Family Conflict

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We're soon seated back at the dinner table with Fuyumi. I fidget nervously, keeping my eyes down and waiting for someone to say something. It's quiet for a while until Midoriya speaks up with a confused look.

"Your older brother..."

Fuyumi glances over to Todoroki, surprised. "You didn't tell them?"

"It's not exactly a conversation starter."

She looks down. "Natsuo and Touya were so close... They were always playing together. It was shortly after Mom went away... Her condition somehow got even worse to the point that Shoto couldn't even visit her..."

She pauses, brushing some hair out of her face and adjusting her glasses before continuing. "But she's overcome all that. Shoto's visiting her now and our family's looking towards the future more and more. Only Natsuo can't seem to let go. He believes that father... killed Touya."

My heart clenches and my mind flashes back to the man I met twice before. Burnt hands, voice rough and young. You can call me Touya. But keep it to yourself, he had said. The scars looked old and his eyes were oddly familiar but... it had to be just a coincidence. Touya isn't an uncommon name and-

I shake the memory away and focus back on the others. Bakugou leans back, glancing over to Fuyumi. "That explains the expression on his face."

Before anyone else can respond, Endeavor enters the room and the conversation is brought to a close. "I gotta bring the boys back to the school."

We follow him, gathering our things and soon we're ready to head back. Midoriya bows, thanking Fuyumi. "Thank you so much for the meal!"

In contrast to Midoriya's happy tone, Bakugou simply huffs. "Gimme that Mapo Tofu recipe."

Todoroki lets him know he'll have her text it and I offer the older girl a soft smile. "Uh... thank you for having us over. The food was great... I hope everything goes well for you all."

I hear Endeavor thank her quietly before she turns back to us, smiling softly. "Midoriya, L/n... Thank you for being Shoto's friends."

"Well, I mean... the pleasures all mine."

I nod at Midoriya's words, returning her smile. "He's a really good friend."

We're eventually ushered into the car but it's crammed with all four of us in the backseat. I sit between Midoriya and Bakugou, practically on the latter's lap, listening idly as Endeavor speaks.

"You boys gotta get stronger fast. In addition to weekends... You're to report in at least two days a week if you can shift your class schedule around." He frowns, his eyes shifting to me through the reflection of the rearview mirror. "Did Hawks mention anything to you about that?"

"No, sir," I shake my head. "He was kind of in a rush earlier..."

"Well," Endeavor huffs, "if he's too busy to train you then come back with them."

I blink at the invitation but before I can respond, Bakugou growls, shoving his head out the window. "Shouldn't the number one hero get a bigger car?!"

The chauffeur snaps back a clipped response. "Complaining about being chauffeured around?! Kids these days! Endeavor, since when do you give rides to slacker students?!"

"Since I was placed at the top."

"Are you saying one's position can change a person?"

Suddenly, something in the air shifts and I know there's something wrong.

"Something's not right..."

At my tone, Endeavor glances back but I just lean forward, looking out the front window. I just barely spot a figure in the center of the road. No, two figures. The second is held in the air by ropes or something.

My heart stops as I catch a better glimpse when we suddenly swerve to avoid hitting them. Natsou's panicked eyes gaze back at me and I feel a rush of concern. The car skids dangerously and the driver shouts something I don't catch as my quirk activates.

I appear in the air next to Natsou and with just one tap, we're across the street. The older boy, suddenly free from his bonds, stumbles as we reappear but I am quick to steady him. My eyes remain firmly on the villain even when Natsou grips my shoulder.

"WHAT?!" The villain snarls, enraged at the loss of his hostage. "NO, NO, NO! THIS ISN'T HOW THIS IS SUPPOSED TO GO!"

There's a blaze of fire and Endeavor launches from the car, landing just a few feet from the criminal.

"THAT'S ENOUGH." The hero booms and I swear I can feel the ground shake.

The man seems to grow manic at the appearence of the number one hero, seemingly forgetting his hostage is gone immediately.

"Remember me Endeavor?!" He croons, clearly excited.

Considering the situation handled, I turn my attention to Natsou.

"Are you hurt?" I quickly scan him over, looking for any signs of injury.

"No, I'm okay. That was-" He shakes his head. "Your quirk is amazing."

"Uh, I- thanks." I blink, caught off guard at the sudden compliment. My attention is pulled back to Endeavor when his flames brighten.

"-gave yourself your own villain name and everything! You're-"

"Yes, yes! Amazing! I'm tickled pink you remember! That's right, I'm Ending! Sorry Endeavor, but you gotta understand... No matter what I did, you always had so much I could never attain. I looked up to you! But I never had anything to protect! I'm gonna kill those interns, so please Endeavor, do the job right this time! You gotta kill me!"

He adjusts his quirk and suddenly the car is mummified as adrenaline floods my system. I pop back in the car and reach for the others. They react immediately, holding onto me. Midoriya grabs our costume cases just as I pop us out of the car and tosses them to us.


I catch my case and unlatch it, tugging on my cloak and Recall Lenses. Then, we leap into action and all hell breaks loose.

how silly would it be if that wasnt actually touya touya?
what if its just some guy with the same name covered in burns??

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