⌑ Chapter 4 ⌑

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^^have dis <3

*Charlies POV*

"Charlie?..." I hear from two familiar voices as I'm looking down panting from all the running.

I looked up to see two people I haven't seen in a while.


"CHARLIE!!" Ted ran to hug me as Schlatt stared in shock before smiling.

"Charlie!! Ted's and I been wondering where the hell you've been! All Teds done was mope and work!!" he ran and hugged me as well when Ted finally let go. He let go as they started to happily tell me about how much they missed me making me  smile.

"Charlie! We were worried you died!!" Ted said making me look back to Wilbur who had been watching with a smirk.

"I-I you know just g-glooped and slooped a bit to far a-and got lost...um..Thankfully W-Wilbur and his family and friends actually found me and helped me out a bit..." I lied as I look at the two who looked so happy to see me. My breath got shaky as tears filled my eyes and I hugged them both.

"I...I missed you guys so much though.." My eyes shut as tears fell down my face. I felt them hug back as I opened my eyes to Wilbur again, it felt almost like he was a reminder, I can't let Ted get hurt...or Schlatt...I can't let these psycho's hurt them...

"Charlie you have to come back to the base- Sooo mucchhh has changed!!" Ted said happily. he looked like a mess but I was glad to see him happy.

"Oh uh-"

"If Charlie goes we come too you know.." Wilbur said from behind the two making them turn. Ted and Schlatt gave him an annoyed look.

"Charlie can you tell him to give my coin back?" Schlatt asked me and tugged on my sleeve like a kid asking his mom for a toy.

"Uhhh W-Wilbur can you please-"

"No" he said interrupting me as he fiddled with the coin.

"This asshole..." I heard Schlatt mutter under his breath before crossing his arms.

"Wilbur right? Why wont you give the coin back? Please dude it means a lot to Schlatt" Ted said trying to reason with Wilbur...The thing is you can't reason with Wilbur-

"...What do I get if I give it?" he asked as he looked at the coin.

"You get to keep your teeth-" I covered Schlatts mouth and he starts yelling but all that comes out are muffles as I answer for him.

"I'll make the trip worthwhile!" me saying this makes Schlatt stop yelling and look at me along with ted who gave the same confused look.

"What trip?" Ted asked before Schlatt asks the same still muffled.

"Wil, his brother, and uh friends actually-  Came here to gloop away zombies!! They're uh hunting them down! Haha..." I came up with a lie and Wilbur smiled.

"Whats going on here?" Techno interrupted us and we all looked away from Wilbur to see the pink haired man.

"Ah Techno- N-nothing we're just uhhh gloopin with Wilbur over here" I awkwardly laughed as he eyed Ted.

"And who are these two?" He glared making me shiver as Wilbur pops up behind us and answers.

"These are Charlie's friends Tech! Ted and Schlatt" he yelled with a smirk.

"Wilbur you asshole-" I muttered to myself and turn around to glare at him.

"Well...Are they joining us?" He asked catching me off guard.

"W-what- say that uh a-again?" I say fixing my fucked up glasses.

"Are they gonna come along with us or not?" He said annoyed as Schlatt and Ted gave eachother a look.

"We aren't going with you but you can come with us" Ted offered.

(Flashbacks to Tommy's you laugh you loose lives video)

"Wait really? They can come to the base?" I ask and Schlatt rolls his eyes.

"I mean yeah...I definitely want my coin back but..we can trust them cause they're with you right?" I looked at Schlatt as he said that.



"Yeah..." I lied...again...

"Then why the hesitation?! Any friend of Charlie is our friend too" Ted happily said. I saw Schlatt smile as Ted happily started ranting about how he welcomed them before he sighed and put a glare back on his face to face Wilbur to start demanding the coin back to which Wilbur smirked and teased him.

"Okay okay you two stop arguing! We'll lead you all too the base no problem just give the coin back" Ted said in a delighted tone.

"William just give it back" Techno muttered making Niki giggle and Wilbur roll his eyes and give the coin to Schlatt, annoyed that his fun came to an end.

Then they happily lead us to the base. I can't seriously just let these murderers go to the base...what do I do?..

"Hey Charlie" I flinch to the sound of Techno's voice as Ted and Schlatt led us more up front to the base. "Mind telling me why your friends with the guy we're hunting?" He asked in a whisper making Wilbur gasp.

"Thats why he looked so familiar!" He whisper yelled.

"Wilbur he ruined your game you should recognized him" Techno glared making Wilbur shrug and Niki giggle. "Charlie. Why are you friends with him?" He asked in a growl making me shiver.

"W-Well...Look I have a deal just...Don't hurt them I promise I'll make The Hunt worth while just wait till we get there..." they looked at each other and Techno sighed and started to walk closer to Ted and Schlatt.

After that everyone chatted till we made it to the base.

"W-Wow I haven't been here in so long...I missed the constant cat noises and crying children" I said as we entered the building they set up in. It was more crowded than the last time I was here and People stared and Ted would happily greet them, Making them more confused, Then they led us to the rooms we would stay in.

"So guys! Charlie you'll be staying in this room with all your friends! It should have enough beds for all of you! It's late you guys should rest I'm sure your exhausted by all your travels. We'll wake you all up tomorrow and you can join us for breakfast!!" Ted explained In his joyful tone. He left as we started to walk into the room.

"Charlie.." I stopped and turned around to see Schlatt still at the door as everyone relaxed in their beds.


"...Just so you know..Even though it's been a while...You can still talk to me and uhh...Tell me anything you should okay?" He said with a small smile before waving and leaving with Ted.

I sigh at the door when he left.

"I know.."
Words: 1117

pog am I right?

uhh what do you think so far? :] Hope it's pog

Anyways Hi drink water, try eating something, and sleep is propaganda made by the government so they can put ants in ur water-

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