Time to Act

530 39 9

In mere seconds, Bakugou takes off towards the cage with the help of Uraraka's quirk while Todoroki freezes the villain's feet to the ground.

Following their lead, I pop into the cage and address the hostages. "It's gonna be okay. Everyone needs to hold onto me directly please...!"

Once I'm certain all the parents are in contact, I glance down to the class and teleport us down. A wave of exhaustion hits me and I stumble before righting myself.

A sudden explosion comes from the cage and I spin around to see it rocking dangerously, the support swaying. My blood runs cold at the sight of my peers still inside.

I don't hesitate, teleporting back into the cage.

Bakugou's angry voice greets me. "-at'd you do, dammit?"

"Like I said, the gates of hell await us all."

Something rolls from the villain's hand but I drop to my knees, reaching for everyone left in the cage. The villain turns to me as I snatch his shoulder, teleporting us back down just in time to see the cage collapse into the fire.

The man stands and turns to the class.

"Congratulations. The exercise is over."

"What does that mean...?"

"Somebody grab him. We gotta contact the school."

I fall back onto my back, a sharp headache forming from my quirk or the fumes- I'm not sure. I take a few deep breaths before pushing myself to my feet and speaking up. "We gotta find Aizawa sensei..."

"Me? I'm right here."

I'm confused to see him emerging from the nearby rubble, not a scratch on him. He saunters over, as if the previous events didn't just happen, and addresses the parents.

"Excellent work, everyone. Quite the convincing performance."

The parents break out into light conversation. He then turns to us. At our baffled expressions, he sighs. "Still don't get it? Let me spell it out: this was all a setup."


"The villain, too...?"

"Yes... We hired an actor from a theatre troupe."

"A what, now...? Oh, indeed. Apologies for menacing you kids the way I did!" The black clad man cocks his head almost sheepishly.

"Now wait just a minute! Wasn't this a bit much...? One wrong move, and somebody could've gotten hurt, or worse!" Yaoyorozu protests and I find myself almost agreeing.

Aizawa's response is completely tame in comparison. "We were prepared for the worst, so no, it was not 'a bit much.' Besides, pros are no strangers to danger, so an exercise with lower stakes wouldn't do you much good."

"I suppose that's true..."

Aizawa watches her for a moment before continuing. "Were you scared? Scared for your mother?"

"Yes. Quite."

"Words alone can't express your love for your families. When faced with losing them, however... This provided an invaluable experience." He scans the class as he continues. "A proper rescue demands strength, skill, knowledge, and decisiveness, but emotion can easily cloud judgement. Anyone hoping to become a hero can't very well be flustered by a family member in danger. This exercise, under the guise of 'Parents' Day' was meant to teach you all just that."

It's quiet for a moment before Kaminari speaks up, glancing at me. "What about L/n? Did he get that experience? His mom isn't even here."

His observation stings slightly and the teacher turns his gaze to me. "It's not just about keeping a level head. The people you aim to save- their lives are more than just their own, as they too have families waiting for them to come home as well."

He looks back to the rest of the class. "Take that to heart."

At everyone's acknowledgement, he continues to review the rescue. We struggled too much against a single villain and took too long. The stun gun was apparently an illogical option and talking as a distraction was just stupid.

Despite it all, we passed.

At everyone's relief, he adds one more thing. "I want one page on what you've learned from this, due tomorrow."

Everyone grumbles in despair before Iida raises his hand eagerly. "And what of our letters of appreciation? Another of your 'rational deceptions' to guise the true intent of this exercise, sensei?"

"Well, didn't writing that letter get you thinking about your family more than usual?"

"Indeed, it did." Iida easily accepted the explanation and class was dismissed. Aizawa thanks the adults and everyone drifts off to their respective parents.

I glance around, taking in the sight of everyone interacting with their parents when my phone rings. I'm happy to see my mom calling and I pick up eagerly.

"Mom? Where are-"

"Hello, is this Y/n L/n?"


"I'm afraid your mother has been in an accident."

My mind stalls as I comprehend the words, fingers clutch my phone tighter as I feel my breath catch in my chest. The world has narrowed to just me and the voice on the phone.


"There was an incident involving an injured child with an unstable quirk on a train. She was the first on scene to respond and managed to get the child in stable condition. However, there were...complications. Would you be able to come down to the hospital?"

"Y-yes. Of course."

I'm given the name of the hospital before they hang up and I drop my phone, mind going numb. Surprisingly, the first person at my side is Bakugou.

"Yo, boy scout... what is it?"

His gentle tone throws me off and it takes a moment for me to respond.

"Uhm... that w-was... The-there was an accident w-with my m-mom," I take a breath, closing my eyes. "Th-they need me t-to go to the hospital...?"

"Shit. Hang on."

A hand grips my own, grounding me. I hear footsteps approach us and I vaguely recognize Kirishima's voice. "Is everything okay?"

I try to respond but no words come to me so I simply shake my head. The ashy blond is quick to take control of the situation, calling over Aizawa.

His voice is quiet as he explains. "His mom was in an accident or somethin'. He's gotta go to the hospital."

Someone picks up my phone and pushes it into my hands before a warm hand rests against my back.

"Class is dismissed."

I'm led away before anyone can respond. A steady ache builds in my chest but I hardly notice it, the numbness spreading throughout my body as the words repeat in my mind.

I'm afraid your mother has been in an accident.

I'm afraid your mother has been in an accident.

I'm afraid your mother has been in an accident.

I'm afraid your mother has been in an accident.

I'm afraid your mother has been in an accident.

I'm afraid your mother has been in an acc-

also these chapters are probably about identical to the originals cus i am just very pleased with them

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