chapter 2

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Bold = actions 
normal = speaking 
italics = Thoughts  
italics and underlined = writing 

~2 hours later ~

Harry wakes up and groans in pain. After a couple of minutes, he remembers everything that happened.  Harry quietly unlocks the door to his cupboard and sneaks out to the bathroom. Once there, Harry takes a look at himself in the mirror and bites his lip in shock at the sight he saw in front of him. 

His eyes had turned ocean blue. His short messy hair  had grown into long wavy black hair that went down to his knees. His hips had grown to make himself look more feminine and curvy. Harry looked down at his chest as it felt heavy and noticed he had big feminine breasts. 


He isn't a man anymore. He is female.  He, or should I say she, was just about to look at the rest of her body when he heard a tapping noise coming from Dudley's second bedroom. 

Harry quietly creeps over to the room and sees two owls with letters attached to their legs. One owl was Hedwig and the other owl, he didn't know. Harry carefully got the letters from the owls. 

Harry: Sorry I don't have any treats. 

Both owls nod, then the new owl flies off and Hedwig waits to take a reply.  The letter Hedwig gave her was from the Weasley twins, Fred and George. The second letter was from Gringotts. Harry decides to open Fred and George's letter first. 

'Dear Harry, 
It's Fred and George here. 
We wanted to know how you are and if we hang out? 
Also Max misses his mommy. 
He is fine by the way.
No one has found out about him Yet.
Reply as soon as you can about the hanging out question and how you are questioned
From Fred and George' 

Harry laughs silently at their antics. He then nervously opens the letter from gringotts. 

'Dear Mx potter, 

It seems you have come into your creature inheritance early. 
I would like you to come to talk about your inheritance.
Please bring everything you have because I have a feeling you won't be coming back.
This letter is a portkey, just say "inheritance" and you will be brung to gringotts. 

Griphook. ' 

Harry in his confused state, she quickly packed all her stuff up. Before realising he hadn't replied to Fred and George's letter. He quickly grabs a piece of paper, a will and quickly started to write a letter to Fred and George saying: 

'Dear Fred and George, 
I'm alright.
I miss my son too.
About hanging out, can you come to gringotts as soon as you get this letter please?
I need to go there now and I want to meet you afterwards. 
I have a lot to tell you something 
So see you there
From Harry ' 

He sent the letter off with Hedwig and put a glamour on to hide it all . Before grabbing her things and the portkey. 

Harry: inheritance 

Harry then disappears 

What will happen next? Who is Max's dad? Who is Harry now? Read on to find out 

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