techno!! come hang out with us!!!"

"no" I hear him mumble from afar.

"rejected by his own twin brother.." niki said patting my shoulder.

"I've never felt more betrayed..." I fake sniffled as she dragged me in the arcade room.

"Lets go to the Las Nevadas one!!" she yelled happily dragging me over.

"jeez jeez okay calm down niki..." I say as I sit and press the start button.

'objective: Kill as many NPC's as possible'

what are the npc's you might ask? they're the needy of course. I bite into one or two. The players play as the zombies that kill the hopeless.

"oh oh oh! Wilbur get the one with the milk hat" she yelled excitedly, jumping up and down as I got closer to the man.

though the players don't 'loose' there's only one way to kill the zombie and the npc's surely don't know how. the npc pulled out a gun as I ran at them. like thats gonna-

'Game over'

"what.." I mumbled and looked to niki who seemed just as confused.

"maybe...um...maybe we should ask Charlie? he helped make some of this stuff right?" she proposed to which I nodded and walked out the arcade with her.

"What are you two doing" I yelped and hugged onto niki only to see it was techno.

"Oh you fucker!" niki giggled as I let go and punched techno not making him even flinch. "We're looking for Dr. Slimecicle to help explain what the hell just happened with the Las Nevadas game"

"What do you mean? nothings wrong with the game I was playing it before you two showed up"

"well it says game over- the npc's can't kill the zombies and the timer didn't go ou-"

"oh Wilbur! Techno! there you two are! Have any of you seen your mom or dad? I've been looking for them" Charlie came in his lab coat stained with strange green goop.

"Great! can you completely forget about what you were going to them for and help me and Niki instead?" I asked making him look up from a clipboard he was holding confused before we dragged him in the arcade making him drop it.

"Charlie the games broken! can you fix it I wanna play!" Niki asked as we stood in front the Las Nevadas game that still had the mocking 'Game over' on it.

"Game over? uhh....that can't be right..." he anxiously said pulling out a small tablet from his lab coats pocket and a cord that he plugged into the the machines side. "I'm sure we can fix this...Seems like they found out how to kill the zombies...Let's just find the npc and send some troops to kill him and your game should be-" he stopped as a picture of the man with the milk hat popped up on the tablet.

"You okay Charlie?" Techno asked from behind me. scary dude glad to be related to him.

"Uhhhhhh...Yeah yeah I'll just um d-deal with this-"

"You said we just had to take the guy out right? Maybe we can go out and earn Wil's kill back ourselves" Techno suggested making Niki happily nod.

"that'd be so much fun! We'd actually be in the game-"

"NO- I mean- I-It's dangerous!" Charlie interrupted making us look at him.

"Charlie...You know better than to raise your voice.." I booped his nose leaving him still.

"Well...It's settled then..We're hunting tonight!" Techno enthusiastically said as he walked off.

"So excited...Just to hunt down some guy with a milk hat." Niki spoke as she stared at my excited brother.

"Come on Niki you grew up with us you know Tech..He loves his hunts"

[Time skip brought to you by Ive been jamming to music this whole time writing]

"Techno you'r not going alone to hunt down one guy with a milk hat" dad said as he drank some tea at the table.

"I'm not gonna go alone! I'm going with Wilbur, Niki, and Dr. Slimecicle" he said as he stabbed his food with his fork. Out for blood much?

"Your just gonna kill the guy?" Skeppy asked as he messed with his own Dimond accessories.

"Yeah It would be fun to have a little bit of a Hunt right?" Techno said as I played with my glass.

"Maybe you can have a few more people go so your father can feel more sure about letting you go?" mom said as she happily ate a few grapes.

"Lets take Ranboo!! I've always wanted to teach the kid how to hunt" Techno said making Ranboo nervously shrink in his seat.

"Maybe take Karl? He's gone out plenty of times" I suggested picking at my steak bored at the conversation. Can we just go already?

"I wouldn't mind going! Sounds fun..." Karl said as he drank some strange black liquid. He's always been a strange one. might be drinking ink...

"Can I go?!" Fundy yelled excitedly as he sat next to a sleeping George.

"No Fundy you can't go" I pinched his cheek "Far too adorable to go hunting!" I spoke in a high voice making him groan and push me away.

"Okay okay...Charlie, Techno, Wilbur, Niki, Karl, and...uh Ranboo I guess...y-you can go but be carful! and please for the love of god don't bring home any new...pets okay?" dad said making techno excitedly jump out his seat.

"Let The Hunt begin!!"



Ah yes another story
But more angst ✨✨✨

Just a reminder that this story might get brutal-

Okay so drink water, listen to Muffin by CG5, and sleep is propaganda so the government can put realistic eyes in ur dolls 👀

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