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"Rhy? Are you ok?" Rey asks. She knows she is pushing it by visiting Rhy for a second time in one day but she just had to see her younger sister again.

"Go away," Ver says coldly. She wipes a few stray tears from her face as she sits up on the bed and glares at Rey.

"Rhy, please talk to me."


"Please Rhy. I can't stand to see you sad."


"Rhy, I felt like we were making progress. What happened today?"

"I can never be good," Ver says. "It is not in my blood." Rey looked at her sister with confusion.

"We have the same blood?" She questions. Nothing her sister was saying was making any sense.

"You have the good of our father. I do not. I am too much like our grandfather to ever be good. I stand no chance."

"Rhy... do you know who are parents are?" Ver nods.

"I belong to the dark side, Rey. Nothing can change that. I will no longer allow you to be my weakness. I will not repeat the mistakes of our grandfather." Ver stands and turns away from Rey. "I may be unable to control these chats, but I will no longer be participating. You are my weakness, Rey and I will let you hold me back no longer."

"Rhy, who are our parents?" Rey asks desperately.

"Nobodies," Ver responds coldly. "They were nobodies but they could have been everything." She opens her bathroom door and slams it shut behind her.

Snoke allows Ver to process all he said for three days before he calls for her.

"Are you ready to take the next step, child?"

"Yes, Supreme Leader. What must I do?" Snoke smiles cruelly at the girl in front of him.

"The leaders of the resistance are showing their faces, overly confident in their victory at Star Killer Base. Hunt them down, use all your might, for the good of the order." Ver looks surprised at Snoke, understanding what this mean instantly. Ver was going to have to go after Rey and her friends and she could not be weak again. The First Order had no room for weakness.

"I understand, Supreme Leader. I will not let you down ever again." Snoke smiles at the girl.

His cruel smile would cause many to back away but Ver stands her ground as she meets his eyes. Snoke dismisses her with a wave of his hand and Ver marches out and turns toward passing troops.

"You!" She calls, The trooper looks around, worriedly. "Come here. I need copies of all the Resistance files the First Order has. Deliver them to my chambers," she orders.

"Yes, ma'am," the trooper says before rushing off.

Ver finds her way to the training room where she looks around at the room that looks so similar to the one she first started training in.

"You have a choice to make now," Kylo had said. "I will respect whatever you chose. Your first option is to go home. I will personally fly you back to Jakku and leave you there, no harm done to you at all. But you have another choice, Rhy. I see the way your eyes light up when you use the Force. I see how you enjoy the power. I can teach you more. It won't be easy, I can promise you that. It will be hard but you will be made powerful. The world will fear you. You will rule it. But you will never go back to Jakku. You will have to give up on your hope for your parents, for Rey. You will join the First Order and help bring order to the galaxy. It's you choice."

Ver had done all she was told to except for one thing- she had not given up hope for Rey, or rather she had allowed Rey to be her weakness. Now she was to go after Rey. She must remove her weakness.

Kylo had asked her to choose between being weak and being powerful. Rhy was weak, Ver knew that now. But Ver was strong and it was high time she started acting like it.

It was time for the Resistance to end. It was time for Ver to end Rey once and for all. Neither could thrive if the other survives.


I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter but everything that occurred is critical to the story later on. Hopefully you all like it :)

Let me know if you guys have any ideas/scenes you want to see. I have an outline of what is going to happen but I am always open to adding to it.

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