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The first thing I notice is a quiet beeping. I fixate on it, and gradually, the world around me begins to take shape. I hear a quiet murmuring and force myself to open my eyes. The light of the room is blinding at first but my vision adjusts. I gaze around and notice Aizawa speaking with a doctor in the doorway.

When I move to sit up, the two adults suddenly turn their attention to me. The doctor walks over, speaking first. "Mr. L/n? Do you know where you are?"

"Hospital? I was..." Panic surges through me as I interrupt myself, turning to Aizawa. "Eri- is she okay? Did something happen again?"

Aizawa raised a reassuring hand. "Relax. Eri is safe. Worry about yourself."

The doctor nods, affirming his words. "You spontaneously lost consciousness and remained unresponsive for an entire week. Your vitals appeared normal, but the brain signals significantly decreased. We suspect it was the reaction that was mentioned in your... encounter. Unfortunately, though, we had to wait for the drug to naturally leave your system."

"I was out for a whole week...? But... the raid... Did everything go okay?"

Aizawa's brows furrow at my words and he turns to the doctor. "Can we have a moment?"

"Of course," the doctor replies, giving me a brief glance. "Someone will be by later to run a few tests and then we can discuss discharging you."

As the door closes, Aizawa moves closer to my bed. "The raid was successful in shutting down the Eight Precepts but there were... casualties."

"Casualties?" A wave of anxiety washes over me as I remember my friends who were supposed to participate. "Who...?"

"Nighteye passed shortly after the raid was completed."

That hits me like a punch to the gut. I'm completely still for a moment, not quite comprehending what he said. For some reason, I hadn't even considered one of the pros might...


A heavy sigh escapes Aizawa as he takes a seat on the edge of my bed.

"He managed to defeat Overhaul but was heavily injuried in the process. He made it to the hospital but after a few hours..." He doesn't finish but his grim expression tells me everything.

It feels like my heart breaks in slow motion as I make sense of the words. "I... he died? From the battle? I could've... if I hadn't been-"

Tears fill my eyes and I wipe at them self consciously. I wasn't close to Nighteye in any way but-

If I had been there...

Aizawa rests a comforting hand on my shoulder, meeting my eyes. "The responsibility lies with us adults. There's nothing you would have been able to do even if you had participated in the raid."

"B-but if I was there then maybe... I could've got him help before he-"

"There's no telling if that would have changed anything. I'm sorry."

Taking a moment to gather myself, I speak again. "Wh-what about everyone else? Are they okay?"

"All the interns are fine, though, Mirio... his quirk is gone. We're working to see what we can do."

" Eri?"

"There was a minor incident involving her quirk, but I was able to intervene. She's shaken up, but physically unharmed."

I nod softly before glancing up to Aizawa. "I... I'm glad they can't hurt her anymore."

"Me too."

He takes his leave after that and I'm left alone in my room. After a few minutes, there's a sharp knock on my door before it swings open.

"Let's see," Shinso-san steps into the room, reading what I can only assume is my file. "Looks like you're scheduled for some bloodwork and one final neurological exam. Once those are completed, you should be good to-"

Before the doctor can finish his sentence, the door swings open once again, and Hitoshi's head peeks in. His eyes brighten when he sees me awake, and he rushes to my side without hesitation.

"You're awake." His gaze sweeps over me, relief evident in his expression, and then he turns to his father, a scowl forming on his face. "You said you'd let me know when he woke up."

Shinso-san chuckles. "It seems like I didn't need to."

Hitoshi's scowl softens, and he focuses his attention back on me, concern etched on his features as he takes my hand in his. "How are you feeling?"

I offer him a weak smile. "I'm alright, just a little tired."

"Tired? You just slept for a week," he teases, a playful glint in his eyes. "If anyone should be tired, it should be me after all this time I spent waiting for you to wake up."

"You're always tired," I shoot back.

Hitoshi scoffs but his father clears his throat before he can respond, drawing our attention back to the doctor.

"As heartwarming as this reunion is, we should get going. L/n needs to complete the remaining tests, and then he can be discharged."

Reluctantly, Hitoshi released my hand, though a teasing grin lingered on his lips. "Fine. Just don't get into any trouble in the five minutes you're left unattended."

I huff a laugh. "I don't get into trouble that often."

"Yeah, right."

After the bloodwork and neurological exam, we return to the hospital room where Hitoshi is waiting patiently and, once the proper forms are filled out, I am officially discharged.

sorry this is kinda short
it's really nice to see that so many of you stuck around <3
i love and appreciate you all!

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