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It is late into the night on Jakku when two men begin their discussion in a large hut. A small BB-unit droid patrols the area.

It watches the calm village around itself. Nothing is moving anywhere near the village. It scans the area before coming to a halt in front of the hut. The air is cool on the normally hot desert planet but the droid can't tell. In the distance the lights of a ship can be seen.

The BB watches the ship suspiciously as it nears. In the blink of an eye, more ships appear in the horizon. The droid rushes to the door of the hut and beeps frantically. The droid's owner, Poe Dameron, looks towards the elder man, Lor Sar Tekka, concerned.

"We've got company," he says. The two men exit the hut quickly. Poe pulls out his quadnoculars and looks to the rapidly approaching ships. He yanks the quadnocs down and glances at Lor. "You have to hide."

"You have to leave. Go!" The old man yells. Poe turns to him, conflicted, before he finally nods, and hurries off. BB-8 follows. They rush past villagers who are arming themselves. Shots begin to be fired at the ships and the ships fire back.

Poe continues running to an X-wing fighter, parked at a distance from the village, hidden behind rocks. BB-8 trails after him.

"Come on, BB-8! Hurry!" Poe yells. He sends BB-8 to the droid socket and hops in the cockpit. He uses the controls to fire at troopers. BB-8 beeps as it fires at them as well. Poe urgently works the controls and the engine whines to life. But the troopers look towards the ship that ford at them and they send blaster fire at it. The troopers start to charge at the ship while continuing their fire. One of them hits the engine and it sputters to a stop.

Poe jumps from the ship and BB-8 exits as well. He reaches into the sack and pulls out a small data chip. He holds it out towards the small droid.

"You take this. It's safer with you than it is with me. You get as far away from here as you can. Do you hear me?" The droid tilts its head and beeps in confusion. "I'll come back for you! It will be alright." Poe turns and runs off towards the village. BB-8 whines and beeps worriedly before rolling away and off into the darkness of the desert.


A 17 year old girl researches a scavenged metal item on an old data pad. Her long, dark brown hair is pulled into a tight, low bun. A thin layer of sweat coats her forehead as she works in the small room connected to the service window. It is filled with scavenged items

"Come on. Come on," Rhy mutters hitting the side of the data pad trying to get it to load. The screen lights up and the girl smiles. "500 credits! Jackpot!" She exclaims and then labels the item before moving on to the next one. She looks into the bag and sees it is empty. SMiling, she gathers her things and heads towards the front of the little building. "Unkar, I'm done," she says.

"Anything good?" The crolute grunts out.

"A first generation fuel-engine transmitter. 500 credits," Rhy reports.

"Good. Good. Here's your portions," Unkar says dismissively, handing over 2 portions. "I'll see you tomorrow. Don't be late."

"I never am," Rhy says with a smile before beginning her trek towards the fallen AT-AT Walker she and her sister call home. She trudges through the thick sand, her tan tunic sticking to her skin from the heat. "Rey?" She calls out as she enters the walker.

"I'm out back," Rey responds. Rhy glances around the small interior and sees the remains of Rey's small dinner. Rhy prepares the two portions she has and brings them out back with her. She attempts to hand one to Rey but Rey shakes her head. "I've already eaten."

"Eat, Rey. You need it," Rhy whispers. Rey shakes her head but then her stomach growls and she sighs, taking the dish from her sister.

"Thank you," Rey says. Rhy nods. The sisters sit in silence for awhile, watching as the single sun sets in the distance. Rey finishes her meal first and walks into the walker. Rhy sits alone thinking.

Rey was miserable. Anyone could see it but still she stayed. She stayed because of her little sister. Rhy hated that she was why Rey didn't run off. She hated that she couldn't find it within herself to move on- that she still believed her parents would return for them no matter how many years had passed. She hated that Rey had to work so hard while she was sheltered from the weather. Rhy sat there alone until the air turned chilly.

Just as Rhy was about to go inside, she heard the beeping of a droid coming from off in the distance. It startled her as there was never anything of interest in this part of the desert. She walked over to the source of the sound carefully. At the bottom of a small dune, a teedo rides a luggabeast and its dragging a small white and orange droid in a net. It beeps frantically, struggling to free itself.

"Tal'ama parqual!" Rhy calls out at the teedo, ordering that the droid be released. The droid stops fighting and the teedo turns towards the girl. "Parqual zatana!" The teedo yells back threateningly but Rhy ignores it as she walks towards the droid and cuts it free. The teedo yells again and prepares to attack Rhy when Rey interrupts.

""What is happening out here?" She snaps angrily. The teedo backs off slowly as Rey glares harshly. The droid beeps tauntingly but Rhy bends down and quickly shushes it.

"Hush, now," she say sweetly. The teedo rides off and Rey turns angrily at her sister.

"Were you seriously fighting with a teedo?" Rey yells. Rhy flinches and looks up at her sister.

"He was going to take this droid and strip him for parts. I couldn't let him do that to this little guy. Look at him! Think of the price it'd fetch!" Rhy says, a small smile on her face. The droid backs away from her slowly, but is stopped by Rey. Rhy, knowing she won the argument, turns back to the droid and inches towards it. "Where are you from, little guy?"

The droid beeps and Rhy looks up at her sister, waiting for her to translate. Rey sighs, unable to satisfy the urge of her curiosity.

"Repeat that," Rey says. The droid beeps a few times than Rey looks at it with shock. "Classified?" she asks, intrigued. "Does that mean you aren't from this planet?" The droid beeps again and Rey smiles brightly. It was the biggest smile Rhy had seen on her sister in years.

Rhy was not near as happy. She knew her sister would dream of the galaxy that night. Then in the morning, Rhy knew her sister would help the droid no matter what. All she could do was hope Rey wouldn't abandon her in the process.

But still a bad feeling filled Rhy as she fell asleep that night. Rey had yet to come in, as she was still talking with the droid. When Rhy woke up in the morning, Rey was on her cot but the feeling still remained.

The Sister of Rey (KYLO REN ROMANCE)Where stories live. Discover now