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Over the course of my work-study, I'm asked to retrieve several other individuals and it's the same every time.

Hawks gets a call for us to return to Ms. Aoki's office.

She shows me a picture of someone.

I bring them back.

Officers take them away.

I'm reminded it is to remain confidential.

We're dismissed.

And every time, I discover something worrying about the people I'm bringing back.

Illnesses, injuries, poor living conditions.

There's always something concerning but I never hear about these people ever again. I bring them, they're taken away, and after that, it's as if they never existed. I'm left wondering what happens. I know Hawks agreed that even bad guys deserve proper care but... I can't help but feel there's something he isn't telling me.


I startle, looking over to find the hero watching me.

"You haven't touched your food. Not hungry?" He offers me an easy smile. "Make sure to eat some of it, at least. You're gonna be pretty busy today."


"Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you. I'll be leaving you to do a patrol with Endeavor this afternoon! I know it's your last day but I've got some things I need to do. His agency has already agreed to drop you off at the school tonight."

"...but why Endeavor? Wouldn't it make more sense for me to stay with your agency instead?"

"The Commission asked that you stay near headquarters just in case. Since Endeavor's agency is in the same city, it's just the most convenient place for you to go."

"In case they need me," I lower my voice, "to use my quirk again?"

"I told you, you shouldn't worry about that," Hawks sighs, leaning back in his seat. "Anyway, aren't your buddies interning with Endeavor? It'll be fun to catch up with them, yeah? You can show them your new move!"

I crack a smile at the thought of showing them what I've decided to call 'Sky Hopping.' Midoriya will no doubt be thrilled to hear all about it.

"Yeah, it will be nice to see them."

It isn't long after that discussion that Hawks drops me off at Endeavor's Agency and I find myself standing before the hero in question. His eyes stormy yet giving nothing away, it's impossible to tell what he's thinking. I find myself shrinking back, feeling nervous under this gaze.

"I only agreed to this because the Commission asked. We'll be moving at a fast pace so don't fall behind. Got it?"

I straighten up, nodding. "Uh, yes, sir!"

The hero gazes at me for just a second longer before walking off to address what I can only assume is one of his many sidekicks.

Midoriya runs over to greet me with a bright smile. "It's good to see you, L/n! How has your study with Hawks been?"

"It's been... interesting." I find myself nervous to respond. "I mean, I've definitely learned a lot but-"

"Yo, boy scout! What did he mean when he said the Commission asked? You're working with that cheeky bird, aren't you?"

"Oh, uh... the Commission is who assigned me to Hawks. They wanted me to stay in the same city so I'm here instead of Hawks' agency."

Todoroki furrows his brows. "Why does the Commission care about where you do your work study?"

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