⤻ kunikuzushi ♡ kindness ,, 、!

949 21 37

im outside
hurry up
--> [yn] reacted 👍

As soon as you saw scaramouche's messages, you ran out the door, trying to get to his car as quickly as possible without getting soaked in the rain.

Luckily, his car was parked only 1 or 2 cars down from your house, and you entered the passenger seat hastily, bumping your head whilst doing so (me fr)

You rubbed your forehead with your index finger, cursing when you felt a little bump. Nevertheless, you dismissed the tad bit of pain, turning your head to look at scaramouche

"well? how do I look?" You smiled at scaramouche teasingly, a smirk playing at your lips


his comment left you speechless, not expecting an answer like that at all

"well, um, where are we going?" you coughed into your palm, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach

scaramouche smiled a little at your attempt to play off your embarrassment, shaking his head

"wherever you want"

"oh." you smiled sheepishly "I think you should choose for me, I'm quite indecisive"

"...okay, well, you like to feed ducks, don't you..?"

Your face softened at his question "it was what I was doing when we first met. I didn't think you'd remember"

he scoffed at your comment "You looked like you were fucking in love with the ducks, how could I forget something as pathetic as that"

You rolled your eyes at his remark, your lips curling up into a smile

"Alright, kuni, lets go to the park" You put your seat belt on excitedly, connecting your spotify to the radio, so you could put yours and scaramouche's shared playlist on

: 🌱 :

You and scaramouche walked hand in hand through the park, you swinging them ever so slightly causing scaramouche to groan at your adorable antics

"Aww, we don't have anything to feed the ducks, kuni!" The both of you neared towards the river, where there were a few ducks waddling around.

On seeing scaramouche, you supposed, they hastily retreated back to the water, earning scaramouche a light punch from you for scaring them away

"You scared them away!"

"Hey!" he hissed at the sudden punch "It's not my fault they're scardycats. I didn't do shit"

You rolled your eyes at his comment, walking closer towards the water to try and get the ducks to come back.

Seeing this as an opportunity for revenge, scaramouche inched closer to you, softly pushing you towards the water, before pulling you back

Or so he planned. You lost balance and fell into the water, scaramouche frantically trying to grab your arm as you fell

"Oh sh-- y/n??? Im so sorr- I" He bent down to help your shivering body up, instantly feeling terrible for his, what was supposed to be, harmless prank

He hauled you up to your feet and pulled you closer to his body, wrapping his jacket around you as he looked around, making sure no one was secretly watching the scene unfold

"k-kkkkkkkuni?" your teeth chattered at the cold, barely enabling you to say a small word

"yeah?" he mumbled into your hair, almost inaudible "im sorry"

"i-its okay. c-can we go b-back to my h-house?" albeit being a little upset, you smiled at scara's cuteness, appreciating the worried side of him you dont get to see often

"yeah ofcourse, lets go"

He keeps you close to his body the whole journey back to the car, rubbing up and down your arms to create friction. On reaching the car, he quickly fetches a few blankets from his boot and wraps you in them, trying his best to do whatever he can so you dont catch a cold because of him

Although it may not seem like it, scara was capable of showing kindess and remorse. That being only to you, the thought of it making you all giddy inside

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