-Chapter 2-

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^^^^ART by uhh I can't read the signature- anygay dadschlatt for the soul

*??? POV*

 "Hey how was the supply trip?" Schlatt asked me as I walked in the room.

"Same as always...went out, found supplies, came back" I said annoyed as I flopped on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed.

"That's it? Nothing new?...no sign of him?" He asked in a whisper.

"...no.." i mumbled disappointed. He's been missing for so long...

"...oh...well dinners almost ready. You can join us all if you want..." he said as he got out the chair in front of a table with a few papers schlatt had.

"Okay..." I mumbled stuffing my face into my pillow as he walked out the room.

I'm tired...I'm tired of this...Charlie's been missing for months...where did he go?

What if he's dead?...or did he get tired of us?...I miss him...I miss Charlie...

"Oh and Ted" I look up seeing schlatt back at the door.

"Bad says he found out more about the death walkers" I sit up to look at him.


"Yeah...so I suggest you don't skip dinner and catch up with him before he heads to his little lab again Ted"

[Time skip brought to you by I'm panik]

chatter scattered across the little cafeteria the base had as I walked in. I see Schlatt seemingly happily chatting with bad and a few other like Quackity, Puffy, and snapnap. he seems to notice me and happily wave me over.

"Hey Ted! Glad to see you took my advice" he told me as I walked over and sat with the group.

"Yeah..." I mumbled with a small smile.

"Ted! How was the trip? Find anything good?" 'not at all' is what I wanted to tell puffy but I decided to just let her be excited.

"Yeah! Found lots of food that isn't expired or pure zombie puke, some random guitar, and some toys and stuff for the kids of the base"

"You did? Oh Tubbo and his pals will love to see what you brought" Puffy smiled as she continued to eat a poor excuse of spaghetti.

"Ted. Dude. Tell Schlatt to stop calling me flatty patty! He only listens to you or puffy and puffy thinks its funny!" Quackity angrily yelled making puffy and schlatt break out in laughter and start mocking him. Snapnap would try calming Quackity as they did.

"Will you muffins stop it? I'm trying to eat this poorly rapped muffin in pea-" bad's seat's leg suddenly breaks making him fall and drop the muffin.

"Bad? Are you okay?!" puffy huffily got up and helped him up.

"I'm fine...B-But my muffin"

"Don't worry Bad you you can have mine I don't want it.." Quackity gave him the muffin and stood letting Bad sit to eat since he was done.

"Thank you big Q!! Also Ted aren't you going to eat anything?" Bad asked but before I could answer schlatt appeared behind me with a tray. 

"Yeah Ted you should eat! I'm not hungry have my shitty food!" he held it out with a smile that was almost threatening. Eat I will.

I take the tray with rice and chicken on it. of course like any sane person I opened the milk he didn't drink and chugged it. moving on to eating the chicken as Bad finally finished his muffin.

"So Ted what made you join us?" Bad asked as he thew the cupcake rapper in the trash can that was a few feet away. he made it in and didn't get shamed by others who watched.

"What do you mean?"

"You never eat after a supply trip" he casually said as if it was a well known fact.

"Schlatt said you found out more about the death walkers" I said as I picked at the rice that was now cold.

"I did! Found out that there's a chip were you have to shoot to knock them dead" he said casually making everyone except Schlatt look at him confused.

"A chip? Like a nacho?" I asked making him giggle.

"No muffin head!! A computer chip! I have to see if this is the case for all of them since I only actually saw this with one and the chip was damaged due to the bullet but I think this might actually lead somewhere"

"Bad thats..." I try looking for the right words but come up with nothing. can this be the thing that gets us out of this apocalypse? Can things finally start going back to normal?

"Great right? We're finally, after two years in this apocalypse, getting information about the zombies!" he happily gets up and starts walking away.

"Bad where are you going?!" Quackity yelled confused but Schlatt answered his question instead.

"To his lab where else would he go?" he got up too and I followed as he followed Bad to his lab.

"Why are you following him?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"I sorta know more about computer shit then him...who knows I might just finally fucking help for once"


"Bad! Wait up!" Schlatt yelled and grabbed my hand dragging me over to the lab Bad entered. 

"Oh you two wanna join me on researching the corpse?" Schlatt nodded, once again like the plenty of times before, answering for me.

They uncovered a rotting zombie that laid on a big tray. I gagged as I saw its decomposing body. its bad enough to see it running at you, somehow worse to see it completely still. I can't spend my days here looking at a zombie-

"M-Maybe um- I can go kill some more death walkers- for you to like study" I mumbled making Bad smile and making Schlatt roll his eyes.

"Sure I can go too" Schlatt said obviously bothered by me leaving already.

"Oh! This is great! You guys rest tomorrow you can go!" Bad was definitely excited to see if the other zombies would be the same as this one.

so we went to the room we shared. Schlatt went on the top bunk annoyed leaving me with the bottom bunk. I cover myself and stare at the ceiling for the bottom bunk.

"Goodnight" I whispered as I closed my eyes.


words: 1015

fdrestrdfbnm this sucks so far but it'll (Hopefully) get better-

anyway hows ur day?

mine is good considering what day tomorrow :]

drink water, listen to Puffy sing in Muffin its amazing- and sleep is propaganda made by the government so they can make your costume include a body suit thats really itchy-

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