Just Breathe

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I wake to pale sunlight shining through the windows, still laying on the couch. A light throb echoes through my head as I sit up groggily. Yesterday's fights are a little spotty in my memory but I distinctly remember the flash of pain from Iida's kick. I stretch lightly before checking my phone to find 2 messages from Kirishima.

hey L/n! hope ur doing better todya!

**today lol

I smile before sending a response.

yeah im feeling a lot better

would u be up to hang out?

yeah id love to

:D ok hang on

Moments after receiving the text, a knock echoes through my house and I open the door to find Kirishima and Kaminari grinning brightly.

"Hey, L/n! Ya ready?"

I laugh lightly, gesturing for them to come inside. "I just woke up, let me change real fast."

As the two boys step in, Kirishima begins to apologize. "Sorry! We were heading to the mall and your place is on the way so we wanted to invite you."

I smile reassuringly, "It's really fine. I'll be right back, sit tight."

Leaving the two teens in the living room, I dash into my room to change. In a clean set of clothes, I come back to the living room to see my two friends looking through one of the many medical books scattered around the apartment.

Kirishima looks up as I walk back into the room. "You've got a lot of medical books. Still up for giving some first aid lessons sometime?"

"Yeah, definitely."

Kaminari bounces on the balls of his feet, "Do you know anything about injuries caused by electricity?"

I nod, pointing to my room. "Yeah, I've got a book with a whole chapter for that kinda stuff."

His eyes gain a determined light, "Could you teach me later? Just cause I still have trouble controlling it..." He trails off, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Of course, I can go over some stuff with you guys when we get back if you want."

Both boys agree enthusiastically and we set out for the mall. The air is just chilly enough to be comfortable as we amble down the sidewalk, my two companions rambling about various topics. I feel a soft smile creep onto my face as I watch Kaminari gesturing wildly, trying to prove a point.

"Come on! It's so accurate though!" The energetic blonde turns to me, desperation in his eyes. "L/n! You know what's up! Doesn't Bakugou seem like a chihuahua?"

I can't help but laugh, "I don't know... maybe more of a pomeranian?"

"Why do you both go for small dogs? He's not even short!" Kirishima tosses his hands up in exasperation.

"Small dogs just give off this vibe!" Kaminari exclaims.

Soon enough we arrive at the mall, wandering for a while before deciding to get lunch from the food court. Once seated, I eat quietly and listen to the other boys talk about anything and everything. I zone out a little, watching the two interact. They smile so bright and warm. I find myself feeling lucky to know them.

After finishing, we decide to walk around a little more when Kirishima suddenly gasps and takes off. He skids to a stop ahead of us, practically radiating happiness.

"Hey! Bakugou!"

Kaminari and I are surprised to see the angry blonde and someone who appears to be his mom as we join the redhead.

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