<Chapter 3>

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^^dunno who made it but love it

*Wilburs POV*

"Willllllbuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrr" niki mumbled "Aree weee thereeee yetttttt????" she leaned on my shoulder

"I dunnnooo....Karlllllllll....are we therreeee yettt???" I asked him making him roll his eyes.

"Techno Wilbur and Niki wanna know for the millionth time if we're there yet" Karl groaned.

"For the millionth time you'll know were there once I start kicking the car happily"

"Buutttt thattttss too loonnnnggggg-" before me and niki could continue whining he started happily kicking the car before a sudden stop making me hit my nose against the window.


"Get out the car we're going hunting!!" techno yelled and got out the car.

We all followed him out the car. I was holding onto my nose as the others started walking off towards a street with a huge sign with worn out lights.

'Las Nevadas'

"Wilbur you coming?!" niki asked as she yelled from all the way next to the sign.

I feel a smile creep onto my lips as I remember what we're here for. I run over to the four getting dirt on my polished boots.

"Okay Charlie...Where do you think we should go first? Where's this guy gonna be?"

"uh um...I'm not sure- maybe we should- maybe- uh-"

"Your stumbling over your words again Charlie" I rolled my eyes and started to walk ahead.

"S-sorry- um maybe we should head to the place he killed the zombie...If I could just.." he tapped on his tablet anxiously stumbling as we went down a hill.

"Maybe look in the nearby stores?" Niki suggested as she walked down next to me.

"WoaH wOAh WoaH I WoulDN't juSt gLOop In tHEre a-AnD-"

"Don't worry Charlie we got weapons and know how to take down the zombies we'll be finneee" Techno said happily and played with a dagger he brought with him.

"Techno are we just gonna go hunt this guy down and leave?" I ask leaning onto him as we walked to a gas station.

"I mean we can twist the game a bit if you have a better idea"

"But I donnnnttttt" aaaaaaa if only I was creative enough.

"That's a shame...Oh I got a small idea! Kill whoever we find with the guy. Surely he isn't completely alone" niki suggested, niki always has the best ideas, I hugged her happily.

"Niki your so smart!"

"Thank you Wilbur"

"Oh my god look at all the stores and casino's!!" Karl excitedly ran towards a restaurant. "Let's go in here!!"

We all started going around looking at stores, run down casino's, and restaurants. eventually it got dark making techno decide we stay and chill in one of the casino's for the night.

"Good fucking night" I said as I relaxed in a chair.

"Really? Your just gonna sleep there?" Techno rolled his eyes but sat next to me.

"Yup. Got a problem?"

"No it's just weird" Techno said and the others found somewhere to sleep and we chatted till we fell asleep. well all of us slept except Techno who wanted to keep watch. I'm also pretty sure I saw Charlie choose to sleep on the floor.

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