chapter 7

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Trigger warnings: mentioned Abuse, rape and panic attack. I'll tell you when you can skip 

Bold = actions 
normal = speaking 
italics = Thoughts  
italics and underlined = writing 
F/g - when Fred and George are talking at the same time. 



F/G: how dare they abuse our mate!  I thought they just neglected you and called you names

Harriet flinched at her mate's yelling which everyone noticed. Hadrian started hyperventilating thinking they were mad at her, not his relatives. Fred and George hugged Harriet tightly. And whispered into harriet's ear 

F/G: shhh it's ok we won't hurt you. We are sorry for yelling. We are not angry at you. Just them muggles who abused you. Calm down love. 

Harriet nods but couldn't bring her breathing back to normal. Fred and George  get harriet's hands and put it on their own chests 

F/G: feel my breathing and try to copy it. 

Harriet nods. She then tries to copy their breathing. She slowly calms down and gets her regular breathing pattern back. 

F/G: That's it, love. You did it. 

The avengers smiled at the three but then frowned at the thought of what caused Harriet's to have a panic attack. 

Bruce: How far did they go with the neglect and abuse? 

Harriet: At first it was just neglect. I was only allowed to eat the scrapes from their food if I was good. They would lock me in my cupboard without food for a week if I did something wrong. 

Loki: What do you mean "cupboard"? 

Harriet: I lived in a cupboard under the stars 

Tony: didn't you have your own room? 

Harrit: I only had a room for one summer because they were scared freaks like me would show up and they would be in trouble and they didn't want more freaks in their "normal" home. 

Fred and George growled 

F/G: you're not a freak. Love. 

Harriet nods 

Bruce: Can you carry on harriet? 

Harriet: Yes father. When I turned 3, Aunt Petunia started giving me a list of chores I had to do. By the time I was 4 I was doing every chore in the house except cooking the food because freaks like me are not allowed anywhere near the food because it will make the food freakies. If I didn't finish the chores in time or do them right, uncle Vernon would hit or kick me and throw me into my cupboard without food. When I turned 7, I started doing the cooking as well. If I didn't cook enough or burnt the food, I wouldn't be able to eat the scraps and my uncle or aunt would burn my arm and then hit me with a frying pan and then lock me in my room. My cousin invented a game called Harry hunting. It's where he and his friends chase me then beat me up and if I didn't run or join in, uncle Vernon would beat me until I was close to passing out than make me make dinner. This is how it was until I got my Hogwarts letter. When I got my letter the first time, uncle Vernon beat up and hit me with his belt because I asked a question and I had gotten a letter. Hagrid had come to collect me to get all my stuff for Hogwarts. When I got home my stuff was locked away and I was beaten to an inch on my life. The day I went to Hogwarts I was beaten one last time before going to Hogwarts. On the last day of Hogwarts in first year, I begged dumb-as-a-door to let me stay somewhere else but he said I had to come back to them because of blood wards. When I got back, they locked my stuff in the closet and gave me my cousin's second room. They put bars on the window and 16 locks on the door. My uncle started beating me with everything he could find, mostly his belt. Uncle Vernon would carve words into my skin like "freak", "unwanted" and "useless" and many more things. That's how the rest of my summer went until the Weasleys saved me and took me to Hogwarts. At the end of second year I begged dumb-as-a-door to let me stay with the Weasley's but once again I couldn't. When I got home I was locked in the cupboard again because I am a freak and freaks don't get a room. I get  beaten up more often that summer. I was kicked out because I used accidental magic. I then went to Hogwarts. Dumb-as-a -door raped and got me pregnant this year. I gave up asking a dumblewh*re for help. This time in summer I used my godfather as a way to stop the beatings. It lasted for a while. Halfway through summer the Weasley picked me up and I stayed with them until Hogwarts started. I had max at Christmas. At the end of Fourth year, I had started having nightmares and woke up screaming so I was dreading going back to my relatives because they would beat me for waking them up. When I got back to them, I was beat a lot because I kept waking them up. Today was the worst beating I had ever gotten. I accidentally broke a plate and used magic. Uncle Vernon was beating the "freakiness" out of me. Because of this beating I went through my creature inheritance. 


Loki, Bruce and Fred and George  hug Harriet. as she breaks down crying. 

Thor: I am going to get revenge on dumb-as-a-door and you're old relatives, my niece.

What will happen next? Will thor get the revenge he wants? Will Harriet get better? Read on to find out

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