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The school bell echoed in my ears.
"ahh!" I covered my ears tighter.

"Amelia, you have to go to your lesson.." Scott said, "You are gonna be okay!" He lifted me up onto my feet.

I entered my lesson and sat down.
We had a test today, hopefully Stiles' studying will help me pass.
We started the test. I couldn't make out what anything said. The letters danced on the page.
Everyone's pencils rubbed on the paper. Louder and louder. Mason clicked his pen over and over. A girl bounced her heels on the floor. Everyone breathed so loudly. Hayden chewed on her gum. i could hear every movement.
I closed my eyes. Tried to block everything out. But it became louder.

An excruciating pain rippled through my fingers. Causing me to wince. I couldn't do this! I shut my test paper and ran.
I covered my ears down the haul.

"Scott? Malia? Isaac?" i whispered, hoping they could hear me with their super-hearing.
My nails grew longer. My teeth ached. I felt dizzy. My head spins. Everything got louder. Somehow, i could still hear Hayden's chewing. I start running down the corridor, "SCOTT!" i scream, "SCOTT HELP!"
My feet dragged behind me, "SCOTT!"

All the classes came out to the corridor, wanting to see what had happened. They crowded around me, whispering stuff i shouldn't be able to hear.
"what's wrong with her?" one boy said.
"i heard she's a psychopath!" a girl said, telling her friends.

"I-i need.. Scott!" I told them, yet they just stood there.
I fell to the floor and curled up.
My head was buried in my knees. I rocked back and forward, "go away go away go away" i whispered.

A hand held my shoulder. Another lifted me up. It was the pack. They carried me to the changing rooms.
"Scott i couldn't make it stop!" i cried, as he placed me on a bench.

"Amelia just breathe!" Stiles panicked, "count my fingers.."
Stiles tried his best, but this wasn't a panic attack. Pain swallowed my body.

"Oh my god! Her eyes!"  Lydia said, as she looked at Scott.

We placed Amelia on the bench and held her down. She was screaming and crying in pain.
Her nails were claws and her teeth were growing into fangs.
Lydia panicked, "Oh my god! Her eyes!".
I looked at her eyes. They weren't yellow.. they were orange? I'd never seen a werewolf with orange eyes before, only blue, red and yellow.

"I'll call Derek!" I said, getting out my phone.

I continued to scream. The pack held me down underneath the shower.
"stop! STOP!" i screamed, trying to fight back. Scott was stood in the doorway, ringing someone called Derek. Apparently, Derek helped him when he first became a werewolf.

"PLEASE! STOP!" i shouted, i wriggled around, trying to get them off me.

"Amelia, we are doing this to help you!" Malia shouted over my screaming.
I couldn't do it. The cold water burned my skin.
I lifted my head up and glared. My hand shaking in-front of me.

"let me go." i said, i pushed them away with my mind and they fell to the floor. I looked shocked. I didn't know what was happening to me.
I tried to run but a man wearing a leather jacket stood in the doorway. He looked impressed by my powers.

"You must be Amelia.." he said calmly, "I'm Derek." His eyes glowed blue.

I stood back, horrified.

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