chapter 6

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Bold = actions 
normal = speaking 
italics = Thoughts  
italics and underlined = writing 
F/g - when Fred and George are talking at the same time. 


Loki: The Harry potter? 

Harriet nods 

Loki: the chosen one? 

Harriet nods again. 

Loki: the boy who lived? 

Harriet nods again 

Loki: the saviour? 

Harriet: yes mother 

Loki: Oh sweety. Come here 

Loki holds his arms out. Harriet runs into them and hugs Loki. Loki hugs back. Bruce joins the hug, hugging both of them 

Tony: Can someone explain what's happening? 

Fred: We are all wizards. 

George: Well Harriet Is now a witch. 

fred: We went to a witch and wizardry school in Scotland. 

George: The headmaster, Dumbledore, was the one who kidnapped us from you lot.  

fred: he put blocks on our magic and obligated us. 

george: He also put glimmers on us to make us think we were someone else. 

Fred: Me and George thought we were the weasley twins. 

George: the 4th and 5th sons of Molly and Arthur Weasley.  

Fred: The blood traitors. 

George: The poorest pureblood family out there. 

Fred: We were going into our last year at Hogwarts. 

George: We own our own prank shop in dragon alley. 

Fred: It's a wizardry shopping alley. 

George:  Harriet here thought she was Harry potter the boy who lived, Son of james and lily potter 

fred: When she was 1, Voldemort killed James and Lily potter and tried to kill Harriet but she didn't die, the curse backfired and killed Voldemort. 

George: She was then sent to her horrible Muggle relatives. 

fred: In her first year, she defeated Voldemort again. 

george: Her second year, she killed a basalik, a giant snake. 

fred: in her Third year, everyone thought a azkaban escape was after her turns out he was Harry potter's godfather and you know what Dumbledore did that year. 

George: In her Fourth year, someone put her in the triwizard tournament. 

Fred: Which could lead to death. 

George: The first task was dragons. 

Fred: She did that while pregnant with max. 

george: They had to collect a fake egg from a nesting dragon. 

Fred: Harriet got the worst dragon.   

george: The next task was to collect someone from the lake and it was guarded by mermaids. 

Fred:  If people knew about Max Harriet's person would have been Max but no one knew  about him so Harriet had to save Ron. 

George: The youngest male Weasley. 

fred: She saved him and another champion's little sister.  

George:  The last task was a maze. 

fred: At the end of the maze, Harriet and the other Hogwarts champion got the cup at the same Time and it was a portkey. 

George: It took them to a graveyard. 

George: The other champion was killed and Harriet was tied up.  

fred: Wormtail, a death eater who works for Voldemort, was there and used Harriet's blood to bring Voldemort back to life. 

George: It worked. 

Fred:  After a duel with Voldemort, Harriet escaped back to Hogwarts. 

George: She cried all night but was then forced back to the muggles. 

fred: Where she went through  her creature inheritance and here we are. 

Thor: what!!!!!  

bruce: How could someone do that to a child?!!! 

Natasha: the red room was similar. 

Bucky: even when I was the winter soldier I was never sent to or killed babies or children

Harriet starts crying and Loki and Bruce hug her tighte

Clint: Who is this Voldemort person? 

Steve: And what's so bad about these, what do you call them, muggles? 

Tony: What are muggles? 

Loki: muggles are not magical people. 

Fred: Voldemort 

George: is a 

Fred: madman. 

George: he is 

Fred: also the 

George: dark lord. 

Harriet: my Muggle relatives ......... They hurt me 

What will happen next? How will everyone react to the news? Read on to find out

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