
460 35 16

I join Hawks' side, and soon after, Midoriya does too, sporting his patented 'Wow, A Hero' smile.

"My name is Midoriya!"

Hawks turns his attention to the green-haired teen. "The finger destroyer kid. I've heard about you from Tsukuyomi. Man, I really wanted to work with him again- not that Meraki isn't great! I'm glad to be working with such a nice kid!"

"Tokoyami...?" Midoriya frowns. "Didn't he return to your agency...?"

"I had him do some sidekick work in my hometown. My schedule has been packed with the Commission assigning me Meraki, you see... I felt kinda bad about it, but..." Hawks trails off, and I notice Bakugou staring him down.

The ashy blond narrows his eyes angrily. "I was faster back there, you hear?!"

"Haha, sure, kid!" Hawks chuckles.

Endeavor approaches us. "Well? What business did you have, Hawks?"

"It's not so much business, but... Endeavor, have you read this book?" Hawks reaches into his pocket and pulls out a book. Something in his eyes changes, and Midoriya mumbles the name aloud.

"The Special Ability Liberation Front..."

Hawks nods. "Man, it's incredible! Did you know?! They've been expanding like crazy recently! And they've been getting even more attention after the Deika City Incident!" He laughs, continuing. "Even though it's a pretty old book, it predicted our current society! 'If we only allow freedom to a certain few, the consequences shall fall on those who lack it.' If you don't have time, just take a look at the parts I bookmarked! What Destro wanted was the ultimate society! One where each person takes responsibility for themselves! A world where heroes aren't needed! Now is the time!"

"What are you trying to say...?" Endeavor questions.

Hawks' smile fades into a more serious expression as he holds out the book. "If that ever happens, Endeavor, both of us are gonna have too much time to spare! Please do take some time to read it, okay?"

Midoriya mutters to himself next to me. "The number two hero's book recommendation...! I want to read it too! Perhaps the secret to his speed is hidden within its pages..."

Hawks spins around, a brilliant grin on his face, as he pulls several books from inside his jacket. "If you're interested, I've got plenty of copies to spare!"

He tosses a copy to each of us as swiftly as he caught the villains.

"That's right! It's the age of the number two hero now! If you're looking for speed, these'll give you the power to read into the future!"

Todoroki speaks up, examining his copy. "He must really love this book... He's got so many of them."

"He probably keeps a few just to hand out."

"That's exactly right, Midoriya!" Hawks points a finger gun at the freckled teen, grinning brightly. "I'm recommending it to my friends and acquaintances across the country! Going forward, I think 'liberation' is going to become a founding philosophy of this society."

He glances back at Endeavor, his expression serious again. "At the very least, take a look at the parts I've highlighted. That's my recommendation as the number two. Well, we've gotta head out. Good luck with your internships, y'all! Meraki, let's fly!"

Before I can comprehend what's happening, I'm in the air with Hawks. I cling to the hero's arms as we ascend into the sky. The entire cityscape unfolds beneath us and an idea sparks in my mind as we touch down on the roof of a nearby building.

"Sorry for the sudden move. I just thought Endeavor would want to continue his patrol," Hawks says, stepping away from me as I turn to face him.

"I want to try something."

Hawks grins at that, his eyes glimmering with curiosity. "Shoot."

"I have an idea on how to better utilize my quirk, allowing me to do more. But it's just an idea, and it's a bit dangerous. I've never tried anything like it before."

"Well, now's the perfect time! You've got the undivided attention of the number two hero, after all. Walk me through the plan!" Hawks encourages me.

After a quick discussion, Hawks, perched on the edge of the roof, scans the surroundings, ensuring that we have a moment to experiment. With a nod of assurance, he gives me the go-ahead, inviting me to unleash the full potential of my quirk

Confident that with his presence I'll be safe, I gaze up at the sky and activate my quirk.

Suddenly, I'm suspended in the air, the cityscape stretching out below me. The view is more expansive than I could have imagined. I can observe the bustling traffic and the crowds of people moving along the sidewalks.

It's breathtaking.

But then, a jolt of panic courses through me, and I start to plummet. The rushing wind robs me of my breath, and fear overwhelms my thoughts. Regret echoes in my mind, drowning out everything I've been taught, everything I know. But then, Hawks' voice breaks through the chaos.

"The secret to being so fast is knowing how to slow it all down."

With great effort, I force myself to relax and take in the world below. I spot a building down the street and I push aside my fear, focusing on it. Suddenly, the air stills, and my feet find solid ground on a rooftop.

It worked.

I can do it.

A bright laugh escapes my lips, and before I can fully process the moment, Hawks lands in front of me, wearing a brilliant grin.

"Hey! Hey, kid! What if we got you some wings?" Hawks suggests, his eyes gleaming.

"Huh?" I'm taken aback by the idea.

The hero chuckles and waves his hand. "Not like my wings, but something similar. You could teleport into the air and fly- or maybe glide would be the right word."

As he continues to explain, I find myself captivated by the movement of his own wings. Their vibrant red color, their fluttering motions reminiscent of someone emphasizing their words with hand gestures. The feathers rustle gently with each movement.

"So, what do you think?" Hawks asks, eagerly awaiting my response.

"Huh?" I blink, momentarily lost in thought. "About wings?"

"Yeah! I can probably arrange something with the commission, and who knows? Maybe then I'll be chasing after you!"

"Wait, you mean during the internship? Don't I have to go through the school for costume modifications?"

Hawks dismisses my concern with a wave of his hand. "Usually, yes. But you're working through the commission. We can figure something out."

Later, as we sit down for lunch, Hawks' words about a world without heroes linger in my mind.

"...did you mean that? What you said about a world without heroes?"

Hawks gazes at me with a passive expression before answering. "Yeah, why?"

"Well, um, you're number two... I just wouldn't expect that from you, I guess."

He swallows the last bite of his tandoori and shrugs. "Think of it this way: wouldn't it be nice to live in a peaceful world with no more fighting?"

I furrow my brows, contemplating his words. "...is that possible?"

Hawks meets my gaze, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Do you believe that there's good in everyone?"

"Yes," I reply without hesitation.

He smiles, satisfied with my answer.

"Then maybe it is."

Silence settles between us as we finish our lunch, each lost in our own thoughts. The idea of a world without heroes lingers in my mind, intertwining with the exhilaration of my recent aerial experiment.

[They would only allow him to glide. He would still have to use his quirk to gain altitude.]

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