Never Ending

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"THE INTERNS! I'M FINALLY GOING TO RETAKE CONTROL OF MY OWN DEATH!" The villain bellows as we leap into the fray.

I'm at Natsuo's side again in less than a second, grabbing whatever part of him I can before popping us away from the fight. Midoriya, Shoto, and Bakugou are after the villain, Ending, in the same moment. I can hear yelling but I try not to focus too much on it.

"Don't worry, we'll-"

I cut myself off at the sound of a barely noticeable crunch and I glance over to see the villain staring at us. There a split second where I notice his quirk tightening around the car and I pull Natsuo closer to me.

The older boy instinctively throws an arm in front of me when the villain tries to use his quirk to throw the car at us but I pop us away as Bakugou intercepts, blasting the car into the air.

Ending whirls around and spots us again, eyes firey with rage and my capture weapon unfurls from around my arms. I panic and try to remove them but, before I can, I'm being strangled by my own weapon.


I stumble back with a wheeze, fingers pulling at the weapon in vain as it begins to choke the life from me.

From my peripheral, I see Natsou get recaptured and I reach out but he's pulled from my reach before I can make contact. The vice around my throat begins to tighten further and Natsou slips from my focus.

My fingers dig into the weapon but it's no use. His quirk has full control. I struggle to come up with some idea of how to get it off but my brain begins to fill with a hazy panic.

The fighting grows distant as a roaring grows in my ears. My vision darkens at the edges and I barely feel my back hit the ground.

I'm going to die.

Despite that realization, my thoughts drift to the people I retrieved for the commission. If I was doing the right thing then-

...why do I feel like I deserve this?

Just as my vision begins to fill with spots and my strength begins to fade, my capture weapon suddenly falls loose.

I suck in a hasty breath and immediately break into a coughing fit. Someone begins unraveling the weapon from around my throat as I fight to get some air.

When I finally can breath relatively normal, I notice the firm hand rubbing my back and find Midoriya kneeling at my side with a concerned look.

"Meraki, are you okay?"

"Does he look okay?!" Bakugou appears at my other side and tilts my chin up, analyzing my neck.

"M'fine." The words come out ragged and I wince.

Bakugou's eyes narrow but before he can say anything, Ending's voice cuts through the air. "STOP THAT, ENDEAVOR! Y'CAN'T GO ALL SOFT ON ME NOW! WHERE'S THE FEROCIOUS, ARROGANT FIRE?! THE DAZZLING LIGHT?! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MY HOPE! SO CUT IT OUT!"

He incoherent yells are drowned out approaching police sirens and Natsou appears shortly after his outburst. I don't even get a chance to ask if he's okay before my neck is being examined by the future doctor.

"It doesn't look too bad," Natsou murmurs as he probes gently at the injury. "It should heal quickly but you're going to have a nasty bruise."

"Recovery Girl can heal him." Shoto joins us, his stoic expression just barely disturbed by a furrow in his brows as he watches his father talk to the police.

The elder Todoroki nods, seemingly satisfied with the knowledge that I will be healed at the school. He takes a step back and shoves his hands in his pockets before speaking.

"You're pretty good at the whole saving thing." He blinks and turns to the others. "All of you are."

Shoto gives his brother a smile as Midoriya redirects the attention snd Bakugou pointedly ignores it.

"I'm happy you're okay," I smile.

"Deku and, uh..." He turns to Bakugou, "what's your hero name?"


Midoriya glances over. "It's just Bakugou, right?"


Midoriya lights up. "Oh! So you picked a name?! Tell me, tell me!"

Bakugou growls. "You're the last person I'm telling, so buzz off!"

Shoto raises his hand. "Could you tell me, then?"

"You buzz off, too!" His eyes turn to me and he huffs. "I'll tell you, I guess, but there's someone else I gotta tell first."

I offer him a soft smile. "I can't wait to hear what you picked."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Shut the hell up about it." He waves me off, shoving his hands in his pockets.

After the attack, we're taken back to the school. I head to my room and collapse on my bed. Ryu is staying in Hitoshi's dorm for now so he wasn't there to greet me but that was the last thing on my mind.

Despite my exhaustion, I can't seem to fall asleep just yet. The thought I had while I was choking haunts me.

If I was really doing the right thing... then why do I feel like the bad guy?

The guilt keeps me up until I finally can't keep my eyes open any longer and I drift off into a restless sleep.

new trauma just dropped!!!
guys i KNOW ending is only supposed to control the white lines on the road but if u think about it.,. the capture weapon looks so much like them yknow?

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