Storage Room

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The storage room looked so old. Everything screeched.
"Maybe there's nothing—" i said, i looked over at Lydia standing above two dead bodies. I pray one of them isn't Stiles. I cover my mouth with my shaking hand.

Two teachers.
One of them was my history teacher. Their necks both snapped. Scratch marks all over their body. Blood oozing out of the deep wounds.

"Holy shit!" i stand their, next to Lydia. I try to comfort her but she just looks into the distance.
Isaac gets closer to the bodies, "guys look!" he whispered, "These wouldn't aren't normal wounds. They have gas coming out. Almost fresh burns.."
We all look. Isaac was right. These weren't normal wounds.

Something screeched in the background. Like someone dragging their nails on a chalkboard.
Isaac covers his ears, "what is that?"

"If they are fresh wounds... they were only done a minute ago-" i stop myself from talking and put a finger over my mouth.
Isaac realises.

Suddenly, i catch a glimpse of what looks like a human. He had razor-sharp claws that illuminated blue in the dark. His fangs were double the size of Scott's. The blood dripping of the end of his claws made Isaac shiver.

We scatter around the storage room. Hiding in any place we can find. Isaac and i hide behind boxes and Lydia crouches behind a wall.
The beast hasn't noticed us yet, luckily.
He walks around slowly, dragging his feet on the floor.
I take a deep breathe and look at Lydia. She is still trying to process what just happened.
Isaac crouches next to me, i feel his warm breathe brushing against my cheek.

The man finally leaves. A blood trail follows him out. I take a deep breathe, "are you guys okay?" i whisper, "what was that?"

"He was some kind of werewolf, he had claws that could electrocute you." Isaac replied, "why is he even here?"

"Maybe he's looking for a pack?.." i pause, "an alpha!!"

We run to the door. Trying to warn Scott.
"It's locked!" Lydia shouted, trying to open the door.
"Shit!" Isaac said, freaking out, "no! no! no! no!"

The storage room was small. It was at the bottom of the school. It had a steal door which locked from the outside.

"Isaac.. calm down!" Lydia shouts to Isaac, who was freaking out.
Isaac puts his hands on his head and collapses to the floor.

"Isaac! What's wrong?" I ask, i crouch beside him. He doesn't answer. He breathes faster.

"His parents used to lock him in the freezer.." Lydia replies for him, "He's claustrophobic. Almost traumatised by small spaces.."
I look at Isaac as a tear runs down his face.

"It's gonna be okay, Isaac.." I said calmly, "we are gonna get out of here!"

I stand up and look at the steal door. I concentrate. Focus. Everything goes quiet.
I clench my left hand and put my right hand in-front of me.
My hand starts shaking as i concentrate on unlocking the door. Blood oozes out my nose.
I quickly tilt my head to the size.
BANG! The door flies of its hinges and falls to the floor.
I smile, looking around at Isaac and Lydia.

"Badass!" Lydia smirks, then she gets Isaac

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