chapter 5

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Trigger warnings: mentioned R*pe and panic attack. I'll tell you when you can skip 

Bold = actions 
normal = speaking 
italics = Thoughts  
italics and underlined = writing 
F/g - when Fred and George are talking at the same time. 


They arrived outside the Stark tower door. Harriet states up at the building, in shock at how tall it is. 

Herriet: What do we do now? 

George: try and 

Fred: appreciate inside 

Harriet nods slightly as Fred and George grab hold of her arms to try and appreciate inside.

~meanwhile inside start tower in the living room~ 

The avengers, except Wanda, Strange and Vision, and Loki were sitting in the living room of Stark tower. Loki and Bruce were cuddling together in a love seat. Steve and Bucky were sitting together in another loveseat. Tony, Natasha, Thor and Clint were sitting on the sofa. 

Friday:  3 teenages and a baby just appeared outside the tower. 

Tony: They just appeared? 

Clint: like out of thin air? 

Loki: like appreciating? 

Friday: yes like appreciating, Mx Loki. They just disappeared again. 

Natasha: What's appreciating? 

Loki: It's a magical way of traveling.  

Just then there is a pop and Fred, George and Harriet arrive in the living room. Harriet is still holding max.   

Clint: Who are you three? 

Harriet: I thought you would recognise us. 

clint: nope I don't 

Natasha: Could you tell us who you are? 

F and G: what's the fun in that? When we can make you guess. 

Bucky: I know that anywhere. 

Steve: George? 

Tony: Fred? 

Fred: Yeah it's me, dad. 

George: yeah it's me papa and dad. 

Steve and Bucky hug George tightly and Tony hugs Fred 

Natasha: If they are Fred and George, who are you and who is that baby? 

Harriet: You don't remember me, godmother. 

Loki's and Bruce's eyes widened 

Loki: Harriet?! 

Harriet: yeah it's me 

Loki and Bruce hug her, being careful of max. Max giggled and everyone looked at him. 

Bruce: Harriet, Sweety, who is this?  

Harriet: mum, dad, everyone meet my son Max banner. 



Harriet starts having a panic attack because of all the shouting. Thor's shouting had remained of her uncle.  Fred and George notice quickly. They quickly take Max off her and give him to Loki. 

Fred: Harriet calm down. 

George: you're not with him. 

Fred: everything will be ok 

George: Thor was just shocked 

Fred: he isn't mad at you 

G and F: you need to calm down. 

Harriet slowly calms down and cuddles into Fred and George. 

Tony: What was that about? 

Harriet: Uncle Thor's shouting reminded me of the Dudley's. The people I have been living with.  And to answer your question uncle Thor. I have a son because i was r*ped by the person I thought I could trust, my headmaster. In April my 3rd year. And I'm going into 5th year. He was born on the 29 of December. 

F/G: wait! Dumbledore raped you. You said it was a stranger. That old goat! 

Loki: Dumbledore as in headmaster dumbledore of Hogwarts? 

Harriet nods 

Loki: I said I would kill him if he didn't leave my family alone. I'm so going to kill him now.  


Tony: What's Hogwarts? 

Thor: Hogwarts is that wizard and witch school you got a letter for when you were 11 in earth years that mother exploded over, right? 

Loki: yes it is. 

Thor: I thought you checked for Harriet being there 

Loki: I did and I couldn't find her or Fred or George. 

Harriet: That's because we were hidden as someone else. 

Natasha: as who? 

Fred and George: we was Fred and George Weasley 

Harry: I was Harry potter 

Loki: what!!! 

What will happen next? Read on to find out 

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