chapter 11

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Bold = actions 
normal = speaking 
italics = Thoughts  
italics and underlined = writing 
F/g - when Fred and George are talking at the same time.

~earlier that day before fred and George arrive~ 

Tony, Bruce, Steve, Bucky and Stephan were standing around Fred and George in the living room, glaring at them . Fred and George shrink into themselves out of fear.

Steve: So you're taking Harriet on a date? 

George: y-yes Papa we are.  

Stephen: and where are you taking her? 

Fred: We can't really afford to go to a restaurant so we are taking her to a nice romantic beach and we will have a picnic 

Tony: Nonsense. I will pay for a restaurant for you  

George: You don't have to 

Tony: To light already down heres the address 

Tony passes them a piece of paper, they look at it before nodding 

Fred: Thank you dad  


Stephen: Tony 

Tony: Sorry babe.

Bucky: You can't go quite yet. Bruce as something to say to you. 

Fred and George look at bruce as they gulp down the lump in their throats. 

F/G: Yes Mr Banner  

Bruce: You better treat my daughter perfectly and let her have an amazing head. If I hear you hurt her at all or if she had a horrible night or your break her heart, I'll let the big guy out who already wants to hurt you for even wanting to date Harriet.

Fred and George shakingly nod at Bruce

Tony: Now go have fun. 

Fred and George nod and run off to Harriet's room. A couple of minutes later, they all hear a POP.  A couple of minutes after that, Loki and natasha walk into the room, Loki holding Natasha. 

Loki: Wheres my brother and peter? 

steve: Thor is still on asgard talking to Odin and freya 

Tony: and Peter is just doing his spiderman rounds 

Loki nods and sits on the sofa with max. Everyone sits down and looks at Max. Suddenly Max starts crying and not just a tiny baby cry, he was ful on screaming and wailing. Loki bounces him up and down on their knee trying to calm him down but it wasn't working. Bruce went to the kitchen fo get some milk for Max. Bucky was holding his sensitive ears as they hurt from the loud crying. Natasha, Tony and steve were trying to find baby toys for Max to play with and to distract max from. And Stephen……. well Stephen was trying to stop everything from floating. Yep you heard me right. Stephen was trying to stop everything from floating. When Max started Flying, nearly everything started floating. the only things that didn't were things that are tied down and the people.  Bruce then rushed back in with a baby bottle filled with Milk and passed it to loki Who quickly started feeding Max. As soon as they started feeding max, everything that was floating dropped to the floor with a huge bang

Stephen: Tony go get max a baby blanket 

Tony nods and rushes off to get a baby blanket. By the time she comes back with it, Max was fast asleep in Loki's arms. Tony carefully lays the blanket onto of Max. abd everyone silently sits down again.

Tony: Question babe, why was everything floating? that's not normal right? 

Stephen: Max here had a sprout of accidental magic which made everything float. 

Tony: Oh 

Bucky: Hey guys, What's that smell? 

Everyone sniffs and then loki sniffs Max 

Loki: bagsy not changing Max's dapper.

Natasha/Stephan/bucky/Tony/Steve/bruce: Not me

Just then Peter walks in.

Peter: Hey everyone. What's goi--- is that a baby? 

Tony: Peter meet your soon to be nephew, Max. 

Peter: Aww he is so cute 

Loki: Peter Do you know how to change a baby's diaper without waking the baby? 

Peter: I think I do 

Loki: Alright then you can change him.  Bruce, dear can you set up the changing mat for Peter.   

Bruce nods and carefully sets up the changing mat. Loki carefully lays Max down without waking him up. Peter carefully changes Max's diaper without waking him before passing him to Loki. 

Peter: What do you mean by soon to be nephew, Mr stark? 

Tony: What have I told you about calling me Tony?  

Peter: Sorry Mr sta-- Tony. 

Tony: it's fine and cone on ill explain in your room. because it's a long story 

Tony and Peter walk off as Loki stands up..

Loki: I think it's best we all go to sleep. We don't know how long Max will stay asleep so it's best if we go to sleep to.

Everyone agree and goes to bed, Max being in a cot in Bruce's and Loki's room. Everyone went fast to sleep and so deep in sleep they didn't even hear The POP of apprating and the numbing silence of a soundproof spell. 

What will happen next? will the avengers find out what the mates did? will harriet, fred and George meet peter? Read on to find out. 

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