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Our home???

The President didn’t say “my home”, he also didn’t say “your home”, he said “our home”. This made Du Lisa slightly confused.

At this time, the President has got out of the car, stood near the car window and stared her condescendingly.

He didn’t even bother to open the door! What a gentleman!

Du Lisa thought, she angrily walked out from the limousine and slammed the door.

Jungkook glanced at her and did not speak.

At this moment Du Lisa the urban bourgeois petty mind was fully exposed.

She thought: Since she meet the President till now it has been the President who held her by the nose, having the opportunity to slam the President’s door, Du Lisa’s image suddenly became tall and mighty, she felt that she no longer the one who’s been oppressed.

Her psychological naturally changes to walking upright and strode arrogantly.

With her nose tilted towards the sky she followed the President into the house, being careless she fell on the ground.

Du Lisa was like a tortoise like lying on the ground, turning around she felt embarrassed!

The grand entrance threshold was as high as a palm, no wonder people say that the rich and powerful are difficult to enter! This time Du Lisa personally experienced it.

Looking at the President in the distance staring at her, his eyes flashed a gloating look.

Du Lisa suddenly felt that the President must be deliberately not remind her of the threshold, who asked her to break the President’s car door? Letting such a person as her fall was considered to be very lenient.

A capitalists will not let themselves suffer any losses.

After understanding this truth, Du Lisa decided from now on she must be a little low-key in front of the President, to achieve victory does not depend on the strength, but the perseverance and fighting strength.

Following the President to his nest, Du Lisa's little heart was immediately shocked to luxurious decoration.

Looking at the paintings, she didn’t understand them at all! She couldn’t assess the certain value of the painting. Then looking at the sculpture, it was carved well, staring at the glittering it felt quite smooth to touch……

At that moment a person behind asked: “What are you doing?”

Du Lisa nervously turned around and realised the President has walked in front of her, she didn’t know when he stood behind frowning at her.

Du Lisa felt tense and hurriedly said: “I think this sculpture is carved a very well, you see the lion’s mouth it’s so bold and impressive! Simply just…… just like you!” After she said this, she was startled by her own attempt of currying favour.

The President choked, and slowly said, “This is garbage can.”

A crushed sound was heard, Du Lisa was broken into pieces.

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