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Kylo landed his ship a few yards away from the violent swirling sand sphere.

"Ver!" He screamed into the storm. No one answered. Kylo tried to push his way in and was thrown back many feet. It did not stop the sith emperor. He rushed forward again but then paused before the protective sphere. He gently placed his hand on the outside of it and called to the force. Slowly the sphere parted as if it were water and Kylo entered. "Ver," he whispered as he found his love floating slightly above the ground.

A creepy ghost of a smile painted Ver's face.

"Ky," she whispered.

"Hello, doll. You promised you would return to me as soon as possible. This does not seem very soon to me," Kylo said as he pulled Ver down from her floating and into her chest.

Ver looked up at Kylo and her eyes glazed for a fraction of a second before clearing up. The sand sphere around them calmed to a peaceful swirl.

"I saw something, Kylo. It was something important."

"What did you find, love?"

"There was a dark temple on a sith planet. It was a place of the legends."

"Korriban?" Kylo asks. Ver shrugs.

"Perhaps. There was something there, something powerful. I think I woke it up."

"You woke it up? What does that mean?" Kylo asks confused.

"The Secrets of the Sith- they are real and I think I just woke it up from its slumber. It wants to help us."

"Ok..." Kylo says skeptically. "How do we get there?"

"It showed me a map. We have to find the pieces of it. Then the galaxy will finally find peace. We will finally find peace."

"Lead the way, doll," Kylo whispers before he dips his head down and kisses her.


Rey pilots her ship down to the surface of Abelor. She uses the force to find her sister but her shoulders sagged when she saw Kylo Ren's ship already there. The Whisper sat a few yards away from a peaceful swirling storm of sand. Deep in Rey's gut, she knew she should turn around and go home but Rey couldn't bring herself to do such. She had to see her sister. She had to try to save her.

Rey landed the ship not too far from Kylo's and she slowly exited the ship.

"Rhy?" She called out gently as she approached the sandy sphere. "Rhy?"

The sand turned more violent, no longer peacefully swirling around whoever was inside.

"Rhy? Please! I just want to talk!" A red light flashed just before the sand crumbled to the ground. Rey jumped back just in time, as she was warned by the force. Kylo Ren stood before her, anger seeping from him. Behind him, Rhy stood, her head tilted to the side, observing her elder sister.

"You feel bad," Rhy muttered. "You regret your betrayal."

"Of course! I never meant for that to happen, Rhy," Rey jumps at the chance to apologize. But Kylo sneered.

"Liar," he spat out. Rhy walked forward and whispered into his ear. A moment passed between the two before Kylo backed away slowly and walked onto his ship.

"My name is Ver." She stepped forward as her rage began to build. "It's too bad you didn't mean to betray me, this time. Or perhaps you meant the time before that or the time before that. If you didn;t keep apologizing, I might have honestly admired you. You could be just as strong and ruthless as me. But that is not the path you have chosen, now is it? You chose the path of our father. I choose the path of our grandfather. I will not apologize for that. I will apologize for not thanking you sooner."

"Thanking me?" Rey asks, confused. Her emotions were all over the place as she listened to Rhy's rant.

"Without your betrayal on Jakku, I would never have learned my true purpose." Rey flinched. "My purpose is to rule as Empress. My purpose is to bring peace to this galaxy."

"Rhy, Leia has a theory about your purpose. I need you to hear it." Rhy waved her hand.

"I'd really rather not. Instead I'd like to warn you. The future of the First Order is coming. This will be you and the Resistance's last chance to back down. There will be no mercy in what follows. Please do not stand in my way." Rhy turns to leave but Rey stops her with the force. Rhy whips around and glares. "Do not dare try to stop me, sister."

"Rhy... Please listen. Leia and I think we discovered something important." Rhy pushes the force against Rey as the hold it has on her starts to loosen.

"I do not care. Watch yourself, sister, I will not save you the next time your head is on the chopping block." Rey stumbles back her hold breaks.

"We are family! We are sisters! I won't let you turn your back on us." Rhy let out a cruel laugh.

"You turned your back on me on Jakku. Our family is broken. It has been since Eva." Rhy paled. In her anger, she revealed something she hadn't meant to.

"Who was Eva?" Rey asks carefully. The air crackles with electricity.

"Our grandmother. She's dead, just as every other member of our family. Do you remember what you said to me all those months ago?" Rey shook her head. "You told me this family would end in death, I responded with just as it began. We are in existence because of Eva's death. Our power comes from our grandfather. You chose the path of our father but I chose the strength of dear old grandpa. They both lost in the end but I will not. I will win and rule the galaxy in peace. It is my destiny and you will not stand in my way."

"Rhy who is our family?" Rhy ignores her elder sister. Blue lightening dances at Rey's fingertips.

"Must I spell it out for you, sister? I don't think it can be anymore obvious." Rhy sighs, the lightening disappearing as quickly as it came. "I do not wish your death as I used to but I will not prevent it any longer. Be warned, sister. I am the Empress of this galaxy- you do not want to cross me." Tears fall from Rey's face as her heart breaks and fractures. 

The Sister of Rey (KYLO REN ROMANCE)Where stories live. Discover now