xiao | rejected

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kokdiesjfhg tbh I wrote this one-shot when i was high lmfao so uuhhhh yeeepppp

The night was cold.




Lightning struck.

Rain poured.

You were running through the pouring rain in the dark of the night, barely being able to avoid the lightning preparing to strike you. Soon enough, it did strike you. Maybe you should've taken that as a 'today's not your day'.

You stumbled to the ground, it hit you way too many times and if you were being sarcastic you'd say the pain was equal to the verge of death.

Tears threatened to roll down your cheeks as you continued to crawl over the wet floor.

You were really going to need a bath once you got home.

During these times of pain, you could only think about one thing. One person. Xiao.

"Xiao..." you muttered, hoping to see your knight in shining armour come to your aid.

No answer

"Xiao..!" you tried to scream, but you were too weak and your throat was already clogged up enough from your choking tears.

You could see a pair of shoes infront of you, but before you could look up to see the face you'd already passed out and were safely in the arms of your saviour.

A few hours later, you woke up to a ray of sunshine and a blob of teal before you.

"You okay..?"Your eyes widened and you shot up

"X-Xiao! Ouch- my head-" and before you knew it you were plopped back down on the bed again

"You need to rest, Y/N.."

The rays of the sun gave you hope. Although he would deny it, you knew Xiao cared for you by atleast the slightest. T

Taking a deep breath, you made up your mind.

"Xiao.. I- I like you! No, I love you! I-"He leaned forward and placed the back of his hand on ur forehead

"Y/N.. Your forehead is burning.. please, go to sleep.."

"N-No, Xiao wait- I'm not-" but before you could finish, he was already out of the room

"I'm not joking..."...Tears pricked your eyes once again, and you gave in. You hid under the covers and sobbed yourself to sleep.

Waking up a few hours later, you found a note on the bedside. The contents broke your heart.

You'd ruined your friendship with Xiao. All because of those few rays. Those few rays of hope. You never believed in love again, or hope for that matter. If you couldn't have your first and only love, you wanted no one.

I have actually not changed anything from how it was first written on the playlist bc I can literally not be arsed so yep.

idk bout yall but school starts for me again aaaa I literally spent my whole holiday playing genshin and yet I'm not even tired of it.

anyways stay safe and take care of urselves bye !!

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