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I recovered from my dads death quite fast, i mean, i feel more free now that he's gone. No body knows what happened to him but Deaton says it was some kind of supernatural creature.

"Amelia! Open up!" Stiles was knocking on my bedroom door.
"hang on!" i put my hair in a ponytail and opened the door, "Hey Stiles? How did you even get in?"
"i have a front door key, dumbass!" He laughed, as he waved the keys in my face.
Stiles grabbed my hand, "you coming to school then?" we laughed and got into his jeep.

We arrived at school. Everyone seemed so normal, considering what happened last night.

I sat next to Corey in geography, at least i had someone i liked in my class.
"Hey Amelia!" he said excitedly, "have you worked out your witchy powers yet?"
i sighed, "nope.."
He smiled as i sat down.

CREAK! CREAK! All lesson the fan in-front of me had been screeching. I remember Deaton saying i needed to focus, really focus.
I need to concentrate on the object. I stared at the fan.. watching its every move. I lowered my head and glared. I concentrated.
BANG! The fan stopped moving. I had completely destroyed the wires connecting to the fan. i smiled in shock.

"did you just-?" Corey looked at me, more shocked than i was.
i nodded and we giggled.
Maybe Deaton was right? Maybe i am a witch?

"Guys! Guys!" i ran over to the pack, "Guys!"
They all turned around with smiles on their faces. I sat down, "I stopped a fan from working! I did it! I blew up the wires!"

"No way!" Malia said, "badass!"
"Oh my god!" Stiles was shocked, "With your mind?!"
"Have you tried anything else?!" Scott asked, giving me a hug.
"Try and crush this can.." Lydia places a Cola Can in-front of me. I concentrated. Focused.

BANG! I shrivelled up in-front of me. The pack cheered me on. I was feeling epic.

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