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Ver meditates in her and Kylo's room on their ship. But she finds herself unable to focus, thoughts of Dameron's words flood her mind. Her judgment was clouded by a weakness for her sister. She had to get over it. But how?

Ver floats down onto the bed and calls to her holocast. With a sigh she stands and sets it on the bed before calling the Supreme Leader.

"Ver Loren," Snoke says as he answers, "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Supreme Leader," Ver begins, "I am in need of your expert guidance." Snoke gestures for her to continue. "On our last mission, I encountered a man by the name of Poe Dameron. He claimed to be friends with Rey."

"Your sister?" Snoke questions, his scarred face gives nothing away over the hologram.

"Yes, Supreme Leader. I became confused and conflicted."

"Perhaps you have been away from me for too long. I want you to come back. Tonight."

"Of course, Supreme Leader. Kylo and I can be back within an hour."

"No," Snoke says.

"No?" Ver questions, shock and confusion on her face.

"Kylo will continue conquering planets for the First Order. Only you will return. Do you understand, child?"

"Yes, Supreme Leader. Thank you for your guidance." Snoke disappears from the holocast and Ver lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Never has she been without Kylo. Ver sighs before embarking on a search for Kylo. She finds him practicing his footwork in the training room. He's not wearing a shirt and Ver finds herself gaping at his strong, large muscles.

"Doll? Are you just going to stand there?" Ver is snapped from her trance and she blushes a deep red.

"Sorry, Ky. Um, I was just speaking with the Supreme Leader and I have been called back to The Supremacy," Ver rushes to say. Kylo nods.

"When do we leave?" He asks.

"Ky... He only wants me to return- only me."

"What?!" Kylo snaps. Fear fills him as he thinks of his last conversation with Snoke.

"She is a weakness!" Snoke had snapped at him.

"No! She is strength," he argued back. "Together we would be unstoppable!"

"Together you are each others weakness. The girl has enough to worry about with her sister and sudden power. She needs to grow on her own. I am sending her to her own planets." Snoke waves his hand as to dismiss Kylo but he is ignored.

"With all due respect, Supreme Leader, I have to refuse. She has much still to learn and I will not part with her. She needs my protection and guidance."

"Do not be weak like your father!"

"I am not weak!" Kylo screams.

"Be done with the girl," Snoke says calmly.


"One day you will regret this. I will make you regret this."

"No," Kylo says once again before he stomps out.

"Don't worry," Ver says, mistaking Kylo's fear of Snoke's promise as fear for herself. "I'll be fine. I doubt I'll even be gone long." Kylo steps forward and gently presses a kiss on Ver's forehead.

"I'll miss you every second you are gone." Ver grins.

"I'll miss you more," Ver responds. Kylo smiles and walks her towards her ship, The Power. Ver begins walking up the ramp but Kylo grabs her arm and turns her around. He pulls Ver close to him as he whispers in her ear.

"I love you," he says softly, his lips brushing against the outer edge of Ver's ear.

"I love you, too," Ver responds with a smile. Then she walks up the ramp without looking back once.

When Ver is about 10 minutes away, she feels a presence she had not felt in many months.

"Sister," she says coldly as she turns in her pilots seat to see her sister standing next to the wall.

"Rhy," Rey breathes out happily. "How are you?" She carefully asks.


"Good. Good. I heard you met my friend, Poe." Ver flinches and does not respond. "He said you had a good talk."

"I don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about," Ver snaps.

"Oh, well that's ok," Rey says. She had prepared for this conversation for months now. She was not going to waste it. "He was telling me that you and Kylo Ren are together?" Ver smirks.

"And what if we are?" Rey takes a breath, willing herself not to get angry.

"Then I would hope he's treating my little sister well." Ver gapes at Rey, not expecting her to stay so calm.

"H-he is," she says.

"Good. Good. He better be." Silence sits between the two. "What have you been up to?" Rey asks.

"The usual," Ver responds, her cold mask slipping back on.

"And that is..." Rey prompts.

"Training, conquering, meditating."

"That's nice," Rey responds, ignoring the conquering part of Ver's statement. "How is your training coming along?"

"It's easy."

"That's good." Nothing more is said for a few minutes. Finally Rey speaks once more. "I miss you, Rhy."

"My name is Ver."

"I don't care what your name is," Rey responds gently. "You are my sister and I love you. You could go by Unkar for all I care." Ver laughs a little, remembering their past, and Rey smiles. "But seriously. I miss you."

Ver's face hardens and her mask returns.

"I have to go," she says, the coldness returning to her voice.

"Ok," Rey says, not wanting to push her sister anymore. They made good progress. "I'll see you around," Rey says before disappearing into the force.

Ver stands in shock for awhile. Rey hadn't pushed her in the slightest and had been open to her relationship with Kylo. It was odd but refreshing.

Ver lands her ship in the hangar of The Supremacy, grabs her gold mask and attaches it to her head. She opens the ramp and exits the ship. Officers and soldiers line the path out of the hangar.

"Welcome, Ver Loren," General Hux says stiffly. Ver nods slightly at him.

"Hux. What a pleasure to see you again," she says, sarcasm dripping from her voice. "The Supreme Leader has requested my presence. Where might I find him?" Hux flinches at her cold tone.

How did he once feel this girl was easily manipulated? She was the living definition of stong and cruel now.

"The Supreme Leader is in the throne room. Shall I escort you?"

"That will not be necessary, general. I am quite capable of walking myself there." Her glare makes Hux scowl.

"I merely meant to be helpful. It has been quite sometime since you have been on The Supremacy." The nearby officers glance nervously between the two.

"And I informed you that your presence is not necessary. Although if you wish to make yourself helpful, my ship could use a good clean." Hux turns a deep shade of red. Ver gives a small laugh as she walks past him. 

The Sister of Rey (KYLO REN ROMANCE)Where stories live. Discover now