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Third person Pov

Ryan laughed as he beheaded the once fierce vampire. "We did it, we finally killed her." he laughed his face was one of amusement and disbelief.

"I-I stabbed her, Ryan Stabbed her." Chloe's voice trembled as she realized what her own actions lead her to, she was shocked at what she had done but yet felt satisfaction in her actions as her face of amusement turned to one of an evil bliss.

"So you're the one that killed me." Ryan’s victory was cut short at the sound of the voice he turned to see who he hadn't expected to be alive.

"I-I killed you how is it possible."Ryan stammered as he backed away from the man that was before him.

"You killed Zayn?" Chloe's voice rang; she was shocked to say the least.

"So you're the bastard, that attacked my sister donyia and almost let her bleed out at the side of a house, you're the one who poisoned me that day in the royal palace, you're the reason My Ariel cried and now you dare to kill her?" Zayns voice rang, his tone was different, this time it held pride and authority, power seemed to radiate off him and his body seemed to be more built and his once beautiful complexion was now completely and utterly flawless no eye could see any wrong to it.

Zayn summoned a sword, the sword was black with silver embroidery into it and armor appeared on him, the armor matched the sword and seemed to be impossible to penetrate.

Ryan stumbled back and Chloe coward behind him, if they tried to run they would be caught up in the bloody battle that was outside and if they stayed their death was certain.

"What the hell are you?"Ryan gasped as he looked at Zayn's more majestic form.

"Is it really that hard to tell? It should be obvious, I am a demi-god." zayns voice sounded dangerous as he his precious mate laid in a puddle of her own blood, headless and motionless.

"Did you honestly think you would win? From what I’ve heard you shifters never learn and that's why you are almost extinct." the hazel eyed demi-god spoke.

"b-but everything was planned out... you were human with human parents." Ryan stammered out.

"You do realize my mother wasn't exactly a normal person but a nymph, she didn't know it but it seemed being a nymph comes in handy and Jupiter was my father, but foolish is your species to even figure that out." he said as he walked toward them.

"I was a bit confused of how I was mated to someone so strong, but it’s obvious that Diana or fate herself is never wrong, you do know your plans were foreseen a long time ago and as you plotted against the Dark Lords, The Dark Lords plotted against you, how sad and pitiful that this is your end." zayn growled as he pointed his sword toward Ryan. 

Chloe was terrified, she regretted even allowing herself in the whole mess why had she been so foolish, she didn't want to die, she shook in fear, so this is the fear of death? She thought to herself as she held on to Ryan.

Somehow a dark aurora filled the room. Although she was laying in a puddle of her own blood Ariel's fingers seemed to twitch, the darkness seemed too careless her body and hold her against its grasp.

 Ryan and Chloe glanced at the corpse their faces twisted in terror as she seemed to be levitating.

Any damage to the body seemed to heal as she was once again whole.

Her eyes snapped open, they illuminated the darkness that surrounded her, her hair was dripping blood, but not only hers but of those she had killed in battle.

 "What makes a First-class-vampire so strong and undefeated? The fact that they are true immortal creatures and the see no death." her red eyes snapped to Ryan and Chloe.

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