Chapter 10

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Warning: this cupidromantic is horrible at writing romantic scenes)

Bold = actions
normal = speaking
italics = Thoughts
italics and underlined = writing
F/g - when fred and George are talking at the same time.

~later that day~

Harriet was standing in her room trying to calm down while Loki and natasha was sat on her bed, With max on Loki's lap. Harriet was wearing a beautiful red shirt that was longer that the back than the front so it was kind of like a dress with Blsck leggings. She was wearing golden small heels. They had red lipstick on and gold eye shadow.

Loki: You are going to be fine..Max is going to be fine. You are going to have a romantic beautiful night with your Two mates. Me and the other avengers are going to be watching Max.

Harriet: I know. I'm just scared what if fred and George realise they don't want me any more because I'm damaged good?

Natasha: you aren't damaged good. and if they can't see you for how beautiful you are, they don't deserve you and you would deserve better than them. But they won't treat you like that because they love you and you three are mates.

Loki: And even better all the boys a probably threatening the twins right now so they won't hurt you. so everything will be amazing

Harriet nods taking a deep breath. Suddenly there was a double knock at the door. Harriet takes a deep breath before opening the door to see fred and George wearing suits

Fred: You

George: Look

F/G: breathtaking

Harriet blushes madly

Harriet: Thank you. You both look handsome

Fred: Are you ready my lady?

Harriet: One moment. Mother do yo-

Loki: Yes sweety. I have everything for max. I remember what he needs and what time everything is. now go have fun.

Harriet: Then yes I'm ready.

Fred and George link arms with her and apparate away with her. They arrive at a beautiful fancy restaurant at the sea side. George and fred take her inside and get the table reserved for Barns-Strange. They sit down at the table and look through the menu before ordering a romantic meal to share.

Harriet: How did you afford all this?

Fred: My dad paid for all this, it helps to have a rich dad.

They all laugh before the food soon arrives at their table. They all happily eat,making small talk hear and there.

~ time skip brought to you by meaning being romantically awkward~

After the romantic meal in the restaurant (that was all paid for in advance by Tony Stark), Fred and George decided to take Harriet to the beach. They walked hand in hand through the beach, Harriet on the middle. As the beautiful red sun sets in the distance. Before sitting down in the sand, Cuddling for a few hours. Cuddleing the turned to light kissing. Kissing turned into a make out that got heated. Fred quickly apprated them to Harriet's bedroom, George made then room sound proof and then . . .

~ Time skip brought you by me being ace ~

Once they were finished, They cuddled up together under the blackest, Harriet in the middle and slowly fell to sleep

What will happen? What happened with max and the avengers? will the avengers find out what the mates did? read on to find out

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