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Generally in the romance novels, the day after the hero and heroine do the deed, it'll definitely be a sunny morning, the female upon waking up will hear the sound of water rushing in the bathroom and just as she's entertaining herself with all sorts of ideas, the male will walk out the bathroom with a bathrobe on as he stares at the female with tender and soft as water eyes while indulgently asks: "Does it still hurt?"

Then the female will blush with rosy cheeks and lowered her head as her heart races.

Upon seeing such scene will make the male unbearable and push the female onto the bed, incidentally he would reveal a thousand years of unchanged evil demonic smile: "You smell so good, I want to taste again...."

Then their lips will come into contact and the rest is history!

It's written within romance novel as this, Du Lisa also think so, so when she opened her eyes the bright sun shone through the windows, she acoustic sound of water running behind the doors, thus she became anxious and fretful.

Remembering the thrills of last night, her blood rose from the soles of feet rushing to the top of her head, Du Lisa's skin that was covered under the blanket began to heat up and redden.

In the past she always thought that the President was an acrimonious, harsh, overbearing and revengeful capitalists. After last night, she didn't expect to discover that being acrimonious was merely a small case, at best he was only harsh to shrimps, while overbearing was within her calculations, however the President's worst nature turned out to be—— rogue!

How could he push her onto the bed without her consent? That wasn't enough, he even covered her mouth, cutting her off by licking her, once he was done with licking, he started to bite her, and then once he was done biting, he.....

No no! If she thinks of it any further she'll suffer a nosebleed.

In fact, this wasn't the thing that made Du Lisa the most depressed, the thing that made her most depressed was that after having the patronizing President eat her clean and dry, unexpectedly she didn't even get to eat one ounce of the President's tofu, let alone able to see the legend strawberry birthmark of his!

Oh! What a pity! Oh! What a pity!

As she's grieving, there was a voice crying out within her heart: Such tragic things absolutely can not happen again!

So, Du Lisa decided before the President finish taking a shower she would leave as soon as possible!

Wrapping herself up in the bed quilt, she quickly out of bed, her eyes searched with the remains of their clothing besides the bed, scattered buttons were seen, her face immediately redden.

The clothing the President to brought her were such poor quality, it can be convenient taken off!

Isn't this rogue? It's simply perverted!


Because the clothing from yesterday could no longer be worn, Du Lisa can only helplessly jump around with the bed quilt tightly wrapped around herself as she tried to find other clothing. At this moment the sound within the bathroom disappeared, the President have finished taking a shower!

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