I'll Quit For You

691 31 0

Austin P. O. V.

I just did the last drop for the night.
It's 3 a. m. and I know Y/N is gonna be upset.

"Where the hell were you? " you asked completely pissed.

" Baby I'm sorry it's just the gang went a little bit lager than I expected" I said.

Your P. O. V.

Your sick and tired of Austin coming home from these gang meetings your mama told you not to marry a gang member but you love him.

"Baby please forgive me" Austin begged. He also does that begs then saids the meeting will be short.

"Austin I can't do it you need to quit the gang "you said.

" But baby it's all I know how to do I can't help it" he said with tears streaming down his face.

"Austin you have to quit I'm pregnant! "you shouted.

" You are?" he asked.

"Yeah I am baby "you said.

" So you're gonna have to quit" you said.

He took out his and dialed a number.
Austin P. O.V.

I took out my phone and called Bigg.

Phone Convo.

Austin : Yo Bigg

Bigg: Yo Blood, what's up?

Austin : Well man I have to tell you something.

Bigg : What is it man?

Austin : Well the wife's pregnant and...

Bigg : Oh I know where this is going.

Austin : Oh I'm sorry man.

Bigg : Don't be man, just know I wanna be a god father though.

Austin : Of course.

End of Phone Convo.

Your P. O. V.

"Austin what did he say? "you asked.

" He said he wanna be a god father" Austin said lifting you in the air and smiling.

"I'm so glad you're out of the gang now baby" you said.

Ok sorry for taking so long. I love y'all I need to give you guys an update about what happens after he quits so you'll be see that soon. Thanks for the votes love you again.

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