The Next Next Step

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"I should've stayed with Midoriya and the others! It's all because you guys were running, you know! I didn't want you to be alone so I came along too!!"

I find myself silently agreeing with Kaminari's frantic words. Somehow, everything quickly went wrong and now Kirishima's a weird... blob thing.

"YOU CAN GET LOST THEN, DUMBSHIT!" Bakugou snarls, eyes on our current enemy.

"You think I can just leave now?! Look what he did to Kirishima!!"

The guy, from Shiketsu, begins to rant about skill or something. I tune him out, turning to the others. "S-so do you guys have a plan or-?"

I'm interrupted as he begins to use his quirk causing Kaminari to scream, ducking behind me.


Bakugou and the Shiketsu guy start arguing and in seconds the explosive blond blows the other's quirk away with his new technique.

"I call it: AP Shot Auto Cannon!"

He comes at us again and both of my peers attack. I pop forward, trying to get his attention but I remain ignored. He seems to be focused on getting Kaminari when Bakugou growls loudly.

"Don't you dare ignore me, bitch!"

"Who said I was?"

In seconds, Bakugou is also a weird blob and I take a step back.


Clearly not important to this guy whatsoever, I'm ignored as he rants to Kaminari before being shocked by the electric blond. I can only stand close to Kaminari, preparing to move him if necessary.


He's shocked again and this time it knocks him out. This appears to release his weird blob prisons and we're joined again by our peers.

"Thanks, Kaminari!!"

"Took your goddamn time, dumbass-!"

I interrupt them, pointing. "Guys... you weren't the only ones he got."

"Oh... I know."

We jump into the fray, taking out the people he had captured. I teleport around, tagging at random. Popping up to someone, I tag their third target and it lights up. "S-sorry!"

Behind me, Bakugou snarls while taking someone out. "Stop apologizing to them, dammit!"

After taking out two people, I decide to try out one of my new special moves as a distraction to help the others. Popping around quickly and unpredictably, I create the effect that I am in multiple places at once. I'm pleased to find it confuses quite a few of them.

"Well then, four more individuals have passed! That makes 82 in total, leaving us with just 18 more to go!"

Finishing up, Kirishima turns to me. "N/n! How'd you do that? You looked like you had clones."

I smile softly. "It's one of my new techniques. I call it Disperse Me. Basically, I just teleport around super fast and it gives off the effect that there's more than one of me. Pretty cool distraction, yeah?"


Soon we're on our way to the meeting place when Kaminari points ahead. "Hey! Isn't that Sero and the others? They did it! Awesome!!"

We're greeted by more of the class as we arrive.

"You guys all made it in one piece! I was so worried!"

Opting out of the conversation, I find my way to a bench and sit down. I glance up as Bakugou drops next to me. When he doesn't speak, I decide to remain silent.

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